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(37M) Just finalized divorce yesterday, and it feels great AMA

I wish I had found this sub years ago. Reading through these posts is really eye-opening and I see so many similarities to my own marriage.
Long post ahead.
I married at 18 for all the wrong reasons. She was 21. We were high school sweethearts. We were in love, but, in retrospect, neither of us were ready to get married. I kind of knew it at the time, but I went against my gut and did it anyway. We were married for 19 years. No kids.
There were so many red flags over the years, but, in my eyes, none of them were worth ending the marriage.
I never cheated. To my knowledge, neither did she. It just became a never-ending cycle of her treating me like a man-child which got progressively worse over the years. I even have a text message thread from several months ago where she claimed I wanted her to be "my mommy" (this couldn't be further from what I wanted) and that's why she treated me like this.
She pushed me (not in a good way, but I'm glad she did) to advance my professional career. Any job I had was never good enough for her, and I never made enough money for her. Red flag. However, this caused me to rapidly climb the corporate ladder in my 20s. At 29 I was able to quit my FT 6-figure job and start my own business, doubling, then tripling, then quadrupling my income over the next couple of years. Certainly no regrets here.
We have also been able to buy several houses, become landlords for 6 years, and pretty much live where we wanted.
But she resented me for it. I was required to be at the office *a lot* and she hated that I wasn't home until 9 pm on any given weekday. Our last house was a solid 2-3 hour drive (depending on traffic) from the city center. So I often had to leave the house by 6:30 am and wasn't back until late in the evening. Yeah, she was lonely. She wanted me to watch TV with her every night (I became very disinterested in TV anyway) which just wasn't possible. I could have kept a somewhat cushy corporate job that wasn't demanding in terms of hours, making much less money, but that wasn't good enough for her.
Rewind back to 2001. I put her through college and sacrificed my own college education for her. I worked 2 jobs, 7 days a week, for years to support us when I was 18-21. We were living in a crappy apartment and barely making ends meet. But she was going to make something of herself, then I was going to go to college and do the same. Like you are supposed to do. I tried to go to college while working 2 jobs for 60-70 hours per week, but it was way too much. My grades made it unable for me to advance, so I dropped out.
She graduated in 2004... then never really tried to get a decent job. The 'best' job she ever had was a retail store manager for a small store (making like $15/hr) and she hated it. She was perfectly capable of making 6-figures at a corporate job, but she never even made an attempt. She hopped between entry-level and minimum wage jobs, never spending more than a couple of months at any of them. Don't take this to mean I ever really cared about how much money she made. What I cared about was the effort she put into being a responsible adult. We were still having trouble making ends meet.
In 2006 (married for 5 years) I got my first big pay jump when I switched companies. I increased my income by 70% overnight and I was starting to see light at the end of the work-till-you-die tunnel. It was finally going to be good with my new income and hers, right? Wrong.
A couple of months into my new job she brought up the idea of her quitting her job to be a 'full-time homemaker'. Remember, we didn't have kids and didn't want any, and she is the one with the degree and the college debt we would be paying down for the next 15 years.
It started as an idea, then over a couple of weeks, it turned into her begging me to let her quit her job for good. I resisted, explaining to her that it made no financial sense. Besides, how was she going to keep herself occupied throughout the day? Laundry only needed to be done once a week, dishes only take a few minutes a day.
So, against my wishes, she quit working for good and never looked back. She did take to cooking more, but she basically sat at home and watched TV.
This went on for years. She knew I was against it. Without her income, we were in a worse financial situation than before I got my new job. But, (her words) because I was the man, "I was supposed to support the family"
She was bored all the time. The free time gave her much more time to find things to get upset about and dwell on. For example, she would start a big fight if I left a single bowl in the sink for *me* to wash later. Or if I used the stove or microwave and she found a single spec of splattered food. Or if I turned a perfectly functional knob on the washing machine to wash my own laundry. She would absolutely blow up -- "I did [insert thing here] on purpose so I could get out of doing [the thing] in the future." Thank god we had our own bathrooms. She resented me for these things and I had no chance for retribution.
She did do most of the housework for a few years, but I always did 100% of the yardwork. And almost 5 years ago we bought and lived on a farm -- got several dozen animals from horses to sheep to donkeys to ducks and geese. Just like in her professional 'career', she helped take care of them for a little while. Until she decided it was too much work. Then I was the one left by myself rounding up the animals, fixing broken fence, thawing out frozen water pipes, etc at 2 am on a weeknight when I had an 8 am meeting the next morning.
As you would expect, the sex decreased significantly over the years. It was good when we were in our teens and early 20s. But she became less and less interested over the years. It went from several times per week, to several times per month, to every few months, to... almost never. She wanted sex to be very mundane. She didn't like it when I went down on her. She absolutely refused to go down on me, and never did. She didn't like it when I tried to use my hand to please her. She didn't like foreplay. She never wanted to do anything other than missionary. We talked about how to spice up our sex life for years. I brought all sorts of ideas from the table from roleplaying to toys to things on the kinkier side, but she never actually wanted to do anything about it. I had also been struggling with PE throughout my later 20s which made the situation worse. And the PE was "my fault" and "I needed to do something about it". I did see a urologist who diagnosed me as perfectly normal and sent me on my way. He suggested both of us see a sex therapist together, which she was not ok with -- because this was "my problem".
Until we separated and I put myself out there, I hadn't had sex in about 4 years.
Fast forward to 2018. I was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer -- like fewer than 100 cases per year in the entire country. The physician knew very little about it -- the hospital hadn't seen a case of it in over 5 years -- and referred me to a specialist in a city a few hours away. It was a few months before I knew anything definitive or could get it treated.
When I told my ex about the diagnosis, she preceded to inform me how I don't "have cancer" (but I did) and made it clear it was my own problem. I had an all-day surgery with the specialist to remove it -- I told her it was going to be an all-day surgery in advance. A couple-hour drive each way. Did she offer to drive me there or support me in any way? Nope. I got to drive myself there and back. Did she help me clean the huge surgical wound (it was like 10 inches in diameter) I had for the next 3 months? I even asked for her help cleaning and dressing it. She refused. So I had to figure out how to do it by myself. Did she express the slightest interest in talking to the specialist about it to get her own answers and put her mind at ease? Nope. She already knew better.
This when it became painfully obvious she didn't care about me at all.
And I still financially supported her 100%. At this point, she hadn't had a job for over 10 years and spent most of any given day watching TV.
In 2017 she started an Etsy sewing shop -- which didn't take much of her time, but it gave her something to do. We were vendors at lots of local festivals together when those were still a thing. We were doing this almost every weekend from April through December. She didn't have more than 200 orders per year until 2020. When the lockdowns and mask shortages started in March she started sewing cloth masks. She did really well for a couple of months, doing 50-100 orders per day. I told her I was proud of her. I also tried to help her when she was having trouble keeping up.
I spent a whole day helping her get caught up on orders. I can't sew, so I was helping her pack envelopes, print shipping labels, and iron decals onto the masks. She showed me how to do the iron-on transfers. It's so easy a 10-year-old could do it. I did a couple hundred of them that afternoon.
She came to inspect them before they got shipped out. And she blew-the-fuck-up. I did it *exactly* how she showed me and they looked great. But she could still see a crease in the fabric where it was folded. It was "my fault" and, as usual, I had done it "on purpose" so I could get out of helping in the future. Sound familiar?
I immediately stopped helping and left. I was done with her acting like a child. She is 40 years old and still acts like she is 12. Did she ever thank me for helping? No. Did she still ship the orders? Yep, so they weren't bad were they? Did she apologize for blowing up again? Nope.
And I forgot to mention -- we have been basically separated for the better part of 4 years. Sleeping in different rooms in the house. I've been living in an 'apartment' in the basement of my own house. She kicked me out of the bedroom when she was throwing a fit about a short business trip I was going on. I needed to "tell them I wasn't going". She threw all of my stuff down the stairs and that was the end of that. I wasn't allowed to use the stove that I paid for. If I had food in the microwave and she wanted to use it, she would throw away whatever I had in there. She would throw away my dishes if I wasn't watching; I found them in the trash all the time.
I spent the next several months thinking about all of this and much more. One thing I came to realize: in the 19 years we had been married I couldn't think of a single instance where she apologized for blowing up about something meaningless or admitted she was wrong. Not a single one. I even challenged her about it. Could she think of a single time she did either one of those? She couldn't come up with one concrete example. BTW, I apologized thousands of times. I never once blew up about anything in our entire relationship -- that's not the kind of person I am -- but I have apologized for things I said that made her feel bad and admitted I was wrong many, many times. At her insistence, I even admitted to doing lots of meaningless things that I didn't actually do just to put a fight to bed and keep the relationship in-tact. There is no point in fighting over BS.
2020 also brought on a lot of financial stress. At the beginning of the year, I had signed contracts that would make this the biggest year since I started the business. Clients were in sports, restaurants, casinos, and live entertainment. I lost all of them, and most of them are unlikely to survive 2021 without a bankruptcy. I laid off my entire staff. Our income took a nosedive. We burnt through most of our savings because she couldn't control her spending habits, and she had zero interest in financially contributing to the household.
This was the straw that broke the camel's back. She made it abundantly clear she didn't care about me, and, at the same time, she expected me to financially support her do-whatever-she-wants consequences-be-damned lifestyle.
I prepared the divorce papers and presented them to her on a whim when she was blowing up about dishes in the sink or something like that. I just couldn't deal with it anymore.
I don't know why she acted surprised. She had told me she wanted a divorce plenty of times in recent years, and a couple of times in 2020. But she never had the balls to do it.
This was something I had been thinking about for a few years, but I was likely to be on the hook for $10k/month in alimony for the rest of my life if it weren't for COVID. We live in a midwest state with divorce case-law which strongly favors women, and I have lots of male friends/colleagues who got screwed royally in a divorce -- even if their spouse cheated. So it was kind of the perfect storm. Depleted savings and drastically reduced income meant there was nothing for the court to grant. All we really had left was retirement savings and home equity. The house sale is closing in 10 days and we already liquidated the 401k, which she used to buy her own house. That was everything.
Sorry for the long post, but I needed to rant to some strangers on the internet. There is obviously much more to tell over 19 years of marriage, but I'll leave it here for the sake of brevity.
This post may sound very one-sided, but I really tried to keep it together. I tried to be a good husband. To give my wife what she wanted. To be there for her when she needed me. To make her happy, at the expense of my own happiness. Happy wife, happy life, right?
As I put in the title, the court granted dissolution yesterday. It was very easy. No attorneys, we didn't fight about any remaining property. We each own our own vehicles free and clear and had no interest in the other's. She stole a few thousand more dollars from our joint account and sold some valuable things without my permission, but it wasn't worth fighting over. I just let it go.
I'm finally free and I feel better than I have in years.
Ask me anything.
submitted by VisualAd2408 to Divorce [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Sep 18th - Tue, Sep 24th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Sep 18th

Thursday, Sep 19th

  • The 3 Redneck Tenors - A Musical Adventure (OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm This comedic adventure, written by opera-veteran Matthew Lord with music arranged by award-wining composer Craig Bohmler, has been said to be the closest you'll…
  • Art Awakening (NorthCare - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:30pm Explore the arts on display at NorthCare in Oklahoma City during Art Awakening. This local arts show consists of unique…
  • 🎡 Chickasaw Country Entertainment Stage featuring Easton Corbin (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm With two No. 1 singles, 7 Top 10 singles and multiple awards and nominations, plus performances on some of the biggest stages in the world including performing…
  • Easton Corbin in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Easton Corbin performs live for the crowd. Fans can experience…
  • 😂 Erik Knowles (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Sep 21st
  • Frost/Nixon (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Take an exciting look at the post-Watergate television interviews as Lyric Theatre presents: Frost/Nixon. This engaging…
  • 🍴 Hispanic Heritage Month: Comida y Musica (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm ¡Únete con nosotros para una noche divertida de comida y música en la Biblioteca Purcell! Tendremos un DJ que tocará canciones geniales y tendremos una…
  • 🎨 Love's Third Thursday (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Love's Third Thursdays are special, creating the perfect opportunity to mingle at the Museum with friends, experience something new, and enjoy the Museum’s…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • Pathway to Home Ownership (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Are you dreaming of owning your own home, but have questions about qualifying for a home loan? Join us as we learn about the first step to home…
  • Rigby Summer & Ed Dupas (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Season-opening gala for the Davis-Waldorf Performing Arts Series (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm Join us Thursday, Sept. 19 at 7:30 p.m. when Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame inductee Justin Echols helps to kick off the 19th season of the University of Science…
  • 🎓 Teachers Ladies’ Night Out (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Bring your favorite teacher friends to The Melting Pot for an epic evening of 1/2 off a four-course Classic fondue with teacher ID, conversation, and more…
  • 🎓 Teachers ½ to eat, too! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 5:00pm Teachers and administrators can ring in the school year with a sweet deal. Every Sunday thru Thursday in September, a school ID will get teachers and…
  • 🎨 Teen Anime Night (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 6:00pm We will choose between three anime and partake in snackage. @[139181842792560:274:The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government]…
  • Teen College Application Week (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) 1 day left Start Time: 4:00pm Come into the library to use the computers to fill out and application to your top choice of colleges. Be sure to bring your Social Security Number and a…
  • 🏆 UCO Hockey vs Maryville (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm

Friday, Sep 20th

  • 3 Point Contest at Together Square (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Lace-up your basketball shoes and make your way to Together Square on September 20th to compete in the first-ever Together Square 3 Point Shootout. Contestants…
  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Celebration Of Life Park - Shawnee) Come join the fun at Shawnee's Downtown Block Party in Celebration of Life park located in historic downtown Shawnee.…
  • An Evening With Labrys (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • The Barber of Seville (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Experience one of opera's most beloved performances at Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City, as Painted Sky Opera…
  • Buddy Guy in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm Legendary blues guitarist and singer Buddy Guy is bringing his iconic sounds to Riverwind Casino in Norman. Known for his…
  • 🎡 Chickasaw Country Entertainment Stage featuring Dru Hill (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm Fans can expect a riveting performance from the renowned group Dru Hill at the Oklahoma State Fair. This group of four has created a name for itself in the R&B…
  • Deep Purple (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 6:30pm
  • 🎨 Dirty Red (Hollywood Corners Station LLC - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Dru Hill in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before the evening performance by R&B group Dru Hill. Since the…
  • 😂 Erik Knowles (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Frost/Nixon (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Take an exciting look at the post-Watergate television interviews as Lyric Theatre presents: Frost/Nixon. This engaging…
  • Linda Davis in Concert (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • Live Music on the Canal (Lower Bricktown - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Produced and Organized, Gwinner Studios Ltd. Co. presents an all Oklahoma- all Original Music festival located in Brick town. This is a free event for the…
  • Locust Avenue (Opolis - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • The Messthetics (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm The Messthetics with locals TBA This show is all ages. Tickets are $10 in advance at ticketstorm.com, charge by phone 18669661777, purchase hard copy tickets at…
  • Midland in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Midland performs live for the crowd. Hear the Midland trio…
  • The Midnight in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Head to the historic Tower Theatre in Oklahoma City to hear new music by synthwave band The Midnight. An unlikely duo,…
  • Monarch Tagging Walk-Ups (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 2:00pm Friday, September 20, 2-3pm Children’s Garden Porch FREE With the crisp air of autumn on its way, our gardens are filled with the vibrant beauty of Monarch…
  • The Musical Swings (Bicentennial Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 13th Make your own music at Bicentennial Park during The Musical Swings exhibit. This interactive public art installation in…
  • New Years Day | OKC (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Don't miss your chance to hear New Years Day on their Unbreakable Tour with special guests Ded, a fresh metal…
  • Nolatet live at The Deli (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Nolatet out of New Orleans with roots in Texas and Oklahoma makes a special early show appearance at The Deli! Nolatet features Mike Dillon and Brian Haas.…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma City Personal Injury Attorneys Meetup (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Come and have drinks and share personal injury case stories with other lawyers in Oklahoma City. We are professional network of legal professionals comprised of…
  • PRCA Xtreme Bulls & Broncs (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Grab a seat in the Jim Norick Arena at the Oklahoma State Fair, and witness a thrilling series of competitive rodeo events.…
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Thru Thu, Oct 31st The Boom, a combination club and live entertainment venue in Oklahoma City, puts on a production of the Rocky Horror Picture…
  • The South Austin Moonlighters (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Stone River Music Festival (Chandler) Thru Sun, Sep 22nd Gear up for a weekend full of music and fun at the annual Stone River Music Festival near Chandler. Held on 40 acres of…
  • 🏃 Tai Chi and SAIL Classes Stay Active & Independent for Life: Wednesdays and Fridays (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 1:30pm Come join us for these free exercise programs. Tai Chi class is one of the most effective exercises for the health of mind and body. SAIL (STAYING ACTIVE AND…
  • Teen College Application Week (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Last Day Start Time: 4:00pm Come into the library to use the computers to fill out and application to your top choice of colleges. Be sure to bring your Social Security Number and a…
  • Tommy Emmanuel in Concert (Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center - Midwest City) Legendary guitarist Tommy Emmanuel is heading to Midwest City. Don't miss a legendary night of acoustic solo guitar. See…
  • Tommy Emmanuel in Oklahoma City, OK (RSC @ OKC Innovation Station - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Special Guest: Joe Robinson Tickets are $32.50, $45.00 & $55.00 | $5.00 increase day of show. Password pre-sale begins Wednesday, February 27 at 10AM CST and…
  • Tommy Emmanuel in Oklahoma City, OK (Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center - Midwest City) Start Time: 8:00pm Special Guest: Joe Robinson Tickets are $32.50, $45.00 & $55.00 | $5.00 increase day of show. Password pre-sale begins Wednesday, February 27 at 10AM...
  • United Way Day of Caring 2019 (United Way of Norman - Norman)
  • Wheeler Summer Music Series (Oklahoma City) Gather under the Wheeler Ferris Wheel lights as local bands take the stage this summer in Oklahoma City. Make plans to…

Saturday, Sep 21st

  • 7th Annual Charity Car Show (The Yellow Rose Dinner Theatre - Moore) Start Time: 10:00am Charity Car show benefiting children in need at Christmas time. Event starts at 10 AM. Pre- Registration is $20. Day of Show is $25. Food, Prizes, raffles and more
  • Body Worx Car Show (Mineral Wells Park - Guthrie) Start Time: 8:00am Head to Guthrie to inspect the shiny and well-recognized cars on display. During the Body Worx Car Show, guests can…
  • Camp Out OKC (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Sponsored by
    Saturday, September 21 through Sunday, September 22, 6pm-8am The Devon Lawn and Bandshell $65 per family of 4 plus $10 per additional person (BYOT…
  • Cowboy Days (Hope retreat ranch - Choctaw) Head to Hope Retreat Ranch for the annual Cowboy Days event in celebration of full-fledged family fun. This Choctaw…
  • David Feherty (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Golf fans can experience the humor of Irish legend David Feherty live as he embarks on his "Feherty - Live Off…
  • Easy Plant Propagation (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Saturday, September 21, 1pm The Garden Classroom Member $18; Nonmember $24 Courtney Keck, Canadian County Extension Register by Tuesday, September 17 REGISTER…
  • 😂 Erik Knowles (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • Fall Festival (Orr Family Farm Event Barn - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 9th Celebrate all things autumn at the Fall Festival at Orr Family Farm in Oklahoma City. Go through the maze, ride on a…
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • FireLake Casino Car Show (Firelake Casino - Shawnee) Admire the timeless designs of classic cars at the FireLake Casino Car Show in Shawnee. The FireLake Casino Car Show…
  • Fort Reno Historic Spirit Tour (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Come along on an exciting and spooky ghost tour at El Reno's historic Spirit Tour. The Spirit Tour includes plenty…
  • Tecumseh Frontier Days (Downtown - Tecumseh) The annual Tecumseh Frontier Days celebration is a tribute to Tecumseh's land run that took place in September of…
  • Frost/Nixon (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Take an exciting look at the post-Watergate television interviews as Lyric Theatre presents: Frost/Nixon. This engaging…
  • Happily Ever Laughter - OKC Improv (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Join OKC Improv for a night of fun and laughs as we take it back to high school!
  • Guthrie Haunts (4524 Riverside Cir - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Nov 9th Visit Guthrie Haunts for a terrifying Halloween experience that's full of scary fun. This haunted house is sure to…
  • Heard on Hurd (Edmond) From March to October, downtown Edmond hosts a pop-up community celebration called Heard on Hurd on the third Saturday of…
  • Hennessey Wine & Chocolate Festival (45th Infantry Division Memorial Park - Kingfisher) Get a glimpse of Oklahoma wine making at the Hennessey Wine & Chocolate Festival. This annual event invites visitors to…
  • HERPS OKC Exotic Reptile and Pet Show (Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center - Shawnee) Start Time: 10:00am The HERPShow is coming back to Oklahoma! Join us on September 21st and 22nd for your chance to purchase some of the most exotic reptiles and pets on the planet,…
  • 🏆 Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:30pm Children ages 2 and up must have a ticket. Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live brings everyone's favorit Hot Wheels monster trucks to life, combining Hot Wheels'…
  • 🎡 India Food Festival (Wiley Post Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 3:00pm India Food Festival is a free family event hosted by India Association Of Oklahoma (IAOK) featuring various vendors from different regions of India and…
  • 🏃 Like A Boss Mud Run (Central Oklahoma Camp - Guthrie) Whether you are a Mud Run addict or just want something fun to do, here's your chance to test your stamina and agility as you make your way through our groves…
  • Live Music on the Canal (Lower Bricktown - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Produced and Organized, Gwinner Studios Ltd. Co. presents an all Oklahoma- all Original Music festival located in Brick town. This is a free event for the…
  • 🏃 Miles Against Melanoma (Mitch Park - Edmond) Miles Against Melanoma is a national organization that began in 2010. Our mission is to provide the public with education regarding the extreme damaging effects…
  • The Musical Swings (Bicentennial Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 13th Make your own music at Bicentennial Park during The Musical Swings exhibit. This interactive public art installation in…
  • Night Ranger in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Night Ranger performs live for the crowd. Fans can experience a…
  • Oklahoma Book Festival (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) Save the date for the Oklahoma Book Festival in Oklahoma City, a fun-filled day celebrating books, authors, readers and…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • OU Aviation Festival (Max Westheimer Airport - Norman) Start Time: 9:00am The OU Aviation Festival at the Max Westheimer Airport in Norman is sure to be fun for everyone and especially for plane…
  • PRCA Xtreme Bulls & Broncs (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Grab a seat in the Jim Norick Arena at the Oklahoma State Fair, and witness a thrilling series of competitive rodeo events.…
  • Puppy Pawlooza (Edmond) Head to Puppy Paws Salon & Spa in Edmond for the Puppy Pawlooza event, featuring a thrilling dog parade. This…
  • 🏃 Redman Triathlon Multisport Weekend (Stars & Stripes Park - Oklahoma City) Oklahoma means REDMAN & REDMAN means a flat, very fast course & ease of access, all combined with service & support that will exceed the expectations of the…
  • Guthrie Road Celebration Car Show (Mineral Wells Park - Guthrie) Head to the beautiful and shady Mineral Wells Park for the 36th annual Guthrie Road Celebration Car Show, a celebration…
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Thru Thu, Oct 31st The Boom, a combination club and live entertainment venue in Oklahoma City, puts on a production of the Rocky Horror Picture…
  • 🏃 Rotary Road Rally (Reaves Park - Norman) Cap off a great summer season with a fall classic touring event in Norman, showcasing some of the best cycling roads in Central Oklahoma.
  • Scotty McCreery in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Scotty McCreery performs live for the crowd. Scotty…
  • Sprouting Chefs: Pumpkins and Apples and Fall (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Sponsored by Sprouts Saturday, September 21, 10-11am The Garden Classroom Member $10; Nonmember $12 Donna Jung, FCS Extension Educator with Canadian County For…
  • Stone River Music Festival (Chandler) 1 day left Gear up for a weekend full of music and fun at the annual Stone River Music Festival near Chandler. Held on 40 acres of…
  • Summer’s End Floral Design (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Saturday, September 21, 1-2pm Children’s Garden Porch Member $8; Nonmember $10 Best for ages 7 to 11 REGISTER HERE As summer draws to a close and we prepare…
  • 🏃 Swazi 5K (Southern Nazarene University campus (NW ) - Bethany) Participants can either walk or run the 5k (3.1 miles) starting at 9 a.m.
  • Thursday Night Cruisers Car Show (First Baptist Church - Mustang) Browse cars, trucks, SUVs and motorcycles at the annual Thursday Night Cruisers Car Show. Held at the First Baptist Church…
  • University of Oklahoma Ghost Tour (Evans Hall, Administration Building - Norman) Discover the mysterious side of an Oklahoma landmark with a University of Oklahoma Ghost Tour. Visitors who join this…
  • Watermelon Slim in Concert (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Authentic blues veteran Watermelon Slim is heading to The Blue Door in Oklahoma City for an energetic evening…

