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The Mods of WSB & A Coordinated AMC Pump

Going to be editing this with info as I come across it. Please DM me if you have anything to add. Many of you have reached out and I've complied a lot of evidence. I realize now that these pumps originated in Discord groups, but this is something I am still actively looking into and won't be including here.
Users of wallstreetbets (and also places like Stockwits, amcstock, and Youtube chats) attempted a coordinated pump on AMC (& GME) today, Feb. 3rd. These comments are still avaible. The fact they are still up and that I found them very easily means that the mods are not able to moderate their community well enough to stop coordinated pumps. There is not evidence that shows the mods were in on coordinated pump, but the fact that they were unable to stop it taking place shows that the subreddit has grown far too big to be managed by a team of 35 mods.
There is evidence that some mods owned both AMC and GME, and it is possible they held these shares while the coordinated pump was happening in threads they were supposed to be moderating (proof of GME ownership at the bottom).
Coldcutcombo69 was mod on WSB during the AMC coordinated pump. Here is them claiming that they were a mod on WSB. This image of mods before and after the day of the pump confirms they were a mod during the AMC pump-and-dump.
Coldcutcombo69 posted a picture of them having a sell order on their AMC stock that never hit, making it possible they owned AMC shares during the coordinated pump.
Coldcutcombo69 also posted some kind of DD thread about AMC two days ago, promoting the stock here. The content of this post has been removed. This post promoting AMC was made while Coldcutcombo69 was a moderator.
Coldbutcombo69 was a moderator during the AMC coordinated pump. They are no longer a moderator as of the time of this post, only a few hours later. They confirmed this here. A WSB mod was posting comments and threads promoting AMC while possibly still holding AMC shares, and a pump-and-dump occurred in the daily threads that they (along with others) were supposed to be moderating.
turdled is currently a WSB mod. They said, "We don't comment or promote trades. That's up to the subscribers and their upvotes/downvotes to decide." View it here.
turdled's claim was false. Coldcutcombo69 had been a moderator for 25 days. During that time they posted comments and threads promoting AMC, while providing evidence that they actually owned AMC shares. A moderator (who may command more respect in a community of 8.5 million people) promoting a stock is wrong, and the mods clearly believe that is the case since they said they don't do it. But at least one of them did. It could be that Coldcutcombo69 was removed because they were promoting AMC, but they had been doing this for days and were only removed a few hours ago.
ZJZ (a well known moderator) posted this today and was removed as a mod. The head mods also removed more mods, cutting the number of mods from from 62 mods to 37. Coldbutcombo69 was cut from the mod team at this time. It seems very suspicious to me that the head mods removed a bunch of mods from their positions after the events of today, especially because one of those ex-mods had been promoting AMC so much while being a mod.
Note: there is some kind of extended purge happening within the mod team right now. The mod team started at 62, then was cut with ZJZ to 37, then 36, now it's down to 35. EDIT: Two new mods have been added, bringing the count back up to 37. One of them tried posting something in a WSB thread, but their comment was deleted by the auto-mod because they have never posted in WSB before. Here is some proof of what's going on there.
ZJZ has exposed that there are bad actors on the mod team, using their power on the sub to try and make cash off movie deals and crypto scams. This at least adds weight to the points im raising in this thread.
EDIT: There was a thread on WSB by a moderator trying to explain what happened with the mod team. You can see that thread here. There is a lot of push back in the thread. The mod's claim is that the profit from the movie deal would have been given to charity. This may not be true, as Discord logs show another mod asking what their profit will be from the movie deal, asking "What's our cut.". Infighting with the mods seems to be a continued issue with a mod changing the subreddit description from the classic "like 4chan found a bloomberg terminal" to this. This change was instantly reverted.
MOD UPDATE 2/4: It seems that the moderator team has changed again. 23 mods now remain. OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR is now listed as the most senior mod, and they have allowed this thread to stay up. The mod reports that the Reddit admins have stepped in.
Statement from Reddit admins, according to OPINION_IS_UNPOPULAR: "After reviewing this situation based on input from both current and past moderators, we have decided to remove several moderators at the top of the list that were creating instability in the community." Source.
NEW INFO: I've also been sent a good amount of evidence from multiple people indicating these types or coordinating buying and selling schemes were happening on places like Youtube, Twitch, and Discord. All of these groups seem to be composed of WSB/WSB spinoffs users. These users would spam hash tags, spam and raid Twitch channels, and coordinate these social media pushes with timed buying and selling of GME/AMC/BB/NOK. It is possible (and looks likely to me) that the timed pumps you see below were organized by a Discord group. I have collected a lot of evidence on this front, but this evidence of the real organizers of the pump is something I might have to pass along to someone who is more experienced at dealing with this stuff.
The AMC Pump
Here is evidence of the coordinated pump by users on WSB. The coordinated pump effort occurred in the daily thread, but also spilled out into some posts. Note: I have yet to see any comments/posts that moderators made showing them participating in the coordinated pump effort. It is not known if they knew about these comments or not.
"AMC 1 pm LET FUCKING GO" - WildPhoenix55 58 upvotes. Posted around 12:00 PM CST. Not removed as of 8:40 PM CST.
"AMC 2 DA MOON @ 1PM EST" - OutlandishnessOk4137 Posted around 12:00 PM CST. Not removed as of 8:40 PM CST.
"watching that 1pm movie"
At 1 PM, we’re going to the Moon! Get ready! 🚀 🚀 🚀Discussion *Note that this thread was 6 days ago. Still strange that it was not taken down
Comments in this thread talking about 1 PM pump
EVIDENCE THE 1 PM PUMP WORKED: 1 PM seems to be the main time that was set. You can actually see the coordinated pump spike the price of AMC up to $9.70 right after 1 PM. You can also see the massive amount of volume increase during that time as well. Volume between 1:00-1:05 shot up to 8,725,700. This was the highest volume for a 5 min period all day. Check it out here.
It was also reported to me that some users received DM's about the pump. If you are reading this and received any kind of DM like this, please message me. After seeing the first pump work successfully, they tried it again 1 hour later. Here are a swarm of comments made coordinating the pump for 2 PM.
"2 shares at 2 pm AMC!!" EDIT: This account has been deleted. You can view a picture of this post here.
"Everyone buy 2 shares of AMC and 2pm let’s rush these heggies 💎💎💎💎🚀🚀🚀" "AMC at 2 !!!!" "2 AMC shares @2pm rush" "AMC at 2. Let’s give them some payback🚀" "do i buy now or at 2" "Buy AMC at 2pm Eastern, 11am Pacific. 2pm is when it’s happening."
The 2PM coordinated pump was not as successful. It could be that some users were confused with the time differences. Either way, there was still a marked increase of volume during the 5 min period of 2:00-2:05 which also resulted in the stock re-testing its daily high. Check it out here.
You can actually watch a Youtuber Trey's Trades see the pump at 2 PM in action. He is reading comments on a WSB spin-off subreddit amcstock. You can see people spamming chat for people to buy at 2 PM. Here is the video. The fact that this guy's stream chat is filled with a pump-and-dump scheme and he did nothing about it is pretty telling.