Sunday, Sep 22nd

  • The Barber of Seville (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Experience one of opera's most beloved performances at Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City, as Painted Sky Opera…
  • Bill Maher (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Oklahoma City Civic Center presents: Bill Maher is a top-notch show that you won't want to miss. Funnyman Bill Maher…
  • Fall Festival (Orr Family Farm Event Barn - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 9th Celebrate all things autumn at the Fall Festival at Orr Family Farm in Oklahoma City. Go through the maze, ride on a…
  • Frost/Nixon (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Take an exciting look at the post-Watergate television interviews as Lyric Theatre presents: Frost/Nixon. This engaging…
  • Guthrie Haunts (4524 Riverside Cir - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Nov 9th Visit Guthrie Haunts for a terrifying Halloween experience that's full of scary fun. This haunted house is sure to…
  • Keb' Mo' Solo in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Don't miss a legendary performance by blues icon Keb' Mo' Solo live at the Tower Theatre in Oklahoma City. Since…
  • Mesta Festa (Perle Mesta Park - Oklahoma City) Come enjoy a full day of outdoor fun at Mesta Festa in Oklahoma City.
    Located in the Midtown District at Perle Mesta…
  • The Musical Swings (Bicentennial Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 13th Make your own music at Bicentennial Park during The Musical Swings exhibit. This interactive public art installation in…
  • 🏆 OKC Energy FC vs. Sacramento Republic FC (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on Sacramento…
  • Oklahoma State Fair (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Make your way to the Oklahoma State Fair and celebrate the end of summer with endless carnival rides, delicious fair food…
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Thru Thu, Oct 31st The Boom, a combination club and live entertainment venue in Oklahoma City, puts on a production of the Rocky Horror Picture…
  • Stone River Music Festival (Chandler) Last Day Gear up for a weekend full of music and fun at the annual Stone River Music Festival near Chandler. Held on 40 acres of…
  • Tony Lewis in Concert (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Spend the afternoon exploring the Oklahoma State Fair before Tony Lewis performs live for the crowd. Fans can experience a…
  • Uptown Fun(5K) (Uptown 23rd - Oklahoma City) Grab your running gear and head out on this fun 5K run through the tree-lined streets of historic Mesta Park and…

Monday, Sep 23rd

  • Fall Festival (Orr Family Farm Event Barn - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 9th Celebrate all things autumn at the Fall Festival at Orr Family Farm in Oklahoma City. Go through the maze, ride on a…
  • Guthrie Haunts (4524 Riverside Cir - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Nov 9th Visit Guthrie Haunts for a terrifying Halloween experience that's full of scary fun. This haunted house is sure to…
  • The Musical Swings (Bicentennial Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 13th Make your own music at Bicentennial Park during The Musical Swings exhibit. This interactive public art installation in…
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Thru Thu, Oct 31st The Boom, a combination club and live entertainment venue in Oklahoma City, puts on a production of the Rocky Horror Picture…
  • UCO Edmond Jazz Festival (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Sep 28th Come to the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond for a music festival you won't want to miss. Presented by the UCO School of…

Tuesday, Sep 24th

  • Fall Festival (Orr Family Farm Event Barn - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 9th Celebrate all things autumn at the Fall Festival at Orr Family Farm in Oklahoma City. Go through the maze, ride on a…
  • Guthrie Haunts (4524 Riverside Cir - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Nov 9th Visit Guthrie Haunts for a terrifying Halloween experience that's full of scary fun. This haunted house is sure to…
  • The Musical Swings (Bicentennial Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 13th Make your own music at Bicentennial Park during The Musical Swings exhibit. This interactive public art installation in…
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Thru Thu, Oct 31st The Boom, a combination club and live entertainment venue in Oklahoma City, puts on a production of the Rocky Horror Picture…
  • UCO Edmond Jazz Festival (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Thru Sat, Sep 28th Come to the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond for a music festival you won't want to miss. Presented by the UCO School of…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Feb 12th - Tue, Feb 18th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Feb 12th

Thursday, Feb 13th

  • All Hearts Headquarters - A Valentine's Week Pop Up (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am A week of local shopping leading up to Live! On The Plaza and Valentine's Day! 1706 NW 16th St. | Plaza District Feb 8th - 14th | 10am - 7pm Closed Monday Featuring: Ohclay okc Urban Elm Co. Now accepting vendor applications. $150 for the week. Tables and chairs available. Email [email protected]
  • 🎭 Ballet Folclorico Nacional De Mexico De Silvia Lozano (Armstrong Auditorium - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 🎭 Blood Wedding (Weitzenhoffer Theatre - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm OU University Theatre and Helmerich School of Drama presentation. Federico Lorca’s passionate tragedy Blood Wedding, set in southern Spain, portrays the heated rivalry of two families, and the rivalry of two men for a woman struggling between the attraction of a wealthy fiancé and her ex-lover. When her decision to marry is governed by pride,…
  • 🎭 Cabaret (Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK - Edmond) 1 day left Start Time: 7:30pm Each year, OC students put on Cabaret, a musical performance featuring songs from various musicals. You're sure to have fun as they dance and sing their way through songs of love, joy, sadness, humor and happiness. Look for tickets in January! Directions: Once you arrive to campus, take the main entrance on Memorial Rd. Then, turn into the…
  • Candygrams for a Cause (Downtown - Edmond) 1 day left Help the Downtown Edmond Business Association raise money for Free to Live Animal Sanctuary. Cost is $2 per candygram or 6 for $10. They can be purchased at Rumors Salon, Broadway Antiques, Michelle Schaefer Insurance, Mainstream Boutique and Silver Leaf Gems.
  • Cupid’s Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 12:00pm Thursday, February 13 & Friday, February 14, Noon-4pm Visitor Center, south entrance Need a special gift for your Valentine? Shop for delicious treats like Bedré Chocolates, as well as local gifts, in the Crystal Bridge Visitor Center. Your gift purchases will enter you into a drawing for a giveaway prize.
  • 🎭 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Live! in Oklahoma City, OK (RSC @ OKC Innovation Station - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 3:30pm Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Live! Neighbor Day “Won’t you be my neighbor?” Daniel Tiger and all of his friends from the beloved PBS KIDS television series are hopping aboard Trolley to your town with DANIEL TIGER’S NEIGHBORHOOD LIVE! Along with “O” the Owl, Katerina Kittycat, Prince Wednesday, Mom and Dad Tiger and many more, Daniel…
  • 🎓 Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Live! Neighbor Day (Rose State College Hudiburg Chevrolet Center - Midwest City) Start Time: 7:00pm Tickets are $25, $37.50, $50 & $75* | $5 increase day of show VIP tickets include the best seats in the house and a post-show meet and greet with the characters. *Ages 1 & up require a ticket Tickets are available by calling 405-297-2264 or in person at the Civic Center Box Office To RSVP to the official Facebook event and for special pre-sale…
  • 🎨 deadCenter Docs + Art Moves (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 15th Start Time: 2:30pm Join us for our FREE series of deadCenter Documentaries! Screening at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. 01/24 | Sweethearts of the Prison Rodeo (2009 / 90 min) Director Bradley Beesley 02//28 | Beauty is Embarrassing (2012 / 88 min) Director Neil Berkeley 03//27 | Dealt (2017 / 85 min) Director Luke Korem 04//24 | Tower (2016 / 82 min) Director…
  • Fifty-First RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Oklahoma City's Top RV Dealers host the 51st Annual RV Super Show at the State Fair Park. This family friendly event will feature America's top RV brands with both towable and motorized--all at low show pricing along with tow vehicles & Powersports vehicles. Also on display
  • 🎭 Green Jello LIVE (Your Mom's Place - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Headliner: Green Jelly Main Support: Corkscrew Nosedive
  • 🎨 Hearts for Art (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 12:00pm One day to celebrate love is not enough! Visit the Museum any time from February 1 – 14 and show your love for your favorite piece of art or artifact. Pick up a heart at the Visitor Services desk, leave it by your selection and share on social media using #MyWest and #HeartsForArt. While visiting, pick up the “Find the Love” guide, a…
  • 😂 Nick Griffin (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2
  • Romeo & Juliet (Oklahoma Shakespeare In The Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm What if your first true love was someone youd been told to hate? Two young people torn apart by a divided society and forbidden love will risk everything to be together. The most famous story of love at first sight explodes with intense passion and an irresistible desire for change. Will this spark a civil war, or will division continue to tear…

Friday, Feb 14th

  • All Hearts Headquarters - A Valentine's Week Pop Up (Kasum Contemporary Fine Art - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am A week of local shopping leading up to Live! On The Plaza and Valentine's Day! 1706 NW 16th St. | Plaza District Feb 8th - 14th | 10am - 7pm Closed Monday Featuring: Ohclay okc Urban Elm Co. Now accepting vendor applications. $150 for the week. Tables and chairs available. Email [email protected]
  • 🎭 Blood Wedding (Weitzenhoffer Theatre - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm OU University Theatre and Helmerich School of Drama presentation. Federico Lorca’s passionate tragedy Blood Wedding, set in southern Spain, portrays the heated rivalry of two families, and the rivalry of two men for a woman struggling between the attraction of a wealthy fiancé and her ex-lover. When her decision to marry is governed by pride,…
  • 🎭 Broadway Tonight: 10 Hairy Legs 2/14/2020 7:30 PM (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm We are thrilled to welcome 10 Hairy Legs, an all-male repertory dance company performing exquisite works from some of the most well-known choreographers in modern dance today. The company strives to advance the understanding of the male role in dance through the creation, acquisition and performance of exceptional work. 10 Hairy Legs will be…
  • 🎭 Cabaret (Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK - Edmond) Last Day Start Time: 7:30pm Each year, OC students put on Cabaret, a musical performance featuring songs from various musicals. You're sure to have fun as they dance and sing their way through songs of love, joy, sadness, humor and happiness. Look for tickets in January! Directions: Once you arrive to campus, take the main entrance on Memorial Rd. Then, turn into the…
  • Candygrams for a Cause (Downtown - Edmond) Last Day Help the Downtown Edmond Business Association raise money for Free to Live Animal Sanctuary. Cost is $2 per candygram or 6 for $10. They can be purchased at Rumors Salon, Broadway Antiques, Michelle Schaefer Insurance, Mainstream Boutique and Silver Leaf Gems.
  • 🎭 CityRep's Sexy Laundry (Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Cupid’s Conservatory (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 12:00pm Thursday, February 13 & Friday, February 14, Noon-4pm Visitor Center, south entrance Need a special gift for your Valentine? Shop for delicious treats like Bedré Chocolates, as well as local gifts, in the Crystal Bridge Visitor Center. Your gift purchases will enter you into a drawing for a giveaway prize.
  • 🎨 deadCenter Docs + Art Moves (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 2:30pm Join us for our FREE series of deadCenter Documentaries! Screening at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. 01/24 | Sweethearts of the Prison Rodeo (2009 / 90 min) Director Bradley Beesley 02//28 | Beauty is Embarrassing (2012 / 88 min) Director Neil Berkeley 03//27 | Dealt (2017 / 85 min) Director Luke Korem 04//24 | Tower (2016 / 82 min) Director…
  • 😂 Driving Miss Daisy (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) by Alfred Uhry
  • Fifty-First RV Super Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Oklahoma City's Top RV Dealers host the 51st Annual RV Super Show at the State Fair Park. This family friendly event will feature America's top RV brands with both towable and motorized--all at low show pricing along with tow vehicles & Powersports vehicles. Also on display
  • 🎨 Gallery Reception - Lauren Midgley - "A Thin Place" (The Depot - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Lauren Midgley is a self-taught photographer and photoshop enthusiast. She studied fine arts at Texas Tech University and began her journey with photography in 2015 with her chosen focus being Conceptual Fine Art Photography. In her exploration of photography as an artistic medium, she says she found herself "increasingly frustrated and limited…
  • 🎭 The Great American Trailer Park Musical (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎨 Hearts for Art (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 12:00pm One day to celebrate love is not enough! Visit the Museum any time from February 1 – 14 and show your love for your favorite piece of art or artifact. Pick up a heart at the Visitor Services desk, leave it by your selection and share on social media using #MyWest and #HeartsForArt. While visiting, pick up the “Find the Love” guide, a…
  • Jon Wolfe (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Come spend Valentine's Day with us! See y'all on Feb. 14. Get your tickets early!
  • LIVE! on the Plaza: LOVE on the Plaza (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm LIVE! on the Plaza is the Plaza District's free & monthly artwalk featuring art shows, live entertainment, great food and local shopping. Join us as we celebrate one of Oklahoma City's best monthly festivals!
    More details to be announced!
    Join the Friends of the Plaza VIP experience: The Friends of the Plaza are the Plaza District’s…
  • Mix-Tape V-Day Bash! (Factory Obscura - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm JOIN FACTORY OBSCURA FOR THE BIGGEST VALENTINE’S BASH IN OKC
    On February 14, we’ve conjured up a mix of musicians and songwriters, poets and movement artists, brew masters, and more into a celebration of collaboration and feel-good fun.
    Rock out to 4 live bands on our Wonder Stage performing original songs inspired by the Mix-Tape…
  • OKC Ballet's Romeo & Juliet (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 16th Tickets are now on sale for Oklahoma City Ballet’s production of Romeo & Juliet. Let Oklahoma City Ballet romance you with the greatest love story ever told this Valentine's Day weekend.
    With four performances at the Civic Center Music Hall February 14-16, this rich theatrical experience is packed with edge-of-your-seat sword fights and…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma Hospitality Club (Gaillardia Country Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm New Members contact: [email protected]
  • 😂 Open Mic Night (Don Quixote Club - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Every Friday is Open Mic Comedy at Don Quixote's! Laugh with local talent as they hone their skills. Are you funny? Sign up at 7:30. See you this week!
  • Othello's Sessions (Othello's of Norman - Norman) Start Time: 8:30pm Othello’s Sessions takes place at Othello’s of Norman, an intimate little Italian restaurant tucked away in Campus Corner on Buchanan Ave. Within walking distance of other popular places such as The Deli and Second Wind Coffeehouse, Othello’s offers one of the most immersive live music experiences in the area. Othello’s Sessions features…
  • Romeo & Juliet (Oklahoma Shakespeare In The Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm What if your first true love was someone youd been told to hate? Two young people torn apart by a divided society and forbidden love will risk everything to be together. The most famous story of love at first sight explodes with intense passion and an irresistible desire for change. Will this spark a civil war, or will division continue to tear…
  • Oklahoma City Spring Remodel & Landscape Show (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 2:00pm Welcome to the Oklahoma City Spring Remodel and Landscape Show. This comprehensive home show brings together homeowners and the most knowledgeable and experienced remodeling and building experts. Professionals will be on hand to share their valuable knowledge and bring your ideas to life - or inspire new ones! See the Latest Innovations and…
  • 😂 Sweetheart Ball (Renaissance Waterford Hotel - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The Annual Sweetheart Ball is back! For 13 straight years the Eye To Eye Marriage Enrichment Community (E2E) team has created space each February for married and engaged couples (diverse in ethnicity, age, and years married) to pause and enjoy an evening of fun and romance, a tradition that started two decades ago. The last Sweetheart Ball was…
  • 😂 Valentine's Day- OKC (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City)
  • Valentine's Day with Phil Keaggy (UCO Jazz Lab - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm Phil Keaggy is coming to the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond, Oklahoma Valentine's Day, Friday, February 14, 2020 at 7pm! One of the greatest musicians of all time with a most inspiring story. He has recorded over 50 albums and worked with countless top industry professionals. Twice nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Gospel Album and seven time…
  • Valentine's Day with Phil Keaggy at the Jazz Lab (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm Phil Keaggy is coming to the UCO Jazz Lab in Edmond, Oklahoma Valentine's Day, Friday, February 14, 2020 at 7pm! One of the greatest musicians of all time with a most inspiring story. He has recorded over 50 albums and worked with countless top industry professionals. Twice nominated for a Grammy Award for Best Rock Gospel Album and seven time…
  • 🎨 William Shatner (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Set your phasers to stun! Prepare to be beamed up for an unforgettable night with William Shatner, live on stage. In this unique evening, you’ll enjoy a screening of the classic film “Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan” on the big screen. Following the movie, one of Hollywood’s most recognizable figures, William Shatner, will take to the…