I've backed up the comments and info here. If you find anything else suspicious about this, please DM me. I want to make it clear that there isn't evidence that the mods participated in the pump. But the pump-and-dump (which is illegal) happened under the watch of the mod team. They may have tried to stop it, but 8.5 million people is a lot. If they didn't think they could keep the place running without illegal things happening in the comment sections, they should have set the sub to private and put in proper pre-cautions first.
EDIT: This pump also occurred for GME and users in the GME thread were able to comment about it. None of these comments are removed and they exist in very large numbers. They are mostly heavily downvoted, but the fact they are able to stay up means the mods failed at their job.
Comment 1 Comment 2 Comment 3 Comment 4 Comment 5 Comment 6 Comment 7 Comment 8 Comment 9 Comment 10 Comment 11
The volume spikes do show an uptick in volume around 1PM and around 2PM, but they are not as strong as the AMC boost in volume. The volume during these times were high, but they weren't the highest points in the day for GME.
EDIT: I want to make it clear to people who are saying "those are just bot accounts." Bots are still controlled by humans. If bot spam cannot be caught and deleted, that means 8.5 million people are exposed to pump-and-dump schemes run by bots. It does not reflect any better on the mods if the comments are made by humans or made by bots controlled by humans. It is now a day later, and still none of the comments have been removed by a moderator or moderator bot.
UPDATE: Wall Street Bets has completely removed any post talking about ZJZ and his post about the head mods trying to engage in crypto scams and strange movie deals. (EDIT: This has changed, see above.) The rising sections is now completely filled low-effort, small text posts that are only pushing $GME. Here are those threads. Low-effort threads like these are explicitly against WSB rules. Why are mods letting rule-breaking, ticker spamming posts stay up?
Example 1 Example 2 Example 3 Example 4 Example 5 Example 6
WSB mods are banning users for mentioning ZJZ and his post. (EDIT: This has changed, see above.)
Mods Removing Negative GME Posts
I started digging into this when I posted to Wall Street Bets with a post containing some information about GME. The post pushed back against some of the "GME revolutiuon" talking points. It was a pretty tame post, meet all the guidelines for posting, and contained enough content to warrant staying up. The post was removed by the mods, but you can still see it up here. The content of the post was a combo of these two comments I made. This comment here and this comment here. Somebody in the comments recommended I make the contents of the comment into a separate post- which I did until it was removed.
The moderators removed this post, the removal states: "Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."
I sent a DM to the mods asking why exactly the post was removed. I have not been given a reply. Does the content of the post I made (pt.1 / pt.2) break any of their rules? Why would the mods remove a post containing that info?
Even worse, the exact contents of the post I made exist in comment form and are still up. If the info somehow breaks their rules, why leave it up in the comment section? Why haven't they removed the comments that contain the EXACT wording I used in my post?
It seems very strange to me that a post I made that contained some research to counter act the "GME Revolution" narrative would be singled out removal for "keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose."
The front-page of Wall Street Bets is FILLED will positive memes and DD that supports GME. There is not a single negative post about GME on the entire front page that I can find. Why not leave up some negative DD and let the community downvote/upvote it?
The mods will let the comment section of threads get filled up with misinformation (GME SI being 226% is a common one that is easily debunked, yet is posted every 5 min in daily threads). People are gambling their life savings on outdated information yet when I make a post to push back against some of the common GME arguments, it gets removed.
Mods removing negative GME posts is unethical because WSB mods own GME shares.
jamsi is a mod on WSB. They left this comment: "I just received this e-mail from Robinhood. I am no longer using Robinhood for any of my purchases. Only keeping my $GME - not selling." Here is the comment.
Swedish_Chef_Bork_x3 is a mod on WSB. They left this comment: "Another $2k locked and loaded to buy in tomorrow. Feels like fucking Helm’s Deep in here. I have tomorrow off work, gonna get drunk and hope I don’t sleep through my alarm.". Here is the comment.
rawbdor is listed as a mod under the Moderators section of Wall Street Bets. rawbdor posted a comment saying: "The price is going to plummet hard no matter what we do. The real question is, will they be able to steal our shares in the process. They can drop the price all they want on low volume. But they'll never be able to buy it back unless you sell it to them."
A link to that comment is here.
This comment makes it pretty obvious that rawbdor owns some shares in GME, right? Saying things like our shares implies they own some.
ITradeBaconFutures is also listed as a mod. They made it clear that "Mods did not trade GME". You can find that comment here.
turdled is listed as a mod. They said, "We don't comment or promote trades. That's up to the subscribers and their upvotes/downvotes to decide." View it here.
One mod claims that mods don't trade GME, when its obvious from the three examples above that they did. Another says they don't comment or promote trades, which is also a lie. Other mods have been doing that. They also "promote" trades when they remove content that argues the other side of GME. If the only content they allow on the front-page is GME Positive content, they are promoting that content.
WSB has a mod team of 35 accounts moderating 8.5 million people. CNBC gets about 200k viewers at peak hours, while WSB has almost a million viewing it at a time when the market is open.
The mods could simply send me a DM and explain why my post was removed. They haven't. Market manipulation is bad. It's bad when investment firms do it and its bad when retail investors do it. The mods could DM me right now and say "Hey, here is the reason the post was removed." They haven't. If they do send me a DM, I will post an update here.
Now-former WSB mod ZJZ, in a removed & locked post, accused dormant top mods of coming back to siphon media coverage, potential movie rights, and springboard a cryptocurrency, while suppressing other mods
Coldcutcombo69, a moderator on WSB, was posting comments and threads promoting AMC. A coordinated AMC pump happened in the daily threads and comments that this moderator (and others) were tasked with moderating. This mod was removed as a moderator after this thread was posted. Coldcutcombo69 held AMC stock before the pump, but it is unclear if they held or sold that stock around or after the time of the coordinated pump.
Today, several users, but no mods, in a discussion thread attempted to push buys of AMC at 1 & 2 PM EST. Those times would later coincide with high volumes of stock trades for the day. Similar coordination was attempted by users (no mods) for GME.
WSB's front page is filled with only positive coverage of GME (here's a snapshot), while they removed my post containing negative GME DD with no legitimate reason given.
Mods are holding GME contradicting another high level mod's comment that "mods did not trade $GME". Mods made a false statement that they don't promote stocks, as one of them clearly did. You can also see the other mods comments about GME as also promoting stock.
Tervia's comment here has good info on Reddit moderation.
submitted by brave_potato to gme_meltdown [link] [comments]

Community gift subs killed my community; A warning.

Hi y'all I'm here to share an problem I have faced and after speaking to a few other female streamers, it seems to be a normal problem. There shall be no links or sales pitches and this is on a throwaway. This is also going to be a very long post.
To begin - If you are doing twitch solely for income, there is nothing wrong with that and this warning will not apply to you. If you are trying to build a community please read on. This is also mostly directed at female streamers, I am one myself, but good knowledge all around.
I'm a mid-20's part time streamer while I go to school during the day. I started streaming over a year ago. Things went well; I had an active community both on and off twitch. My twitch income was low but it was never the main focus of my stream. Unfortunately I'm a poor college student so every sub and every bit warmed my heart. I got pretty close to partner, just shy of an average number of viewers. I started a push with some goals and incentives to hit partner!
I never hit partner.
During a personal celebration stream I had someone come into chat and after posting come cute animal emotes from the other women he's subscribed to, I welcomed him in with open arms as I would anyone else. Then he gifted 100 community subs. He spoke altruistically about how my community seemed fun and he wanted to support me and my community. Everyone was hype! In my stomach I felt strange that someone came in and spent that much on my stream but gift subs were normal in my stream and even an inside joke to a degree.
I kept an eye on this new person wondering what would make someone spend that much on someone they'd watched for only a few hours. He spoke about his job and he was very open about exactly what he did. In an effort to not doxx myself or said person, let's just say it was one of those jobs that the general public assumes anyone working in makes fat bank. He had spending money and seemed to be an adult not spending his last few dollars for attention. He never made any overtly creepy comments and we often spoke about adult things. No boundaries were ever crossed.
It got weird after a few months. Around the beginning of each month he'd gift another hundred or so subs. He'd sometimes treat me like a dancing monkey asking "what is your favorite drink" "what is your favorite pizza" "what's your favorite meal" "what games have you been wanting", all innocuous questions but then he would almost always immediately donate through paypal to cover the costs for any of these things. It reminded me of when I'd be out at a bar drinking with friends and a man would come up to me and ask me nearly the same thing as an ice breaker to then buy me a drink or meal. I would often tell these men no but these are usually the type of men to not take a stern no for an answer. This isn't a flex by any means. I don't want to be someone's sugar baby, I came on twitch to build a community and maybe make money.
I believe Community subs were built for big streamers, the streamers with hundreds if not thousands of viewers. Community gift subs are not really that great for someone with less than a hundred viewers. As a celebration or one-off thing they can be fine but they were almost all handed out to bots or people who had likely opened my stream and closed it. Even worse they were often handed out to people who had followed and unfollowed. I can't begin to count how many times we had people follow and unfollow only to follow again (presumably out of guilt) when they were gifted a sub.
Long gone were the days that I'd had people making friends in chat anymore. All of my regulars slowly disappeared and all the newcomers sort of worshipped this guy. They called him generous, they called him epic, they thanked him and acted as if they were friends.
Nobody was friends with this guy. Not even me. I realized far too late he'd basically forced his way into my community. He started suggesting games for me to play and just like the men at the bar who didn't know how to take a soft no as an answer, he'd offer to pay for them. I'd naïvely added him on steam so I was constantly gifted games he'd love to see me play.
How do you say no to any of this? This isn't someone outright giving me money asking for nudes back. This isn't someone who is afraid to talk about how much he makes or spends. He was always telling me how many subs he gifted in other channels. Maybe as a brag or maybe an attempt to make me jealous. Or even worse maybe in an attempt to make me beg for those subs myself.
Streaming albeit profitable is no longer fun. Do you remember in old movies when there was often a woman singing alone on a stage and a man would walk into the jazz club and start flaunting his wealth an an attempt to woo her? That's what streaming feels like now. I no longer know anyone in my community. My dreams of reaching partner are dead as I have no desire to stream anyway. Whenever I do stream I feel more like this guy is now my pimp and he's never done ONE actual bad thing.
I've reached out to a few other female streamer friends and quite a few have very similar stories. I've come to realize a lot of these men talk like dads in chat. RANDOMLY.......capitalizing WORDS.....and using.....A LOT.....of ellipses. Once they stop using the cute animals or cute girl emotes from the streamers they subscribe to. I could theorize all day long if they have some sort of father-daughter fetish where they really want to take care of a much younger woman, but it also may just be someone who is socially dumb and believes money will solve everything.
Community gift subs alone have scared off all of my regulars. Now my chat is constantly full of people asking me who I am, following me, then thanking the very generous man who gifted them a sub and pulled them into my stream. I'm constantly getting notifications that I was gifted a sub from the same man to another woman's stream. Another common thread I found was they love to intertwine their favorite streamers. In the same way they'll push hard for you to play their favorite game and they're often not really gamers themselves, at the end of a stream when you start looking to raid someone they're quick to pipe up with a few names of people who they do the same thing to.
Beyond killing my own community, I can no longer recommend my friends who were often female as this same guy would go into their chat and gift their community another hundred subs. To see that unawareness and excitement upon getting that breaks my heart. If this guy stays and does the same thing to me as he did to them, I'd never wish that on a friend. It's not like I can pass him off to someone else either as he already seemingly does this to a handful of other women.

So now I write this as a eulogy for my streaming dreams on twitch. I'll never make partner. I can't just outright ban this man as he's given me so much money and I have no real reason to ban him. My discord is bare and any time I post in there to liven it up he hits back with some caring type message. I cannot talk about anything without some overtly nice input from him. I was naive in the beginning and didn't have a business paypal so he knows my full name. I've deleted my social media accounts under my real name as I never want this man to follow me off the platform. I tried to remove different aspects from my stream that even remotely incentivized money. Turned off hype train, got rid of paypal, even turned off on stream notifications. Nothing worked. He just wants to give me money. Which from the outside doesn't sound like much of a problem but it is. No longer do I have friends in chat jokingly giving bits or subs to friends. My entire stream is under his thumb and if he decides to leave then I'm back at square one as my community has been gutted. I suspect this guy with his job that you have to be pretty intelligent to partake in knows all of this too. My stream is now his.
So my only option is to quit and maybe someday stream under a new name and without a webcam. I only want this to serve as a warning to anyone else who finds themselves with someone like this in their stream. Maybe you can nip it in the bud, lest you find yourself as a dancing monkey for one wealthy man.
After reaching out to friends we realized a few things as well. Gifting 100 subs will give an affiliate around $250 in revenue and cost the gifter around $550 dollars. Whereas they could buy 25,000 twitch bits which will give the streamer $250 but only cost the bit-gifter around $350. These are already insane amounts but why would you spend $200 more dollars to give the streamer the same amount of revenue. In most cases it's a celebration of community and gives back and helps build a community.
In this case, it killed my community and made this man the one and only OG of my stream and he's likely fully aware of it. All while never actually doing anything wrong. Lots of love and be safe XOXO
submitted by RIPcommunitygiftsubs to Twitch [link] [comments]