Saturday, Feb 15th

  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Men's Basketball vs Newman (Edmond) Start Time: 3:30pm University of Central Oklahoma Men's Basketball vs Newman https://www.bronchosports.com/calendar.aspx?id=6517
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Basketball vs Newman (Edmond) Start Time: 1:30pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Basketball vs Newman https://www.bronchosports.com/calendar.aspx?id=6547
  • 🎭 CityRep's Sexy Laundry (Oklahoma City Repertory Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm
  • 🎨 deadCenter Docs + Art Moves (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 2:30pm Join us for our FREE series of deadCenter Documentaries! Screening at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art. 01/24 | Sweethearts of the Prison Rodeo (2009 / 90 min) Director Bradley Beesley 02//28 | Beauty is Embarrassing (2012 / 88 min) Director Neil Berkeley 03//27 | Dealt (2017 / 85 min) Director Luke Korem 04//24 | Tower (2016 / 82 min) Director…
  • The Great Backyard Bird Count (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Saturday, February 15, 10 – 11:30 am The Garden Classroom and Garden Grounds Member $4; Nonmember $6 Best for families Register by Tuesday, February 11 REGISTER HERE Count birds in the “backyard” of Myriad Botanical Gardens and join scientists and bird watchers all over the world for the annual Great Backyard Bird Count. We’ll learn how…
  • 🎨 In the Direction of the Sun - Art Exhibit Opening Reception (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm
  • Monster Jam - Arena Post Show Driver Meet & Greet (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Attend a private post-show driver meet and greet event with the chance to talk to the drivers, take photos and get autographs. The interactive experience includes:
    Access to post-show meed and greet event in designated venue event space - event will occur immediately after the post-show
    Meet and greet opportunites with the chance to take…
  • 🏆 Monster Jam Triple Threat Series (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Monster Jam Triple Threat Series® offers the ultimate mix of action and excitement in six different competitions. World-class athletes tear up the dirt in Monster Jam trucks, speedsters and ATVs. They compete head-to-head for points in challenging Racing and Freestyle events testing their agility, speed and versatility. This is the big leagues…
  • 😂 Nick Griffin (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City)
  • OKC Ballet's Romeo & Juliet (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Tickets are now on sale for Oklahoma City Ballet’s production of Romeo & Juliet. Let Oklahoma City Ballet romance you with the greatest love story ever told this Valentine's Day weekend.
    With four performances at the Civic Center Music Hall February 14-16, this rich theatrical experience is packed with edge-of-your-seat sword fights and…
  • Oklahoma City Spring Remodel & Landscape Show (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 2:00pm Welcome to the Oklahoma City Spring Remodel and Landscape Show. This comprehensive home show brings together homeowners and the most knowledgeable and experienced remodeling and building experts. Professionals will be on hand to share their valuable knowledge and bring your ideas to life - or inspire new ones! See the Latest Innovations and…

Sunday, Feb 16th

  • Monster Jam - Arena Post Show Driver Meet & Greet (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Attend a private post-show driver meet and greet event with the chance to talk to the drivers, take photos and get autographs. The interactive experience includes:
    Access to post-show meed and greet event in designated venue event space - event will occur immediately after the post-show
    Meet and greet opportunites with the chance to take…
  • Monster Jam Pit Party: Pit Pass (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm PIT PASS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY 1:00 pm EVENT TICKET! The Pit Party is a pre-show event taking place from 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM. Ages 2 & up require a ticket.
    At the Monster Jam® Pit Party, you can see the massive trucks up close, meet your favorite drivers and crews, get autographs, take pictures and enjoy other family-friendly activities. It's…
  • 🏆 Monster Jam Triple Threat Series (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Monster Jam Triple Threat Series® offers the ultimate mix of action and excitement in six different competitions. World-class athletes tear up the dirt in Monster Jam trucks, speedsters and ATVs. They compete head-to-head for points in challenging Racing and Freestyle events testing their agility, speed and versatility. This is the big leagues…
  • OKC Ballet's Romeo & Juliet (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Last Day Tickets are now on sale for Oklahoma City Ballet’s production of Romeo & Juliet. Let Oklahoma City Ballet romance you with the greatest love story ever told this Valentine's Day weekend.
    With four performances at the Civic Center Music Hall February 14-16, this rich theatrical experience is packed with edge-of-your-seat sword fights and…

Monday, Feb 17th

I was unable to find any published events for Feb 17th.

Tuesday, Feb 18th

I was unable to find any published events for Feb 18th.

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Dec 4th - Tue, Dec 10th)

Tulsa's event list.


Wednesday, Dec 4th

  • Build a Reader Storytime: Preschool (Owasso Library - Owasso) The best in children's literature, songs, games, finger plays, rhymes and other reading-related activities are shared with your preschooler. For ages 3-5. **The last Preschool Storytime for the year will be Wednesday, Dec. 11. Preschool Storytime will resume on Wednesday, Jan. 15.
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 7th
  • 🎭 Open Auditions for Cast (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Open Auditions first Wednesday of every month. 6:30pm
  • Yale University Whiffenpoofs (All Souls Unitarian Church - Tulsa) Let the Yale Whiffenpoofs get you in the holiday spirit with a lively performance at All Souls Unitarian Church in…

Thursday, Dec 5th

  • 🎡 Brown Bag It: Tulsa Festival Ringers (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:30am
  • Cryptic Wisdom (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🍴 In the Middle Book Club (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us to discuss "Roller Girl" by Victoria Jamieson and make some awesome buttons! We'll also have snacks and hot chocolate/hot apple cider. For ages 9-12. Request your copy here: https://tccl.bibliocommons.com/item/show/3204432063.
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Thru Sat, Dec 7th
  • Travis Tritt in Concert (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa - Catoosa) Award-winning country singer Travis Tritt is taking over The Joint in Catoosa for a special evening of live music. Since he…
  • Broken Arrow Wine Walk (Rose District - Broken Arrow) Start Time: 6:30pm The Broken Arrow Wine Walk gives guests the chance to sample a variety of locally crafted drinks within walking distance…

Friday, Dec 6th

  • 🍴 Chandler Park Lights on the Hill (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 8th Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy one of the brightest Christmas light displays in Tulsa! Millions of lights will line the roads throughout the park. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • Christkindlmarkt (GAST House - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 8th For a unique and distinctly European holiday shopping experience head to the Christkindlmarkt put on by the German American…
  • Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 8th See trained dogs compete in a series of agility tests during the Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial. Held at Tulsa Expo…
  • Festival of Lights Christmas Parade (Downtown - Sand Springs) Day 1 of 2 Come and enjoy one of the state's oldest and biggest nighttime holiday parades and experience the wonder of a small-town…
  • 🍴 Hayes Carll (Cain's Ballroom - Tulsa) Start Time: 6:30pm Cain's Ballroom welcomes Hayes Carll to Tulsa, OK on Friday, December 6, 2019 Burn Co Barbecue - Cain’s will be open during the show. Advance - $23 + fees Day of Show - $26 + fees Door - $26 Mezzanine (21+) - $38 + fees No re-entry! No smoking! No refunds! Support acts are subject to change without notice!
  • 🎓 Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration (U.S. Cellular Store - Claremore) Thru Sun, Dec 8th Start Time: 10:00am Claremore U.S. Cellular Store Hosting Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration
    Happy holidays from U.S. Cellular! The Claremore store at, 502-B S Lynn Riggs Blvd is hosting a holiday-themed Customer Appreciation Celebration from Dec. 6 – Dec. 8. During this time, everyone who visits the store will receive a free tumbler, and customers can…
  • Holiday Maker Market (Mother Road Market - Tulsa) Visit the Mother Road Market along Route 66 in Tulsa for the Holiday Maker Market. Complete your holiday shopping while…
  • Hoosier Arenacross Nationals (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Day 1 of 2 Experience two high-flying nights of motorized, adrenaline-pumping arenacross action. After kicking off the night with live…
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin - Tulsa) 1 day left
  • Kayfabe's Annual Toy Drive for St. Francis' Children's Hospital (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Join us as Philbrook comes alive with holiday events, visits from Santa, train rides, Lego Village, garden games, live music, shopping, décor, and thousands of lights in the gardens reflecting the spirit of the season. Gather the whole family for unforgettable experiences. Festival Nights are special ticketed event nights which feature a light…
  • Philbrook Playdates (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 9:30am Come and play with your child, let your child play with other kids, and meet other adults! We provide the creative activity and we clean up the mess. December 2019: Exploring Light Discover the awe-inspiring wonder-filled work of Anila Quayyum Agha with your little one. Then explore light and shadow together! Playdates at Philbrook are…
  • Wax: Push On Tour (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Wax garnered his success from his YouTube channel, where he attracted attention for his rapping and singing skills. Although…
  • Wayne "The Train" Hancock (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm

Saturday, Dec 7th

  • Buddy Lafortune Community Center's Holiday Craft Bazaar (Lafortune Community Center - Tulsa) This event is great for all your holiday shopping, we will have many different vendors selling goods including but not limited to, homemade crafts, knit scarves, pillows, stockings, blankets, jamberry, Mary Kay, Scentsy, and much much more
  • 🎨 Chandler Park Cookies with Santa (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 11:00am FREE Bring the family out to enjoy milk and cookies with the ‘man in red'. Don't forget to bring your wish lists and cameras to snap a photo. The 1st 100 guests will receive a goodie bag! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • 🍴 Chandler Park Lights on the Hill (Chandler Park - Tulsa) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy one of the brightest Christmas light displays in Tulsa! Millions of lights will line the roads throughout the park. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • Christkindlmarkt (GAST House - Tulsa) 1 day left For a unique and distinctly European holiday shopping experience head to the Christkindlmarkt put on by the German American…
  • A Christmas Carol (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 A Christmas Carol Dec. 7-8, 13-15, 19-22 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 9, 16, 23 at 2 p.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre Robert Odle and Richard Averill's musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' beloved novella about the joy of giving has been a Tulsa tradition for more than 40 years. It's a heartwarming story about Scrooge, a lonely humbug who is given the…
  • Christmas in Kendall Whittier (Kendall-Whittier - Tulsa) Venture into the Kendall Whittier District this winter for a festive holiday shopping experience. Attend the annual…
  • Coweta Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting Ceremony (Downtown - Coweta) Celebrate the winter holidays this season at the annual Coweta Christmas Parade & Tree Lighting Ceremony. Select…
  • Christmas with The Petersens (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) The Petersens are an award-winning family band from Branson known for their authentic music, clean comedy, and family values. In 2015, the family received international attention when banjo player Ellen Petersen competed on American Idol. The family has toured throughout the U.S., Canada, Finland, and Ireland, performing their Americana roots…
  • A Crafty Christmas (Kum & Go - Sand Springs) Plan to attend A Crafty Christmas for an afternoon filled with holiday shopping. This arts and craft show in the heart…
  • Creepy Christmas Light Tour (Woodward Park - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 23rd Haunted history and Christmas lights combine at Tulsa Spirit Tours' Creepy Christmas Light Tour. Learn all about the…
  • Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial (Expo Square - Tulsa) 1 day left See trained dogs compete in a series of agility tests during the Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial. Held at Tulsa Expo…
  • 🎭 The Drunkard and the Olio (Tulsa Spotlight Theatre - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm
  • Festival of Lights Christmas Parade (Downtown - Sand Springs) Day 2 of 2 Come and enjoy one of the state's oldest and biggest nighttime holiday parades and experience the wonder of a small-town…
  • Tulsa Flea Market (Expo Square - Tulsa) Explore 50,000 square feet filled with antiques and collectibles at the Tulsa Flea Market. Head to Tulsa Expo Square, and…
  • Holiday Arts & Crafts Show (Bixby Community Center - Bixby) Scratch a few names off your Christmas gift list by making your way to the annual Holiday Arts & Crafts Show in Bixby.…
  • 🎓 Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration (U.S. Cellular Store - Claremore) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Claremore U.S. Cellular Store Hosting Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration
    Happy holidays from U.S. Cellular! The Claremore store at, 502-B S Lynn Riggs Blvd is hosting a holiday-themed Customer Appreciation Celebration from Dec. 6 – Dec. 8. During this time, everyone who visits the store will receive a free tumbler, and customers can…
  • Hoosier Arenacross Nationals (Claremore Expo Center - Claremore) Day 2 of 2 Experience two high-flying nights of motorized, adrenaline-pumping arenacross action. After kicking off the night with live…
  • 😂 Jason Russell (Loony Bin - Tulsa) Last Day
  • 🏃 Jingle Bell Run (BOK Center - Tulsa) Come jingle with us at the annual Jingle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis. Proceeds from this event help fund research and programs for the 800,000+ Oklahomans with arthritis - American's number one disabling disease.
  • LaFortune Park Crafts Bazaar (Lafortune Community Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:30am Browse homemade items, decorations, scarves, jewelry, and other unique treasures for your holiday shopping list from quality vendors. Booth space available. Call for pricing. Elisabeth Ziegler (918) 496-6220 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • 🎓 Les Mis rables (School Edition) (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 Les Mis�rables (School Edition) Dec. 7-8, 14-15 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 8-9, 15-16 at 2 p.m. :: Liddy Doenges Theatre Season Tickets Tulsa's most talented teens take on the masterpiece! Theatre Tulsa's Broadway Academy teenage students perform the inspiring saga of love, hope and... GET TICKETS
  • Midwest Arms Collector Gun Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 1 of 2 For more than 15 years, the Midwest Arms Collector Gun Show has produced quality gun and knife shows. Be sure to explore the…
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • Mzclave (Blackbird On Pearl - Tulsa) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • The Nutcracker (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 22nd This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Audiences of all ages…
  • 🎨 Oklahoma and the Great Depression (The Gilcrease Museum - Tulsa) Start Time: 10:00am Explore the connections between Oklahoma and the Great Depression through talks, poetry readings, performances and more as we celebrate the exhibition DOROTHEA LANGE'S AMERICA. Free with museum admission. FEATURED TALKS
    “It’s Dying and It’s Hardly Been Born”: The Dust Bowl in Music, Literature and Film | 10:15 a.m. -Dr. Sean Latham,…
  • Philbrook Festival (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 6:00pm Join us as Philbrook comes alive with holiday events, visits from Santa, train rides, Lego Village, garden games, live music, shopping, décor, and thousands of lights in the gardens reflecting the spirit of the season. Gather the whole family for unforgettable experiences. Festival Nights are special ticketed event nights which feature a light…
  • Philbrook Playdates (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 9:30am Come and play with your child, let your child play with other kids, and meet other adults! We provide the creative activity and we clean up the mess. December 2019: Exploring Light Discover the awe-inspiring wonder-filled work of Anila Quayyum Agha with your little one. Then explore light and shadow together! Playdates at Philbrook are…
  • 🎭 Rainbows Are Free - Head Pains Record Release Show (The Vanguard - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Head to the Vanguard for a night of metal and theatrics when Rainbows are Free brings their signature show to…
  • Saturday Afternoon Test N Tune (Tulsa Raceway Park - Tulsa) Start Time: 12:00pm
  • Shelby Mustang Classic Car Auction (Expo Square - Tulsa) The Shelby Mustang Classic Car Auction features top hot rods. Visit Tulsa Expo Square, and see the wide range of Mustangs…
  • Succulent Centerpiece Workshop (Philbrook Downtown - Tulsa) Start Time: 2:00pm Get your hands dirty. Take home a piece of Philbrook: succulents grown from our collection. Create a stunning centerpiece (with expert help). Make it for holiday entertaining or as a gift (that keeps on giving/growing). Enjoy wine, beer, and light refreshments. Philbrook Members: $40 Not-Yet Members: $60 Tickets include Museum admission…
  • Victor Wainwright (The Shrine - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:00pm

Sunday, Dec 8th

  • The Alliday Show (Retro Den - Tulsa) An all handmade arts and crafts show in its 10th year!
  • 🍴 Chandler Park Lights on the Hill (Chandler Park - Tulsa) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy one of the brightest Christmas light displays in Tulsa! Millions of lights will line the roads throughout the park. LIKE US ON FACEBOOK!
  • Christkindlmarkt (GAST House - Tulsa) Last Day For a unique and distinctly European holiday shopping experience head to the Christkindlmarkt put on by the German American…
  • Christmas (Keystone State Park - Sand Springs) Keystone State Park hosts Christmas at the Park just in time for all the exciting winter festivities. Bring the…
  • A Christmas Carol (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 A Christmas Carol Dec. 7-8, 13-15, 19-22 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 9, 16, 23 at 2 p.m. :: John H. Williams Theatre Robert Odle and Richard Averill's musical adaptation of Charles Dickens' beloved novella about the joy of giving has been a Tulsa tradition for more than 40 years. It's a heartwarming story about Scrooge, a lonely humbug who is given the…
  • Creepy Christmas Light Tour (Woodward Park - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 23rd Haunted history and Christmas lights combine at Tulsa Spirit Tours' Creepy Christmas Light Tour. Learn all about the…
  • Criss Angel (Osage Event Center - Tulsa) Come to the Skyline Event Center at the Osage Casino in Tulsa for a night of mind-blowing magic from Criss Angel. The star…
  • Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial (Expo Square - Tulsa) Last Day See trained dogs compete in a series of agility tests during the Tulsa Dog Training Club Agility Trial. Held at Tulsa Expo…
  • 🏃 Half n Half Marathon or Half (Turkey Mountain - Tulsa) The RunnersWorld Tulsa Half and Half Marathon allows you to run a half marathon on the Turkey Mountain trails or a half marathon on paved pedestrian trails. All races will be going at the same time for some fast-paced finish line action.
    Half Marathon on Turkey Mountain Dirt Trails Half Marathon on Riverside Paved Trails Full Marathon…
  • 🎓 Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration (U.S. Cellular Store - Claremore) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Claremore U.S. Cellular Store Hosting Holiday Customer Appreciation Celebration
    Happy holidays from U.S. Cellular! The Claremore store at, 502-B S Lynn Riggs Blvd is hosting a holiday-themed Customer Appreciation Celebration from Dec. 6 – Dec. 8. During this time, everyone who visits the store will receive a free tumbler, and customers can…
  • 🎓 Les Mis rables (School Edition) (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 Les Mis�rables (School Edition) Dec. 7-8, 14-15 at 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 8-9, 15-16 at 2 p.m. :: Liddy Doenges Theatre Season Tickets Tulsa's most talented teens take on the masterpiece! Theatre Tulsa's Broadway Academy teenage students perform the inspiring saga of love, hope and... GET TICKETS
  • Midwest Arms Collector Gun Show (Expo Square - Tulsa) Day 2 of 2 For more than 15 years, the Midwest Arms Collector Gun Show has produced quality gun and knife shows. Be sure to explore the…
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • The Nutcracker (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 22nd This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Audiences of all ages…
  • ORU Golden Eagles vs Haskell Fighting Indians (Mabee Center - Tulsa) The ORU Golden Eagles men's basketball team strives for success on the court. Watch the team work together toward…
  • Tulsa Toy Run (Expo Square - Tulsa) Thousands of bikers descend upon Tulsa Expo Square every winter just in time for the holidays. During the annual Tulsa Toy…

Monday, Dec 9th

  • Glenpool Christmas Parade (Glenpool) Kick-off the holiday season at the Glenpool Christmas Parade. This festive Merry Monday event will feature displays from…
  • Creepy Christmas Light Tour (Woodward Park - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 23rd Haunted history and Christmas lights combine at Tulsa Spirit Tours' Creepy Christmas Light Tour. Learn all about the…
  • Fiction Addiction Book Club (Owasso Library - Owasso) Start Time: 6:00pm Love talking about books? So do we! Join us to discuss "Beartown" by Fredrick Backman. Reserved copies of the book are available at the desk or you may request your own copy at https://tccl.bibliocommons.com/item/show/3578565063.
  • Jennifer Marriott Band (Tulsa) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • The Nutcracker (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 22nd This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Audiences of all ages…
  • Sing! An Irish Christmas (Mabee Center - Tulsa) Start Time: 7:30pm Join us for Sing! An Irish Christmas and make memories that will last a lifetime. Come sing along with thousands of believers in your city and celebrate the true story of the Christmas season!

Tuesday, Dec 10th

  • 🎭 Brady Theater, Tulsa, Oklahoma,USA (Brady Theater - Tulsa) Start Time: 8:00pm Il Divo at the Tulsa Theater in Tulsa, Oklahoma pre-sale 1st of august at 10.00am
  • Build a Reader Storytime: Babies and Toddlers (Owasso Library - Owasso) Ready, set, READ! This beginning storytime focuses on helping your baby or toddler develop important literacy skills while emphasizing the fun of reading. For ages birth-2. **The last Baby/Toddler Storytime for the year will be Tuesday, Dec. 10. Baby/Toddler Storytime will resume on Tuesday, Jan. 14.
  • Creepy Christmas Light Tour (Woodward Park - Tulsa) Thru Mon, Dec 23rd Haunted history and Christmas lights combine at Tulsa Spirit Tours' Creepy Christmas Light Tour. Learn all about the…
  • Miracle in Bedford Falls (Broken Arrow Community Playhouse - Broken Arrow) Thru Sun, Dec 15th Frank Capra’s timeless film “It’s a Wonderful Life” has been given a fresh adaptation with Broken…
  • The Nutcracker (Tulsa Performing Art Center - Tulsa) Thru Sun, Dec 22nd This December, Tulsa Ballet presents "The Nutcracker" at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center. Audiences of all ages…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Oct 30th - Tue, Nov 5th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Oct 30th