I streamed every day for a year, here's what I learned

I streamed every day for a year. In that time, I gained 2k followers and have currently reached a 45 viewer average. I list these metrics simply because I want the post to have some kind of weight. I didn't reach partner in a year, I didn't reach 1k subs, I'm not a superstar. I just want to share some of the things I learned to newer, or other streamers out there. I'm going to break down some of the things I learned into sections and hopefully this can benefit some people.
Also, I wrote this whole thing out and then it deleted itself, so this'll be fun.
Consistency, time and place, keep to your schedule, even if it's loose
This is the most important point. Have a start time, a set schedule of days and stick to it. I used to think that 10pm - midnight as a start time was okay but now I make sure to be there for 10pm. You don't need to stream every day, by any means, however, letting people know what days, even if it's just Saturday, at 6pm, will keep you in their mind throughout the week.
At a certain point, if your consistent enough and have created a routine for yourself, you may notice people following that, meeting up in your pre-stream chat or Discord.
Make a Discord or Twitter
Why? For the SOLE purpose of notifying people when you're live. Reminding people the time and place is great but some people are busy, or don't deal with time-zones very well. Having an alternative way of being notified, rather than having to remember your start time or rely on the shitty Twitch notifications is so helpful for viewers.
Personally, I chose Discord, as you can do two things: Create a special role to be pinged. I have a message you react to on the join page and boom, you’ll be notified when I’m live. Secondly, it creates a community that sticks around after you’re live. You can interact with people and make friends, instead of simply being a face people see on Twitch.
Be sure to greet everyone, remember names, remember traits and interests
Viewers are not numbers. Getting to an average viewers milestone is great but it doesn’t feel like a big jump. Not because I’m ungrateful but because I’ve met 90% of the people that are watching. If they talk in stream, I have something I can say to them and that is a great landing zone for anyone who might be new to the stream.
This doesn't just mean you should say welcome over and over. Sure, that's a start but I can't tell you how weird it feels when I go into someone's stream, pose a question or comment that could be discussed, and they'll instantly say welcome, and then ignore what I've said. Take your time, make sure you can offer attention to a chatter. Make them feel welcome, don't tell them.
View count
Every time I see this mentioned, the majority of people will say they turn it off. This is fair, as it comes down to a lot of things. Big numbers can ego boost and then you'll feel shit when the numbers go lower. There are two things to say to this. Firstly, those are people, not numbers. When you're a smaller streamer, remember that people can be busy. Secondly, the viewer count can be helpful in some situations.
For example, you can monitor what discussions turn people away. I've seen myself talk about computer parts and the stock market only to see a bunch of people check out. More helpfully, though, if you see more viewers than usual, take that time to let them know your focal points.
Mine are: time and schedule, Discord and the community aspect, YouTube for highlights. Just something simple, "While we're loading in, if you're new and you're enjoying... or not, do know that we stream every day at 10pm UK/5pm EST ..."
Make use of the VIP role
As I said, I accidentally deleted this whole post while writing it, so some parts may be shorter, including this one.
The VIP role is not just for famous people in your chat, or those who have donated. I use the VIP role to show my appreciation to those who stick around. if I have noticed someone's been chatting, for a week, or I see them say hello at the start of each stream and goodnight at the end, to me, that is a VIP. It's someone who helps the stream grow as an individual presence, who contributes to the community. Plus, it's a nice little thank you from me to the viewer for being around.
Market yourself and find proper branding
No, you don’t need a literal campaign of adverts but, knowing how to showcase your content, even to those not watching, is a huge key to little boosts here and there. Find your unique selling points and run with them.
Some that I use include the fact I accidentally acquired a world record for the game I play. Now, I label myself as the “World Record Pig Main.” Even if there’s other Pig players out there, there’s only one world record, and that’s a unique tagline I can use in my banners and titles, etc.
Another little thing that started off from fun and spiralled into a bit of advertisement was a project a user in my chat did. He kept data for 100 of my games in a row and we found I had a 96% win rate. We turned that into an infographic, posted it on the relevant sub-reddit and it got a large amount of attention. Small things that, when capitalised on, will add up.
Playing the same games
Personally, in my first few months, I would play variety games. In between my main game of Dead By Daylight, I’d stream Resident Evil, Half-Life, Ori, just games I was interested in playing. However, I think there’s something to be noted here, if you’re looking to really capitalise on growth, as opposed to, just playing what you want. At a certain point I noticed significantly more growth, in regards to viewer retention and follows, if I played Dead By Daylight. So, I stick to that now. Personally, I don’t have a problem with this, it just means I play other games off-stream.
The point is, be sure to take stock. If a certain game is picking up your growth and people are there to see that game, as long as you enjoy it, it’s definitely something to explore in regards to creating a foundation for your channel. Though, not everyone can play four hours of Pig every day.
I have no first-hand experience with teams, as, in my opinion, I feel it offers you a lot of fluff. The vibe can be nice, if not off-putting for some, as everyone in the team will shout-out and encourage other members. Yet, in the long run, I don’t know how much all these recurring raids and shout-outs actually get you.
At the end of the day, though, this one just isn’t for me. If you find a team your comfortable with, I don’t think it would do any harm. The one part I don’t like is that you can become associated with that team, or the big name heading said team, instead of being your own entity.
VoDs and follower-only
A small entry. Outside eyes have told me that I will be "hurting my growth" by using sub-only VoDs or turning them off. I strongly disagree. My VoDs were a breeding ground for stolen content, toxic clips and drama. So, I turned them off and put my highlights on YouTube.
Follower-only mode for your chat, on the other hand, will have you dead in the water as a small streamer. Ultimately, you want as much exposure/interaction as you can get and chat is the best way to do that. People don't want to commit to a follow just to ask you a question. So, if it means banning some bots/toxic people, do keep your chat open for all.
Alternate interaction
I could never wrap my head around what to offer people for subscribing. So, I settled on a small amount of interaction in regards to the game I play, Dead By Daylight. I main the Pig, but if people subscribe, they can choose my killer, build or a challenge. I found this to be a great and simple way for people who support with money to get something extra. That way, we can discuss their build, the killer, and watch me struggle with a different game dynamic.
This then escalated to a similar amount of bits or donations for the same type of request and these days, it's not uncommon for me to barely touch my main for a whole stream.
The point here is to offer that little bit extra. Don't break your back, and don't be afraid to keep it simple or common, but an interaction that shows your appreciation for that person's money. Then, I offer a lite version of that for channel point rewards.
Make a YouTube… kinda
This is the first thing every video or thread says about growing on Twitch. "Bro, how are you gonna grow if you don't post content on other platforms ?? No one will be able to find you."
You need to look at YouTube carefully. Again, don't break your back for hours to create a ten minute video that will get 30 views. That helps no one.
Instead, grow your YouTube alongside your Twitch with specific, catered content that people will want to watch. Throw in some variety but don't go making a four hour essay on why the Pig is garbage because there's a gigantic chance it will get no coverage.
Start small, cater to your audience. For example, I upload a Kinda Weekly Highlights video every Saturday. This does few things: it grows a secondary presence, slowly, and it allows those who can't watch the stream to check out the best bits that they might have missed. On top of that, you're learning to edit videos and images. My content isn't above average, by any means. The editing is simple and the thumbnails are silly.
Do not go balls to the walls on YouTube if you have no presence there. Slowly build it up, otherwise you will be disappointed before you even get the ball rolling.
That's it. There were some extra sections but I foolishly lost them. I don't mean to sound arrogant or overconfident, at all. I simply like writing and love streaming, so I thought I'd merge those two together and make a post here. Maybe it'll help some people, and hopefully we'll see some input from other streamers.
submitted by CMWinter to Twitch [link] [comments]