  • 🍴 Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Nov 3rd Start Time: 12:30pm
  • Bi-Weekly Meetup (51st st. Speakeasy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm
  • 🎡 Carnival of CASH (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Get in the Halloween winning spirit every Wednesday, and Sunday, in October at the Remington Park Casino! Earn entries to compete in the fun and rewarding Carnival Games, every Wednesday and Sunday in October from 6-10pm. The Grand Prize that could be won each night is $1,000! Begin earning entries every Wednesday and Sunday in October starting…
  • Evil Dead the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Come sit in the Splatter Zone and get covered in the aftermath as Ash fights the undead and tries to save his girlfriend…
  • FrightFest (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) 1 day left This Halloween season, visit Frontier City in Oklahoma City for a day of thrilling rides and fun activities for the whole…
  • Gwar - Use Your Collusion Tour (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:30pm GWAR Sacred Reich, Toxic Holocaust and Against the Grain All Ages / 6:30 Doors
  • 🎓 How to Communicate Like a Boss (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am We live in a world where communication is so important; however, we rarely see good examples. If they don’t hear our voice, our message, we have no influence. Join us as Lissa Qualls, Clarity, LLC shares some basic conversational tools that will help your voice be heard. Registration is required for this free event. Click the Tickets link to…
  • Julian Davis & The Situation w/Brad Fielder (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm Julian Davis & The Situation make their inaugural appearance at The Deli in Norman Oklahoma to kick off a three week tour run. They will be delivering that high energy traditional bluegrass crossed with a flair of jam grass layered in to the tunes. They are touring in support of their newly released live cd and is sure to be a barn burner of an…
  • Medicare 2020 (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 1:00pm Medicare changes for 2020. Supplements, advantage plans, and prescription plans. Education event. @[139181842792560:274:The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government] @[1716001705334748:274:ChooseGuthrie] @[207071275983790:274:Guthrie Chamber of Commerce] @[1164807446892607:69:Real Talk Around Guthrie]
  • 😂 Mike Head (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City)
  • Paper Jam! (UCO Jazz Lab - Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm UCO Design’s 10th annual benefit concert. Doors open at 6pm Show starts at 7pm Bands: Bad Jokes Rousey $5/ticket: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/10th-annual-paper-jam-tickets-72957892019 Posters will be for sale! All proceeds will be used to support the improvement of UCO Design Facilities.
  • Reading Wednesday (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Reading Wednesdays Every Wednesday, 10am The South Lobby FREE Best for ages 2 to 5 Books are nature-themed and selected based on the season. We’ll begin with an interactive song and children will enjoy creating a small craft after the story. Join us the last Wednesday of the month for reading and craft time with the Downtown Library. For…
  • Riverscream & The Splice (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Head to RiversportOKC in Oklahoma City's Boathouse District this Halloween season for two terrifyingly fun experiences,…
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show (The Boom - Oklahoma City) 1 day left The Boom, a combination club and live entertainment venue in Oklahoma City, puts on a production of the Rocky Horror Picture…
  • The Rocky Horror Show Floor Show (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Lyric Theatre is partnering with the Plaza District, Plaza Walls and DigIt! next weekend to present an evening of entertainment both inside and outside of the Plaza Theatre!
  • Noble Scaregrounds (Noble) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Visit the Noble Scaregrounds for a haunting experience this October. Brave the darkened pathway winding through sweet…
  • SpringHill Suites Art Night (SpringHill Suites by Marriott Oklahoma City Airport - Oklahoma City) Head to SpringHill Suites by Marriott Quail Springs Oklahoma City for a family-friendly evening filled with…
  • USTRC National Finals of Team Roping (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Come and watch the best team roping from the U.S. and Canada as team ropers converge on the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in…
  • USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Thru Fri, Nov 1st The USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships welcomes some of the best cowboys and team roping groups to the Lazy E Arena for…
  • 🎓 Wild Weather Camp (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:30am October 30, 2019 10:30 a.m. The Museum hosts David Payne’s Wild Weather Camp, a fun and interactive weather safety program developed by David Payne and the News 9 Weather Team for elementary students. Kids will learn about severe weather events and what to do in different scenarios. Bring a sack lunch to enjoy after the 45-minute…
  • Wizarding World of Tiger Safari (Tuttle) 1 day left Harry Potter fans old and young will love the Wizarding World of Tiger Safari in Tuttle. This unique attraction invites…
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…
  • 🎓 Zumbini (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Designed for kids ages 0-5 and their caregivers, Zumbini combines music, dance and educational tools for 45-minutes of can't-stop, won't-stop bonding and fun. Please RSVP for this event. October 30th, participants are welcomed to wear Halloween Costumes. Light snacks will be provided after class. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government…

Thursday, Oct 31st

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Nov 3rd Start Time: 12:30pm
  • Drac & the Swamp Rats / LCG & the X / NET (Blue Note - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Prepare to be scared stiff on Halloween night when the wicked and terrifying DRAC & THE SWAMP RATS return to OKC! Spine-tingling monster rock sure to leave you HAUNTED. with special guests: LCG and the X and Net Doors at 8pm | $10 | 21+
  • Evil Dead the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Come sit in the Splatter Zone and get covered in the aftermath as Ash fights the undead and tries to save his girlfriend…
  • FrightFest (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Last Day This Halloween season, visit Frontier City in Oklahoma City for a day of thrilling rides and fun activities for the whole…
  • Halloween Hotseats! (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm When the winning flows freely, at Remington Park, no one is afraid on Halloween night. Play in the Casino using your Club Remington Card and you’ll be eligible to win $250 in Free Play during Halloween Hot Seats on Thursday, Oct. 31. The Halloween Hot Seats start at 5pm and continue until 10pm. Just play your favorite casino games while using…
  • 🎨 Holmes and Watson (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Carpenter Square Theatre continues its 36th Season with the area premiere of “Holmes and Watson” October 18-November 9. Playwright Jeffrey Hatcher’s twisting, tantalizing mystery is a completely new tale concerning the famous detective and his sidekick Dr. Watson. All performances will be held at the theater, located at 800 W. Main in…
  • 🏃 Koda CrossFit at Together Square (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:45pm Thursdays 5:45-6:45pm September 5–November 21, 2019 $5 per person, pay upon arrival All levels Bring water Together Square is the perfect spot to discover the benefits of the incredible Koda Crossfit Workout. Join us Thursday evenings at 5:45pm beginning September 5 through November 21 for an hour of training. By performing a wide variety of…
  • Leftover Crack (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Leftover Crack with Days N Daze and Cop/Out This show is all ages. Tickets are $15 in advance at ticketstorm.com, charge by phone 18669661777, purchase hard copy tickets at any Uptown Grocery/Buy For Less location or Starship Records in Tulsa.
  • Pumpkin Patch (McFarlin Memorial United Methodist Church - Norman) Start Time: 10:00am
  • Riverscream & The Splice (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Head to RiversportOKC in Oklahoma City's Boathouse District this Halloween season for two terrifyingly fun experiences,…
  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Last Day The Boom, a combination club and live entertainment venue in Oklahoma City, puts on a production of the Rocky Horror Picture…
  • The Rocky Horror Show Floor Show (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Lyric Theatre is partnering with the Plaza District, Plaza Walls and DigIt! next weekend to present an evening of entertainment both inside and outside of the Plaza Theatre!
  • Noble Scaregrounds (Noble) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Visit the Noble Scaregrounds for a haunting experience this October. Brave the darkened pathway winding through sweet…
  • 🎓 Trunk or Treat (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 4:00pm During Guthrie’s Annual Trick or Treat walk, Guthrie Public Library and other participating businesses will be hosting the 2nd Annual Trunk – or – Treat in the library parking lot. Come See Us! Have a Business outside of downtown Guthrie? Email Miss Kris at [email protected] to inquire about our 2nd Annual Trunk-or-Treat!…
  • USTRC National Finals of Team Roping (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Come and watch the best team roping from the U.S. and Canada as team ropers converge on the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in…
  • USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) 1 day left The USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships welcomes some of the best cowboys and team roping groups to the Lazy E Arena for…
  • 🍴 Vegan | Vegetarian Lunch (Opolis Prod - Norman) Start Time: 11:00am Fuel up for your neighborhood hike! Lunch Returns 10/31 11am-2pm Specials TBA
  • Wizarding World of Tiger Safari (Tuttle) Last Day Harry Potter fans old and young will love the Wizarding World of Tiger Safari in Tuttle. This unique attraction invites…
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…

Friday, Nov 1st

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Nov 3rd Start Time: 12:30pm
  • DelQuest Committee Meeting (Don's Alley - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Evil Dead the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) 1 day left Come sit in the Splatter Zone and get covered in the aftermath as Ash fights the undead and tries to save his girlfriend…
  • Fall Craft Show (Southgate Baptist Church - Moore) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Our annual Craft Show has over 60 vendors with unique items from home decor, crafts & jewelry, homemade goods, and more. Food Trucks will be open all weekend and our concessions will have plenty of baked goods! Attendance is free.
  • First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night visitors…
  • Fossil Youth in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Enid-based band the Fossil Youth got their start playing venues and music festivals across Oklahoma. See this pop-punk act…
  • 🎓 Free Zumba (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 5:00pm Dress to sweat! Free Latin inspired dance fitness class. Space is Limited. RSVP. The City of Guthrie, OK - Municipal Government Guthrie, Oklahoma ChooseGuthrie Guthrie Chamber of Commerce Talk around guthrie where nobody gets deleted
  • 🎨 Holmes and Watson (Carpenter Square Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:30pm Carpenter Square Theatre continues its 36th Season with the area premiere of “Holmes and Watson” October 18-November 9. Playwright Jeffrey Hatcher’s twisting, tantalizing mystery is a completely new tale concerning the famous detective and his sidekick Dr. Watson. All performances will be held at the theater, located at 800 W. Main in…
  • 🎓 Meet Us at the Barre (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us for the first session of Meet Us at the Barre! Jenny Stiner with Balance. Yoga. Barre. will guide us through the basics of Barre fitness, which consists of high energy, low impact and fat burning exercises that combine ballet-inspired moves with elements of yoga and Pilates. Participants must sign a waiver each class, and anyone under…
  • 😂 Mike Head (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2
  • Oklahoma Artcade (Noir Bistro & Bar - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Come out to historic Film Row in Oklahoma City for a one-of-a-kind art show focusing on arcade games and related ephemera.…
  • 🎭 Oliver! (Rose State College - Midwest City) Start Time: 7:30pm The award-winning musical adaptation of the classic Dickens' novel springs to life with some of the most memorable characters and song ever to hit the stage. For all audiences CALL 405-594-8300 FOR OLIVER! TICKETS
  • PAMBE Ghana Global Market (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Dec 24th PAMBE Ghana's Global Market features some of the most unusual, standout gifts in the Oklahoma City metro. This winter…
  • Polo G (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm
  • 🎓 Power in the Pulpit: Preaching Authority in Late Middle Ages (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:15pm Medieval Fair Free Lecture Series WEST Norman Public Library, 300 Norman Center Ct. "Power in the Pulpit: Preaching Authority in Late Middle Ages" presented by Reid Weber, UCO Assistant Professor in the Department of Humanities and Philosophy The content of medieval sermons is one of the most useful and mysterious sources the Middle Ages has to…
  • Riverscream & The Splice (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Head to RiversportOKC in Oklahoma City's Boathouse District this Halloween season for two terrifyingly fun experiences,…
  • The Rocky Horror Show Floor Show (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Lyric Theatre is partnering with the Plaza District, Plaza Walls and DigIt! next weekend to present an evening of entertainment both inside and outside of the Plaza Theatre!
  • Ron White (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Join the audience at Riverwind Casino in Norman for a hilarious performance from veteran comedian Ron White. Gaining wide…
  • Noble Scaregrounds (Noble) 1 day left Visit the Noble Scaregrounds for a haunting experience this October. Brave the darkened pathway winding through sweet…
  • St. Elijah Mediterranean Food Festival (Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Soak in some history and culture while celebrating Mediterranean food with the congregation of St. Elijah Antioch Orthodox…
  • Todrick Hall in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Witness an extravaganza like no other as Todrick Hall's Haus Party Tour stops at Oklahoma City's Tower Theatre. One…
  • The Two Sisters Flea Market (Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center - Shawnee) The Two Sisters Flea Market monthly flea market with over 40 local vendors- located at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center in Shawnee- 1700 W Independence. We're open Friday and Saturday 8am to 5pm. Indoors and free admission. Find us on facebook at The Two Sisters Flea Market.
  • USTRC National Finals of Team Roping (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Come and watch the best team roping from the U.S. and Canada as team ropers converge on the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in…
  • USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Last Day The USTRC Guthrie Shoot Out Championships welcomes some of the best cowboys and team roping groups to the Lazy E Arena for…
  • 🎭 The Zoltars/Poolboy/Locust Avenue (Opolis Prod - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm https://thezoltars.bandcamp.com/ https://poolboy1.bandcamp.com/ 6pm food and drink 8pm doors 9pm show $7
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) 1 day left Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…