Livers known for interacting with english viewers

Hi this is a remake/repost of a somewhat old post I did, this time I added more livers and was a little bit careful to mention that this doesn't mean every liver is a master at english and all that, first I put the people that is or was doing english streams with duolingo or other methods to learn english.
Learning english streams:
Suzuka Utako
Amamya Kokoro
Sakura Ritsuki
Onomachi Haruka
Momo Azuchi (She is using Pokemon as a way to learn english)
Himawari Honma (She did it a while ago)
Interacts with english viewers:
¡Count pretty much every liver that has or will post in the subreddit at this point!
Every liver from Nijisanji ID and IN counts too
Be mindful that not everyone or none from this section is fluent on english and if you want to ask or interact something I strongly recommend you to wait for the right moment, don't just throw your comment in the midde of some conversation, also remember to use very simple english with most of the livers, it will help a lot to understand you faster and better than using too much words.
Kanae He interacts with english comments if there's enough to be noticed, he specially does this in his Twitch channel
Nui Sociere (If there's enough overseas fans she can speak like a full hour or more like how it happened in the stream from the clip I linked)
Mononobe Alice (talks a lot with english viewers in her music streams)
Suzuki Masaru He recently integrated a bot that translates him in this reading stream, he also noticed the latest Nijisanji english offcial clip were he is in
Sister Claire She speaks some english in her more relaxing stream and she uploaded this with full english texts
Sara Hoshikawa she does read english comments and is very active in her translated videos, she's very fluent too!
Yumeoi Kakeru probably the king of english in the JP side, the official channel uploaded this clip about his english skills, he's very very fluid and sounds pretty much native, he barely has an accent.
Fumi the goddess likes to pick english comments, even questions (simple ones) if she saw some while streaming, she even jokes around or gets excited when someone calls her super cute
Nagao Kei His very good at english, I know he scored high in some test but I don't remember much, even in the linked clip he mentions that it's fine to even send him english marshmallows
Ienaga Mugi people commented that she likes to interact with english viewers, I haven watched her streams due to schedule but there was a good amount of people backing that up
Hayama Marin her english is pretty good and even throw some jokes in english, there's always some overseas in her streams and she's a mod here so what other reason you need, she's cute and funny, perfect combo (applies to everyone here)
Ushimi Ichigo She's a great fps player and artist too, Ichigo encourage foreigners to comment, even if she doesn't know a lot of english, it takes her a while to read a english comment and then she usually translate it if she's not playing something, so please if you go to her streams use very very simple english, and she's likes to be called cool (kakoii) rather than cute
Genzuki Tojiro a lot of people commented him so here he is. Genzuki has a great pronunciation and he picks english comments from time to time, he has recognized that he doesn't know much english but that's seems to be improving. (I linked a clip because it's very chaotic but his channel is in the description)
Machita Chima The amazing singer and Freesia abuser does read english comments and there are a few clips of her speaking english, she's not fluent but she is getting better and better
Matsukai Mao It seems that she's pretty good at reading english, I didn't found a lot of clips of her picking english comments but the offcial english channel clipped her being smug about how good she's at reading english
Nijisanji KR:
I haven't watch all of the livers from the KR branch so if someone in the comments can help me I would be in debt.
Yuya Shin Her audience consist of KR, JP and english, she is pretty good at english and a couple of months ago she commented that she understands english more than japanese (she has studied a lot of japanese since) She's an adorable and loud trilingual gamer
Suha Min As Yuya he is also good at english a lot of his viewers are from overseas, he constantly interacts with english viewers, and has been part of english collabs
Hari Ryu She's totally fluent in english, sounds pretty native to me, Hari is one of the latest additions to the KR branch, she's adorable and very chill.
I know I'm maybe missing a lot of them and more important, I didn't added descriptions of how the vtubers are so I wlil do my best to answer that in the comments or just look for clips, even tho there's probably people with more knowledge about this members here so I hope they comment here
submitted by Nel_son_et_lumiere to Nijisanji [link] [comments]

Is it possible to grow as a streamer without networking?

I've been active on Twitch for a few years now, with its ups and downs. First as a streamer straight from PS4, then PS4 through PC and now fully PC. However, I've never really felt what you would call succesful on Twitch. I have what I would consider a pretty decent setup including a good running PC, nice overlays, even selfmade yet simple stinger transitions and some fun alerts. However, I still don't seem to be getting found.
I've gotten affiliate, but I achieved that after almost 4 years, and it was mostly thanks to a community from a certain game regularly raiding me as a newb with insane numbers, cracking up my average viewer count finally past the point. I couldn't continue playing the game though, as I didn't really enjoy it. I only kept playing it for the viewers, and I didn't want that.
Now, however, I'm playing games I like, and even though I wouldn't count most of the games as oversaturated, the viewers aside from a handful of semi-regulars still don't seem to come. Something I heard a lot to possibly remedy this is networking, and although I'm not sure how to do this, I don't think I want to. I'm not a big user when it comes to social media like Facebook or Twitter, and going to another streamer with the goal to basically leech on their viewers doesn't sit right with me. And don't get me started on how annoying those 'become famous' bots are...
So please, tell me if there is a way to get more viewers? I'm not asking for a one-trick-fixes-all wonder way, and I know I should care less about viewers and more about having fun, but I'm basically out of options. I'm at a point where I have gotten streamraiders for more interaction and everyone besides myself in the match I don't recognise, and I'm even considering spending money on gear for becoming a VTuber as that seems to actually stand out, even if I'm not sure I actually want to go that way.
submitted by Nightmare_Ind to Twitch [link] [comments]

Update 2.3.7a6 Patch Notes - Minor update with major improvements!

This is a bug fix and improvement release, as always we appreciate the feedback from the player community to help us identify and resolve these issues!
As always we welcome your feedback and bug reports on our Official discord server (Invite: http://discord.synthridersvr.com)). Please use #bug-report to make sure that we see your feedback.
If you want to support the development of Synth Riders, we really appreciate reviews left on the Steam/Oculus Store!
submitted by paulgajda to SynthRiders [link] [comments]

I'm being harassed and I don't know what to do.

This might be a long post but hopefully it will offer context.
I have streamed for roughly nine months, since January 11th, every single day. Within my very, very first week of streaming I ran into a streamer who a lot of other streamers have had issues with. I'd rather not offer the name here but if there's a Twitch rep reading, I know this whole situation leads back to this person.
Long story short, I beat this person in a video game, Dead By Daylight. I didn't even have five viewers at this time. But he stream-sniped me, with dumb names like: CMWinter Sucks or whatever. I hear more and more about him and how he's been harassing other people.
Months later, he comes back to me and makes alt accounts to follow. Most are self-advertising for his own channel, the rest are toxic towards me or my community. He then uses these accounts to go into other people's streams and say untrue things about me.
Whose streams? Literally anyone playing the same games as me. Most specifically, though, people I play against. I play as a killer main in DbD so you can see the people in the lobby. If they're on Twitch, he goes to their chat and says things such as: "This killer is toxic ... He is stream-sniping ... He called you the R word ... He called my brother in a wheelchair the R word ... He called me a downie." If they're not on Twitch? He fucking adds them on Steam and DMs them random shit about me.
This keeps happening and has happened a dozen times over this weekend. I know who it is, I know that they obsessively watch me. My one option is to block names and even then, he creates alt accounts to harass me or my community. For example, "**NameOfRegularInMyChat_Is_Slut." Further, he's DMed me threats of a "boxing match"(??), as well as my mods, and uses those alt accounts to attempt to add and harass my viewers.
How do I know it's him? The guy had his Twitter linked to his Twitch and would follow his main account with his alts... Then, if you look at recent followers via a third-party website, I can see all the accounts he's made are following his main account, to bot his own follower count.
Man. If I could just have a conversation with someone at Twitch to talk about this. If I could know the evidence I have was going somewhere then maybe I could stop all this shit.
It sucks because within the better half of a year, I've streamed every, single, day, and I'm almost up to a 30 viewer average.
Is there anything anyone can do?
submitted by CMWinter to Twitch [link] [comments]