Saturday, Nov 2nd

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 12:30pm
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Football vs Missouri Southern (Edmond) Start Time: 1:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Football vs Missouri Southern Streaming Video: https://www.themiaanetwork.com/ucobronchos/ Tickets:…
  • Día de Los Muertos (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 1:00pm We’re hosting a Day of the Dead event with family-friendly activities at the museum! Visit the Menagerie installation and make your own ofrenda, sugar skull mask, and papel picada decorations. Light refreshments will be provided to celebrate Latin American culture at the museum!
  • 🎨 Dia De Los Muertos (Day of the Dead) in the Gardens (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Sponsored by ClearSight Lasik, Floyd’s Recreational Vehicles, T-Mobile, AT&T Fiber, and Platt College Join us for a special screening of Disney-Pixar’s "Coco" on the Devon Lawn. Prior to the screening, enjoy a special performance by Ballet Folclórico Xochipilli - Okc at 6:00 p.m. Enjoy face painting by Pilar Designs Face Painting, purchase…
  • 🎨 Drop-In Art: Land & Home (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm For the month of November we will explore the themes of Land and Home. Visit our special exhibition "Renewing the American Spirit: The Art of the Great Depression" and our permanent collection exhibition "From the Golden Age to the Moving Image: The Changing Face of the Permanent Collection" to find inspiration from the many works of art on…
  • Evil Dead the Musical (Pollard Theatre - Guthrie) Last Day Come sit in the Splatter Zone and get covered in the aftermath as Ash fights the undead and tries to save his girlfriend…
  • Fall Craft Show (Southgate Baptist Church - Moore) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 1:00pm Our annual Craft Show has over 60 vendors with unique items from home decor, crafts & jewelry, homemade goods, and more. Food Trucks will be open all weekend and our concessions will have plenty of baked goods! Attendance is free.
  • 🎨 Family Workshop: Art in the Winter Garden (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Learn about artists who use natural materials to make art outdoors, then head outside and do it ourselves. We’ll take photographs of our creations to share with friends and family. Member $7; Nonmember $9 Best for ages 6 to 10
  • Glasslands (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Agape Productions presents: Glasslands returns to Okc Fb: https://www.facebook.com/GLASSLANDSofficial/ YouTube: https://youtu.be/7uJ_8BVmQHQ Supporting acts: Understanding Eris Fb: https://m.facebook.com/Understanding.Eris/ More to come
  • The Isley Brothers & The Commodores (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 6:30pm Headliner: The Isley Brothers Special Guest: The Commodores
  • Italian Gems (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Enjoy the work of violinist Benjamin Schmid as part of the Oklahoma City Philharmonic's Classic Concert Series. Held at…
  • Jamey Johnson in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Head to Riverwind Casino in Norman for some serious country sounds from acclaimed singer-songwriter Jamey Johnson. Johnson…
  • Jingle Bell Bazaar (Edmond) Head to the Jingle Bell Bazaar in Edmond and start your Christmas shopping early. This show features all handmade items.…
  • 🎨 Kids Take Over the Cowboy: Colors of Clay Celebration (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am November 2 Kids Take Over the Cowboy: Create a Tipi Lincoln Hallway 10:00 a.m. – Noon Enjoy storytelling, crafts and create clay coasters utilizing one of three traditional designs featured in the Colors of Clay exhibition. Free to museum members or with museum admission. Available while supplies last. This program is made possible, in part,…
  • 🏃 Little Red Heart 5K (Regatta Park - Oklahoma City) Join us for a fun-filled celebration including music, food, prizes and activities for all ages.
  • 😂 Mike Head (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2
  • 🎨 Mimosas, Brunch, and the American Spirit (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Join the OKCMOA Moderns for Mimosas, Brunch, and the American Spirit, a brunch reception and tour hosted by the Moderns in celebration of the opening of the Museum’s newest exhibition, Renewing the American Spirit: The Art of the Great Depression. Enjoy mimosas, brunch hors d'oeuvres, and a behind-the-scenes tour of the new exhibition with the…
  • 🎓 OKFutures Moving Forward: 2019 Professional Development Conference (NCED Hotel & Conference Center - Norman) Start Time: 8:30am Scheduled for 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 2, the OKFutures Moving Forward: 2019 Professional Development Conference is a wonderful training opportunity for both professionals and parents. This event will offer sessions on topics like brain development, learning through play, trauma-informed care and more! And participants will develop…
  • Oklahoma Artcade (Noir Bistro & Bar - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Come out to historic Film Row in Oklahoma City for a one-of-a-kind art show focusing on arcade games and related ephemera.…
  • PAMBE Ghana Global Market (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Dec 24th PAMBE Ghana's Global Market features some of the most unusual, standout gifts in the Oklahoma City metro. This winter…
  • Pumpkin Harvest Craft Festival (Robertson Activity Center - Yukon) Start Time: 9:00am Yukon's Pumpkin Harvest Craft Festival features more than 45 crafters selling everything from candles and home decor, to…
  • Riverscream & The Splice (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) Last Day Head to RiversportOKC in Oklahoma City's Boathouse District this Halloween season for two terrifyingly fun experiences,…
  • 🏃 Robert E. Brady Memorial 5K (Farmers Insurance HelpPoint parking lot - Oklahoma City) The out and back course will be closed to traffic and is considered to be flat and fast. Fast and accurate times will be provided by DG Productions. Proceeds will go to benefit the United Way.
  • The Rocky Horror Show Floor Show (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Last Day Lyric Theatre is partnering with the Plaza District, Plaza Walls and DigIt! next weekend to present an evening of entertainment both inside and outside of the Plaza Theatre!
  • Noble Scaregrounds (Noble) Last Day Visit the Noble Scaregrounds for a haunting experience this October. Brave the darkened pathway winding through sweet…
  • St. Elijah Mediterranean Food Festival (Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Soak in some history and culture while celebrating Mediterranean food with the congregation of St. Elijah Antioch Orthodox…
  • 🎓 Theatre Arts Fall Drama Day (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm
  • This Land with Rebecca Nagle & MMIW (Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:00pm "This Land" with Rebecca Nagle - 12pm Please join us at the Downtown Library as we welcome This Land podcast host Rebecca Nagle. Ms. Nagle will be speaking about the Sharp v. Murphy case, the history of Oklahoma statehood from an Indigenous perspective, using the story of her family, and the history of the land runs and land allotment across the…
  • USTRC National Finals of Team Roping (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Come and watch the best team roping from the U.S. and Canada as team ropers converge on the Oklahoma State Fairgrounds in…
  • Shawnee, OK w/ The Isley Brothers (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 7:00pm THE COMMODORES - LIVE!
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) Last Day Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…

Sunday, Nov 3rd

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 12:30pm
  • Day of the Dead Festival (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 1:00pm Sunday, November 3rd, 2019 come down to the Plaza District for our 5th Annual Day of the Dead Festival. Lots of fun events for the whole family. Mexican Folkloric Dancing, Day of the Dead Procession, Offrendas and more!
  • Kingfisher Holiday Open House (Downtown - Kingfisher) Join the town of Kingfisher at the annual Holiday Open House in the charming downtown area. The merchants will open their…
  • New Found Glory in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Catch pop-punk band New Found Glory as their national tour stops at Oklahoma City's historic Tower Theatre. Formed…
  • PAMBE Ghana Global Market (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Dec 24th PAMBE Ghana's Global Market features some of the most unusual, standout gifts in the Oklahoma City metro. This winter…

Monday, Nov 4th

  • OU Sooners vs Oklahoma City University Champions (The Lloyd Noble Center - Norman) Head to Norman to watch as the Oklahoma Sooners Women's Basketball take on the Oklahoma City University Champions. Since…
  • PAMBE Ghana Global Market (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Dec 24th PAMBE Ghana's Global Market features some of the most unusual, standout gifts in the Oklahoma City metro. This winter…

Tuesday, Nov 5th

  • PAMBE Ghana Global Market (Oklahoma City) Thru Tue, Dec 24th PAMBE Ghana's Global Market features some of the most unusual, standout gifts in the Oklahoma City metro. This winter…

See Also

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What's happening around town (Wed, Oct 2nd - Tue, Oct 8th)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Oct 2nd

Thursday, Oct 3rd

  • 🎓 4th Annual International Gender and Sexuality Studies Conference (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Join us for one of the largest International conferences about Gender and Sexuality in the World. October 3-5 at the University of Central Oklahoma…
  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 😂 Darren Carter (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 5th
  • Hispanic Heritage Month: Cocina Festiva (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Este divertido programa de cocina interactiva le dará ideas para simplificar deliciosas comidas favoritas utilizando un InstaPot o una freidora. Se…
  • Oklahoma City Improv Festival (The Venue - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 5th Head to the Plaza District for a weekend of surprises and laughs during the Oklahoma City Improv Festival. Troupes from…
  • 🏃 Koda CrossFit at Together Square (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:45pm Thursdays 5:45-6:45pm September 5–November 21, 2019 $5 per person, pay upon arrival All levels Bring water Together Square is the perfect spot to…
  • 🎡 Linear Symmetry and Ryan Viser w/Olympus Mons (The Deli - Norman) Start Time: 10:00pm @[570217156407767:274:Tikkun Olam Productions] presents: @[638539946160231:274:Ryan Viser] (Shreveport,LA) @[127594964073661:274:Linear Symmetry]…
  • 😂 Mark Normand - Live In OKC (The Paramount OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Max Brallier Book Signing (Best of Books - Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm We are so excited to welcome children's author Max Brallier to Best of Books! He will sign copies of his new book, The Last Kids on Earth and the…
  • Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival (Cottonwood Flats Recreation Area - Guthrie) Thru Sat, Oct 5th Join the friendly residents of Guthrie for Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival, an annual three-day festival…
  • 🎓 OTA Encyclomedia (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 10:04am The 2019 Oklahoma Technology Association Encyclomedia comes to Cox Convention Center October 3rd and 4th, 2019!
  • Preserve Your Herbs! (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:30pm Adults, learn how to preserve your own fresh herbs! Join us as a horticulture educator from the OSU Extension Office comes and shares information…
  • Shawnee Fall Book Sale (Norman Public Library - Norman) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm Join us for our Fall Book Sale, sponsored by the Friends of the Library! We'll have thousands of books for all ages at low prices. All proceeds…
  • 🎭 Something Shakespeare This Way Comes (The Depot - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm 3 performances - October 3, 4, & 5; 8pm @[65465708711:274:The Depot]. Tickets $10 @the door ($5 with a current high school or college id!) The…
  • 🎓 TCAA Workshop: Scroll Layout & Design with Sam Alfano (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 9:00am
  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • TroyBoi in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Hear one of South East London's best-kept hip-hop secrets as TroyBoi takes the Tower Theatre stage in Oklahoma City.…
  • Virgil Donati (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Virgil Donati live in Oklahoma City This show is all ages. Tickets are $20 in advance at ticketstorm.com, charge by phone 18669661777, purchase hard…
  • 🎓 WDAA World Show 2019 (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) 1 day left Start Time: 7:00am 2019 Western Dressage World Championship Show Information: WDAA is very proud to announce that we will continue our excellent partnership with the…

Friday, Oct 4th

  • ARTonTAP (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Once a year, Art on Tap brings community members together over beer, food and art. Dress up and head to the Oklahoma…
  • 🎨 ART ON TAP: 16th Anniversary (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Help support OKCMOA’s special programs and exhibitions with one of the best beer tasting events in OKC. Featuring over 80 varieties of beer, food…
  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Soccer vs Fort Hays State (Edmond) Start Time: 7:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Soccer vs Fort Hays State https://www.bronchosports.com/calendar.aspx?id=6410
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Women's Volleyball vs Emporia State (Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Women's Volleyball vs Emporia State https://www.bronchosports.com/calendar.aspx?id=6384
  • Chris Stapleton in Concert (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City) Head to Oklahoma City's Chesapeake Energy Arena to hear Chris Stapleton perform hits from his All American Road Show…
  • 😂 Darren Carter (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • 🎡 Day Out with Thomas (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 12:20pm
  • 🎡 Day Out with Thomas (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 2:00pm
  • 🎡 Day Out with Thomas (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:30pm
  • DelQuest Committee Meeting (Don's Alley - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am
  • EdFest (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Local flavor is the name of the game at EdFest in Edmond. Come out to this street festival featuring local food trucks,…
  • 🎓 EdFest presented by Edmond Mobile Meals (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 6:00pm EdFest is a street festival featuring local food trucks, a local beer tasting, wine tasting, a live band, a KidsZone, silent auction and more!…
  • First Capital Quilters Guild Quilt Show (Logan County Fairgrounds - Guthrie) Day 1 of 2 Discover the joy of quilting at the First Capital Quilters Guild Quilt Show. This year's theme is…
  • First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The First Friday Gallery Walk in the Paseo Arts District occurs on the first Friday of every month. Friday night visitors…
  • 🎨 Imagining Madness: The Writing on Van Gogh’s Mental Health (Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Saxon Lecture Imagining Madness: The Writing on Van Gogh’s Mental Health Guest Speaker: Anna Gruetzner Robins, Professor Emeritus, University of…
  • Oklahoma City Improv Festival (The Venue - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Head to the Plaza District for a weekend of surprises and laughs during the Oklahoma City Improv Festival. Troupes from…
  • Josh Abbott Band in Concert (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Texas country act the Josh Abbott Band ventures north of the Red River for a show at Riverwind Casino. Get ready to have fun…
  • Judah & the Lion in Concert (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Don't miss alternative band Judah & the Lion live at The Jones Assembly. This Nashville-bred group is stopping in…
  • 🎓 Money Smart Date Night (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 5:30pm Join us for a couples-only date night while you learn more about your money personality and how this influences your financial decisions. You'll…
  • Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival (Cottonwood Flats Recreation Area - Guthrie) 1 day left Join the friendly residents of Guthrie for Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival, an annual three-day festival…
  • Oklahoma Regatta Festival (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Join the celebration of rowing, kayaking, dragon boating and stand-up paddle boarding at the Oklahoma Regatta Festival. This…
  • 🎓 OTA Encyclomedia (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:04am The 2019 Oklahoma Technology Association Encyclomedia comes to Cox Convention Center October 3rd and 4th, 2019!
  • 🎨 Outdoor Movie Series - Hocus Pocus (Firehouse Arts Center - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm After moving to Salem, Mass., teenager Max Dennison (Omri Katz) explores an abandoned house with his sister Dani (Thora Birch) and their new friend,…
  • Quilting Harvest Quilt Show (Logan County Fairgrounds - Guthrie) Day 1 of 2 Come see more than 150 quilts on display along with a variety of demonstrations and craft vendors at the Quilting…
  • RATT in Concert (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) Get ready to RATT and roll as this American glam metal group plays live onstage at Grand Casino Hotel & Resort in…
  • Rock Island Arts Festival (Rock Island Depot - Chickasha) Thru Sun, Oct 6th The Rock Island Arts Festival, held annually at the Chickasha train depot, features fine art displays, live music,…
  • Shawnee Fall Book Sale (Norman Public Library - Norman) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:00pm Join us for our Fall Book Sale, sponsored by the Friends of the Library! We'll have thousands of books for all ages at low prices. All proceeds…
  • Skirvin Jazz Club (Skirvin Hilton - Oklahoma City) The Skirvin Hilton transforms into the Skirvin Jazz Club on Friday nights. Guests are invited to attend this immersive live…
  • 🏃 Tai Chi and SAIL Classes Stay Active & Independent for Life: Wednesdays and Fridays (Edmond Senior Center - Edmond) Start Time: 1:30pm Come join us for these free exercise programs. Tai Chi class is one of the most effective exercises for the health of mind and body. SAIL (STAYING…
  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • Thomas the Tank Engine Comes to (Oklahoma Railway Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00am All aboard! Thomas the Tank Engine invites little engineers to go full steam ahead for a day of engaging activities and fun adventures at Day Out…
  • TokenCon: The Oklahoma Board Game Convention (Wyndham Garden Oklahoma City Airport - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Oct 6th Gaming enthusiasts are invited to attend the annual TokenCon, featuring the latest board game releases and a series of…
  • Traditional Cowboy Arts Exhibition & Sale (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Take part in a major event in the fine art world as the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum hosts the…
  • Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn (El Reno) Thru Sat, Oct 26th El Reno's Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn challenges you to withstand the frightening fun they have planned this…
  • 🎓 UCO Musical Theatre Shadow Day (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 9:30am Take an inside look at our UCO Musical Theatre program. Meet current faculty and students, tour the UCO campus, and audition to be part of the…
  • Understanding Eris Void Earth EP Release Show (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Come out 10/4/19 and get down with us as we officially release “Void Earth”! WITH SPECIAL GUESTS: @[1165794193457508:274:Lilac Kings]…
  • Waterfall Festival (Moore Central Park - Moore) Day 1 of 2 The annual Waterfall Festival in Moore invites guests to stroll through beautiful water garden displays while enjoying…
  • 🎓 WDAA World Show 2019 (Lazy E Arena - Guthrie) Last Day Start Time: 7:00am 2019 Western Dressage World Championship Show Information: WDAA is very proud to announce that we will continue our excellent partnership with the…
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…