Madness of the Gods 3, $1000 Tournamnet

Madness of the Gods 3: February 2021

Hi, I'm TriggerHaven, a gaming Wizard from the Twitch Realm and I've teamed up with CopperPitch, CommunityGaming, Immutable, Banano/CryptomonKeys, and the Gods Unchained Community to bring you our THIRD Gods Unchained Community Tournament and Prediction Bracket! Featuring over $1000 USD worth of ETH and prizes!
This event is free to enter. The rules are simple: Single Elimination, Core + Welcome + Trial of the Gods cards only.
BANS: TBD (We are curating a ban list before registration ends)
What is Gods Unchained? It's a Free-to-Play, Play-to-Earn, Trading Card Game! Download it here! If you don't have any cards, download now and start grinding for the next tournament!
Registration Open Now:
  1. Sign up for an account in CommunityGaming.io and enter the tournament from the main page!
  2. Enter Trigger Haven's Discord to verify your GU and Discord accounts with our API bot so we can track matches and you can easily communicate with your opponents.
  3. (Optional) Create an account in Challonge if you wish to make an entry in the Prediction Bracket once the bracket is published. After creating a prediction you must FILL OUT THIS FORM in order to verify.
✨Registration Ends: 4am Friday, February 12th, PST.
✨Predictions End: 12am Wednesday, February 17th, PST
The tournament will consist of Three Phases lasting through February and into March:
  1. Qualifiers - After registering with our discord bot successfully, play in the official Weekend Ranked competition in the Ranked Constructed Mode in Gods Unchained from 4am Friday, Feb. 12th - 4am Monday, Feb. 15th Pacific Time. We will take a snapshot of the MMR of registered participants, and the Top 128 registered participants will be assigned to a single elimination bracket.
  2. (Optional) Predictions - For reddit, Twitch, and Discord community only. Anyone may post predictions when Predictions open on BRACKET PREDICTION DAYS: Feb 15th/Feb 16th. Predictions will close before the Round 1 matchups begin. Participants MUST fill out this form after the bracket is finalized and their prediction is posted.
  3. Brackets - Players in each matchup will schedule a Best of 3 in which they play tournament legal decks against their opponent (switching decks between matches is allowed). NOTE: Legal decks may only include Welcome, Core, and Trial Set Cards. Cards from any set other than the Welcome Set and Core Set will result in disqualification (e.g. the Genesis Set, Promo, Etherbots, etc.). You must also follow all ban restrictions.

TENTATIVE Tournament Timeline:

We ask that all participants who make it to The Finals be able to share their desktop or stream their gameplay in order for us to present the finals on Twitch.

✨✨✨Hype Events and Content! ✨✨✨

Top Gods Unchained Players, CopperPitch, TriggerHaven, and Shaleby_ will be hosting weekly content on our Twitch Streams about the tournament! Join up for Analysis, Viewer Battles, Cosplay, and Marquee Matchups from the tournament!! If you have ideas to add to the hype, or would like to participate, send me or CopperPitch a message! CopperPitch also makes Weekly Exclusive GU Content on YouTube! Be sure to follow his channel for tips and tricks on how to git gud!


Winners of the Grand Finale will Receive (at least) the Following Pledged Prizes:
Bracket Predictions Prizing
We will also be raining and raffling additional Gods Unchained Prizes, $Banano, and CryptomonKey prizes during our live streams of the matchups each Friday of the Tournament Period!

Game Rules

Scheduling a Match for Single Elimination Brackets:
Disconnections during 1v1 Bracket

Official Sponsors

A big thank you to Immutable and CommunityGaming.io for sponsoring $1000 of Eth to the prize pools. Thank you to Banano for heaping piles of $Banano to rain in Twitch and the 10 Rare and 30 Uncommon CryptomonKey to use throughout the event. And a HUGE thank you to the Community Sponsors spicing up the prediction prize pool.

❤ Community Sponsors ❤

Thank you to the following community members for putting up prizes for this event!
Thank you for reading all the way to the end! If you'd like to show support for this and future events, come visit us on Twitch to follow, subscribe, and hang out for some good times! We're very excited for this event, and hope you have a lot of fun. Good Luck!
TriggerHaven| CopperPitch
If you'd like to show your appreciation with Eth, here is the tournament appreciation address! 0x01b08d40e20C21e22A6641B690C6d0Eae4543c99
submitted by triggerhaven to GodsUnchained [link] [comments]

I have been forced into this

I’ve been streaming for about a month now, and my average viewer count is 1, just one, and I know we all start small, but it’s really discouraging when you only have one viewer per stream, and any time you try to interact with them they don’t respond, and I think they’re a bot at this point, so I have come to the conclusion that, my only hope of growth is to ask you, Reddit people, so if you come to one of my streams and don’t find me annoying or loud, maybe drop a follow
Here are some details about me if you’re interested: I am only 14 years of age and am trying to get this whole ‘life’ thing sorted out ,Average stream time is 1-1:30 hours, though I did do a 10 hour stream once playing a game called “For The King” ,I usually stream with a close friend of mine since without him, my commentary is a bit bland ,I am a video game streamer, and I don’t really have a specific type of game yet, I play games like Minecraft, Enter the Gungeon, Team Fortress 2, and sometimes games like Biped or Totally Accurate battle simulator ,I easily laugh and my sense of humor is pretty generic ,I don’t have a stream scheduled set up yet, especially since my mom sees streaming as a waste of time
That’s all I can really think of right now, so if any of that doesn’t drive you away, consider stopping by
Link: https://m.twitch.tv/omatsuri_mango/profile
Okay, bye bye Reddit people
submitted by Festive_Mango to Twitch_Startup [link] [comments]

Lichess Disregards their ToS and Inconsistent + Secretive Terms

tl;dr Lichess refuses to answer important questions regarding their service and acceptable behavior: specifically on what terms the Saint Louis Chess Club can run a group account. This is crucial to transparency because they are simultaneously preventing other users from running group accounts on those same, currently secret, terms. This disregards the wording of their ToS, allowing them to hand-wave on ambiguous "spirit" of ToS.
Feel free to share your opinion. My main concern is that Lichess refuses to clarify what is allowed and what isn't. The ToS was never broken in any way, shape, or form by us. This was acknowledged by Lichess, yet they refuse to validate us, and continue negatively labeling us, while refusing to work with us in finding a solution that allows us to operate in a similar position to Saint Louis Chess Club.
morphy_group_account1 week ago Hello,
This is Taylor Fuller AKA Static27o on lichess/Static#4587 on discord. I'm the owner of the Morphy Chess Club discord server. The account I am currently messaging you on has been suspended for violating Terms of Service. I am absolutely certain that this has not happened.
The following is a quote from your TOS under the section User Rights; "Some Users may want to play as a team for entertainment or educational purposes. If this is the case, the account must be clearly labelled so other Users have reasonable warning."
For educational purposes, a small group of people play games in a group and discuss our ideas via voice chat. Our username clearly states that we are playing as a group.
In regards to engine cheating or any other such issue I can also confidently say that this has not taken place. We moderate the discord server and use the lichess TOS as one of the means to do so.
I contacted your team ahead of time by sending an email on July 20th, if you would like a copy of this correspondence or more information please let me know.
Would you please unban the account? If you don't feel comfortable doing this, I hope to correspond with you on this issue and will provide any details or information you require.
Yours sincerely Taylor.
Lichess1 week ago You were told in the correspondence on July 20th that it was not a good idea as people may use engine assistance.
morphy_group_account1 week ago Hello,
This is Taylor Fuller, writing on behalf of the Morphy Chess Club. Thank you for your response and for taking the time to read the emails from July.
You are correct that we were discouraged from creating a group account, however, due to the Lichess Terms of Service explicitly stating that they are allowed we felt that we were safe to do so.
Many people in our discord server have taken an interest in the shadowbanning of this account. Through their help I've been made aware of two things in regards to the nature of this ban. First, the ban as seen on mobile devices is listed as "uses engine assistance" and second, that the anti-cheat AI used by Lichess is the following: github.com/clarkerubbeirwin.
I wonder if the nature of the group account might be causing the AI to improperly flag us as suspicious due to the vast number of openings known by the group, different levels of play of the individuals and other such things that can be accounted for as a direct result of being a group account.
Could you please provide us with more context as to the nature of this ban so that we can properly address the accusations?
The banning of this account reflects poorly on all of us. We hope to clear our name as individuals, as a community and for the sake of our brand.
Could you please consider unbanning the account? If you do not feel comfortable doing so then I hope to correspond with you further and address any concerns raised by your team.
With appreciation for the work you do, The Morphy Chess Club.
Lichess1 week ago Hello,
You're right that the TOS do not state that you can't, but the reason for the account being marked was not for sharing but, as you say, for engine assistance. This is the reason that we discouraged you via email as well, how can you be sure no member of the group is also suggesting engine lines?
morphy_group_account1 week ago Hello,
This is Taylor Fuller, writing on behalf of the Morphy Chess Club. We appreciate that this is a legitimate concern.
In order to address it moving forward we plan to record the communication of the group for every game and to audit the players. We'll be able to provide the names of the lichess accounts for each person that contributes in each game and the recordings moving forward. If this account remains banned we'll implement this on a new group account.
Beyond this we are willing to discuss the details of each game and share our process of determining moves.
I hope that this proposition as well as my continued confidence that no engine use was used will be enough for you to unban the account. Please request of us any information you need.
I kindly request that you unban the account and allow the burden of proof to be on us. . We will implement this safety check moving forward.
With appreciation for the work you do, The Morphy Chess Club.
Lichess6 days ago Are the blitz games also group efforts?
morphy_group_account5 days ago Hello,
This is Taylor Fuller, writing on behalf of the Morphy Chess Club.
All game modes and time controls have been played on at some point as a group.
To explain further, the classical/rapid games have the most discussion about moves and what should be played.
The bullet/blitz games have primarily been one strong bullet/blitz player at the helm with a few extra set of eyes to yell out if a piece is simply hanging.
Not every bullet/blitz/rapid game were played on as a group and some have simply been a trusted high rated member of our community.
We wanted the ratings on the account to reflect the strength of the team. Our community has 20+ players rated over 2300 and several titled players. Several of these players have helped us in our group play, especially in the classical games.
Thank you for your questions, we all hope that our answers are helping in having the restriction removed from our group account. It's important to us that we're able to clear our name.
Lichess5 days ago This isn't the spirit with which the ToS were written - it was targeted at streamers playing to provide entertainment. While the ToS does not explicitly forbid what you are doing, it also gives us flexibility to decide and we explained via email that this was a bad idea.
morphy_group_account4 days ago Hello, This is Taylor Fuller, writing on behalf of the Morphy Chess Club.
We are a community of 1000+ on Discord. Every game that is played on as a group has to be streamed to the Discord server and provides entertainment to its members. Our use of the platform is similar to streamers who interact a lot with chat during games or invite guests onto their streams to play games in a cooperative style. These similarities should place this account in the same category as streamers playing to provide interactive entertainment to their viewers, which is how most successful streams are organized.
We have been striving to ensure that our use of the account remains consistent with the Lichess TOS. If the TOS changes specifically in response to our account, we would ask that you relabel the reason why it was banned. We wish to avoid being labeled cheaters as this comes with extreme negative connotations in the chess community. Furthermore, if you believe there are any corrective measures we can take, that we have not already taken, we will make the necessary adjustments.
As TOS is not the reason the account is currently banned, I would like to continue our discussion on engine use and reiterate that we're willing to put measures in place to create almost absolute certainty that engines are not being used.
All I am requesting is that we are treated fairly. My group and I are trying desperately to be transparent and upstanding members of this community. If there are valid cheating allegations against us, we want to put a stop to any behavior on our part that may be causing them.
Sincerely, Taylor Fuller (Morphy Chess Club).
Lichess4 days ago We have changed the mark to reflect the account sharing. Please restrict the new account to casual games only (not rated).
morphy_group_account3 days ago Hello, This is Taylor Fuller, writing on behalf of the Morphy Chess Club.
Thank you for changing the label on the account, and agreeing that we are not using engine assistance. However, we are confused at the new label saying that the account artificially increases or decreases its rating. The Lichess Terms of Service say this: "2. Artificially inflating or deflating your rating. This is where a User purposefully loses, or has arranged with an opponent to win. As a result, the User’s rating will artificially increase or decrease." Our use of the account with a group does not fit into this category as we are not intentionally losing or arranging with an opponent to allow us to win. We are always playing as hard as we can for the entertainment and education of the viewers of our Discord streams.