Saturday, Oct 5th

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 6:00pm
  • 😂 Darren Carter (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day
  • 🏃 DC Dash (Mitch Park - Edmond) This event will benefit the Holy Trinity Lutheran School 5th Grade Class of 2020. Proceeds will help fund the class trip to Washington, D.C.…
  • 🏃 Down Syndrome Festival & 5K (Myriad Gardens Water Stage - Oklahoma City) Bringing awareness to the 21st chromosome! This year we expect attendance to exceed 6000! This event is the major, annual fundraising event for the…
  • Fiestas de las Americas (Calle Dos Cinco - Oklahoma City) Head to Historic Capitol Hill for the annual Fiestas de las Americas. At this multicultural festival,…
  • First Capital Quilters Guild Quilt Show (Logan County Fairgrounds - Guthrie) Day 2 of 2 Discover the joy of quilting at the First Capital Quilters Guild Quilt Show. This year's theme is…
  • Heritage Hills Historic Home Tour (Overholser Mansion - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 The Heritage Hills Historic Home Tour has been a staple Oklahoma City fall activity for over 50 years and provides a unique…
  • Oklahoma City Improv Festival (The Venue - Oklahoma City) Last Day Head to the Plaza District for a weekend of surprises and laughs during the Oklahoma City Improv Festival. Troupes from…
  • Market in the Park & Pigs in the Park BBQ Competition (Harrah Heritage Park - Harrah) The annual Market in the Park in Harrah features a wide variety of arts and crafts, delicious barbecue and great live music.…
  • Mid-America Street Fest (Charles J. Johnson Central Park Town Center - Midwest City) Come enjoy live entertainment, contests, vendors and much more at the Mid-America Street Fest in Midwest City. Held in…
  • OKC Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the OKC Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at Oklahoma State…
  • 🏃 OKC River Run 5K/10K (Wiley Post Park - Oklahoma City) USATF certified 5K/10K along the smooth, paved trails of the Oklahoma River. 100% of race registration fees will go to Rett Syndrome research. Run…
  • OKC River Run 5K & 10K (Wiley Post Park - Oklahoma City) Head out to Wiley Post Park in Oklahoma City for the OKC River Run. Held on the Oklahoma River Trails, this half marathon,…
  • Oklahoma Cross Country Racing Association Round 12 Race (Sundog Trails - Lexington) Day 1 of 2 Grab your bikes and head to Lexington for a weekend of thrilling cross-country racing at the Heart of Oklahoma XC…
  • Oklahoma Czech Festival (Czech Hall - Yukon) The Oklahoma Czech Festival in Yukon is the largest outdoor free festival in Oklahoma. This beloved annual event promotes…
  • Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival (Cottonwood Flats Recreation Area - Guthrie) Last Day Join the friendly residents of Guthrie for Oklahoma's International Bluegrass Festival, an annual three-day festival…
  • Oklahoma Regatta Festival (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Join the celebration of rowing, kayaking, dragon boating and stand-up paddle boarding at the Oklahoma Regatta Festival. This…
  • Old Timers Day & Rodeo (Jones) Make your way to downtown Jones to enjoy the annual Old Timers Day celebration. Head out bright and early Saturday…
  • Pets on Paseo (Paseo Arts District - Oklahoma City) Bring your pup out to have a ball during the Pets on Paseo event in Oklahoma City. Coinciding with the Paseo…
  • Planes, Trains & Automobiles (Shawnee Regional Airport - Shawnee) Planes, Trains & Automobiles in Shawnee is a unique event combining everything from helicopter rides to tours on a real…
  • Quilting Harvest Quilt Show (Logan County Fairgrounds - Guthrie) Day 2 of 2 Come see more than 150 quilts on display along with a variety of demonstrations and craft vendors at the Quilting…
  • Rock Island Arts Festival (Rock Island Depot - Chickasha) 1 day left The Rock Island Arts Festival, held annually at the Chickasha train depot, features fine art displays, live music,…
  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • TokenCon: The Oklahoma Board Game Convention (Wyndham Garden Oklahoma City Airport - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Gaming enthusiasts are invited to attend the annual TokenCon, featuring the latest board game releases and a series of…
  • Touch a Truck (Cleveland County Fairgrounds - Norman) Norman's Pioneer Library System invites families to bring their children to the Cleveland County Fairgrounds to see some…
  • Traditional Cowboy Arts Exhibition & Sale (National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Take part in a major event in the fine art world as the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum hosts the…
  • Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn (El Reno) Thru Sat, Oct 26th El Reno's Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn challenges you to withstand the frightening fun they have planned this…
  • The Voyage (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Led by Conductor Alexander Mickelthwate, the Oklahoma City Philharmonic presents: The Voyage will showcase five works…
  • Wanderlust Pop-Up Shops (Oklahoma City) Come down to the Wheeler Ferris Wheel in OKC and browse local wares at the Wanderlust Pop-Up Shops. The vendors at this…
  • Waterfall Festival (Moore Central Park - Moore) Day 2 of 2 The annual Waterfall Festival in Moore invites guests to stroll through beautiful water garden displays while enjoying…
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…

Sunday, Oct 6th

  • Art Show at DNA Galleries (Plaza District - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Carter Sampson in Concert (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Hear the self-penned "Queen of Oklahoma" live as Carter Sampson performs her latest music at The Blue Door in…
  • 🏃 Chisholm Trail Triathlon (Lake El Reno - El Reno) The Chisholm Trail Triathlon was started with the idea in mind of having a late season race for Tri-OKC members, open participants, and the college…
  • Groovefest (Andrews Park - Norman) Founded in 1986 by the OU Chapter for Amnesty International, Groovefest in Norman is a human rights music festival promoting…
  • Heritage Hills Historic Home Tour (Overholser Mansion - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Heritage Hills Historic Home Tour has been a staple Oklahoma City fall activity for over 50 years and provides a unique…
  • OKC Gun Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 For a high quality gun show with great prices and selection, visit the OKC Gun Show in Oklahoma City. Held at Oklahoma State…
  • Oklahoma Cross Country Racing Association Round 12 Race (Sundog Trails - Lexington) Day 2 of 2 Grab your bikes and head to Lexington for a weekend of thrilling cross-country racing at the Heart of Oklahoma XC…
  • Oklahoma Fall Bridal Show (Nigh University Center - Edmond) Meet Oklahoma's best wedding professionals at the Oklahoma Fall Bridal Show in Edmond. See spectacular fashions,…
  • Oklahoma Regatta Festival (Boathouse District - Oklahoma City) Last Day Join the celebration of rowing, kayaking, dragon boating and stand-up paddle boarding at the Oklahoma Regatta Festival. This…
  • Rock Island Arts Festival (Rock Island Depot - Chickasha) Last Day The Rock Island Arts Festival, held annually at the Chickasha train depot, features fine art displays, live music,…
  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • TokenCon: The Oklahoma Board Game Convention (Wyndham Garden Oklahoma City Airport - Oklahoma City) Last Day Gaming enthusiasts are invited to attend the annual TokenCon, featuring the latest board game releases and a series of…
  • Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn (El Reno) Thru Sat, Oct 26th El Reno's Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn challenges you to withstand the frightening fun they have planned this…
  • 🏃 Triathlon: Oklahoma Senior Games (Lake El Reno - El Reno) In conjunction with The Triathlon Club of Oklahoma City’s Chisholm Trail Sprint Triathlon At Lake El Reno: 2000 Babcock Drive, El Reno, OK 73036…
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…

Monday, Oct 7th

  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn (El Reno) Thru Sat, Oct 26th El Reno's Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn challenges you to withstand the frightening fun they have planned this…
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…

Tuesday, Oct 8th

  • Cold War Kids in Concert (The Jones Assembly - Oklahoma City) Hear hit-making indie rock band Cold War Kids live at The Jones Assembly in Oklahoma City. First gripping audiences in…
  • Nyle DiMarco (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Nyle DiMarco, deaf rights advocate, 2015 winner of America’s Next Top Model and 2016 winner of Dancing with the Stars…
  • The Tempest (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Oct 26th Shakespeare on the Paseo presents: The Tempest tells a captivating story of a man left on a distant island in isolation.…
  • Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn (El Reno) Thru Sat, Oct 26th El Reno's Trail of Terror & Haunted Barn challenges you to withstand the frightening fun they have planned this…
  • Lexington Zombie Farm (Lexington) Thru Sat, Nov 2nd Can you survive a walk through the Lexington Zombie Farm? Get ready to encounter things that go bump in the night, as well…

See Also

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Hoods of OKC (Oklahoma City Hood) - YouTube Daniel 33 Midwest City Ok - YouTube Oklahoma City Train Show 12 06 2009 - YouTube LIFE IN OKLAHOMA CITY - Cost of Living (3) - YouTube Theft 1111 N Douglas Blvd Midwest City OK 2017-07-01 - YouTube Riding Amtrak 821 the Heartland Flyer from Oklahoma City ... Churches in Midwest City OK 73110 - MWC Campus of ... STRIPPING IN OKLAHOMA CITY - YouTube Midwest City rated Top 5 most dangerous suburb - YouTube The Door Christian Fellowship - Midwest City Oklahoma ...

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Hoods of OKC (Oklahoma City Hood) - YouTube

Description coming soon! A short video on the hoods of OKC (Oklahoma City) with areas on the East Side like Pitts Park or Creston Hills, Spencer and Dungee, Midwest City and the Pani... Daniel was talking to 2 different decoys for awhile and OPP decided to go pay him a visit to him. ***He was fired shortly after the exposure. This establishm... A real-estate site movoto has ranked Midwest City #4 in the Nation for most dangerous city in which to live, but the Police Chief says that isn't the case. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... This is our church advertisement from our website. www.thedoormwc.com Insider view of Life in Oklahoma, specifically Oklahoma City, #cost of living, from a new residents daily perspective and life experiences.Subscribe for more... Occurred at the A&A liquor store, 1111 N Douglas Blvd, Midwest City, OK on July 1st, 2017. The suspect entered the store, grabbed a couple bottles of liquor,... Another stripper vlog! This is from my feature in Oklahoma City- which actually included me dancing at two clubs each night. Little Darlings is a pasties clu... Churches in Midwest City OK 73110 - MWC Campus of Lifechurch.tv - Non Denominational Worship - 8609 E Reno Ave. Are you looking for a church in Midwest City ...

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