We understand that ratings are meant to be consistent to a player, and having the account used by multiple players creates a variance in the rating that is inconsistent with how online chess accounts are typically used; however, there are several other high-profile accounts on Lichess operating in a similar manner to us with multiple people using them in rated games (including @SaintLouisChessClub, which Lichess has officially promoted on numerous occasions). [Please see the following Twitch VODs for a few examples: www.twitch.tv/videos/759601267?t=02h49m43s, www.twitch.tv/videos/762659574?t=0h39m6s, www.twitch.tv/videos/755845099?t=01h07m19s]
Given the other group accounts, we believe that our account is operating appropriately on Lichess. If there is something we are doing that you believe is against the Lichess Terms of Service, we would love to correct it.
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely, Taylor Fuller (Morphy Chess Club)
Lichess3 days ago This part of the ToS is targeted towards streamers providing entertainment. We allow it as it benefits this purpose, however that does not mean that every account can do that. If we were to do this then everyone could put on their profile that it is a shared account, which would make any moderation in regards to cheating or boosting practically infeasible. We already allow shared accounts for everyone given that the same set of moderation rules apply.
morphy_group_account3 days ago Hello, This is Taylor Fuller, writing on behalf of the Morphy Chess Club.
Thank you for the quick response. From what I understand the main issue that Lichess has with our account is not regarding any violations of TOS. Specifically that Cheating, Engine Use (the previous mark), and that Match Fixing or Rating Manipulation (the current mark) has not taken place. Given this, please remove the current mark as it is inaccurate.
Rather than any TOS violation, the issue presented as far as I can understand is that the group account is not being used in the spirit with which you created the group account clause in the TOS. If we can agree on this and have the marks removed, I feel we're at a point in which we can move forward with a high level of respect between each party.
We would love to continue to play rated matches on our account. Would it be possible for us to shift the conversation towards how we can continue to do this in a manner which you feel is in the spirit of the TOS?
It's my belief that the group section of TOS is, as you said, to allow streamers to provide entertainment. We have been doing this through Discord; however, if the spirit of the TOS was in the hope that we make this content more accessible and public, through a platform like Twitch, we have multiple Twitch streamers in our Discord, and many people willing to do this.
I feel that this would resolve any issue Lichess has with the account while maintaining that we adhere to TOS, in both the letter and the spirit of it.
Sincerely, Taylor Fuller (Morphy Chess Club)
Lichess3 days ago Regarding the rating manipulation mark - this is used in cases of account sharing too. This is possibly a temporary solution.
> Would it be possible for us to shift the conversation towards how we can continue to do this in a manner which you feel is in the spirit of the TOS?
Yes, please play casual games only as requested.
> Our community has 20+ players rated over 2300 and several titled players. Several of these players have helped us in our group play, especially in the classical games.
Can you provide evidence of these players and their strength?
morphy_group_account2 days ago Hello, This is Taylor Fuller, writing on behalf of the Morphy Chess Club.
>"Regarding the rating manipulation mark - this is used in cases of account sharing too. This is possibly a temporary solution." The TOS definition for that label does not include any mention of account sharing. "2. Artificially inflating or deflating your rating. This is where a User purposefully loses, or has arranged with an opponent to win. As a result, the User’s rating will artificially increase or decrease."
>"Yes, please play casual games only as requested." For the time being, we will cease playing rated games with the account; however, while other group accounts are able to play rated games, we feel that this treatment is unfair and that the TOS is being applied in an inconsistent manner. We are corresponding with you because we have a good faith belief that our use of the account with a group was consistent with how the TOS is currently written. Unless it is updated, I would hope that us, nor any other group accounts, are actually restricted from playing rated games.
One potential idea for group accounts generally would be to add a "Group" label, similar to that of Bot accounts. If you do not think this is sufficient, I would be happy to brainstorm other restrictions with you that can be placed on group accounts.
>"Can you provide evidence of these players and their strength?" The following is a list of players that are members of the Morphy Chess Club. Their association with the group account could be non-existent or as very regular participants. I feel comfortable sharing this list as it is simply a list of the players that are members of the club. We have a server of 1000+ players and mandate that they have a Lichess account linked with our bot in order for us to better moderate the server. As stated earlier, the Lichess TOS is one of the things we enforce on our members to ensure fair play standards in our community.
The following is a list of the strongest players from the Morphy Chess Club Discord Server;
Titled Players (Count: 17, Total: 17) GM Gordievsky, Dmitry - ratings.fide.com/profile/24112798 / www.twitch.tv/gordima GM Kraai, Jesse - ratings.fide.com/profile/2002035 / www.twitch.tv/search?term=chessdojolive IM Kavutskiy, Konstantin - ratings.fide.com/profile/2026384 / @hellokostya / www.twitch.tv/search?term=chessdojolive IM Toth, Andras - ratings.fide.com/profile/716405 / www.youtube.com/channel/UCcYZTGsTO5TbCaA1O0wcBzw IM Warmerdam, Max - ratings.fide.com/profile/1048104 / www.twitch.tv/xamax2000 FM Kowalski, Igor - ratings.fide.com/profile/1172468 / www.twitch.tv/imigor01 FM Gauri, Shankar - ratings.fide.com/profile/5041350 / www.twitch.tv/grandmastergauri FM Zlatin, Alexander - ratings.fide.com/card.phtml?event=2810549 FM Vibbert, Sean- ratings.fide.com/profile/2030292 / @Checksum FM Unknown - @Zaola420 / www.chess.com/membexaola / www.twitch.tv/xaola_ FM Li, Henry - ratings.fide.com/profile/2508524 / @yellowdragoon / www.twitch.tv/theyellowdragoon FM Unkown - @B_nn_t NM Meduri, Aakaash - ratings.fide.com/profile/2032252 / www.twitch.tv/aakaash NM Unknown - @DuccDuccDucc / www.chess.com/membefancyknightmaneuvers (FM Title on chess.com) / www.twitch.tv/fancyknightmaneuvers/= NM Jones, Aaron ratings.fide.com/profile/2023709 / http://www.uschess.org/msa/MbrDtlMain.php?12868161 NM Unknown - @chesslandzero NM Unknown - www.chess.com/membefrostdemonstorm
2700+ (Count: 1, Total 18) @Fourplay
2500+ (Count:1, Total: 19) @FastBananna
2400+ (Count: 5, Total: 26) @cmplx @ChuckPhil @MichiB @boki140402 @Qaig
2300+ (Count: 9, Total: 35) @NorthernBeserker @InfiniteFlash @IsaVulpes @itay121 @jmatthew @Deadpan @hyperkatze @Sunny12345 @xamaycan_senpai
2200+ (Count: 32. Total: 67) @Kasparov1414 @K123456FG @TheChessLobster @tactikus @jclar_ke @rotchopf @Rookie1243 @pd159 @Nytik @shrekmated @practicepawn @Gwibisono @m4giikz @prashnakrisad @jrjrjr4 @Guy99 @GamePerFrame @WadeWilson @dreykplaner @ramg @Ulli @Custard_Cream @DanBeardzarian @Bantter @ArkodiptoDutta @a0Q0 @Ankush23 @eaguiraud @mainsequence @michael2002 @PlatypusJedi @S_Panjer
2100+/2000+ (Count: 77, Total: 144 ). (Can send if requested, as well as proof of their membership in the server).
Sincerely, Taylor Fuller (Morphy Chess Club)
Lichess41 hours ago If a person would give someone else significantly stronger (or weaker) than him access to an account we would mark the account as well. We have boost marked individual accounts for this before as well. We allow group accounts given the same moderation rules as other accounts. So this is not inconsistent policy nor am I seeing how this is relevant for your appeal.
> One potential idea for group accounts generally would be to add a "Group" label, similar to that of Bot accounts. If you do not think this is sufficient, I would be happy to brainstorm other restrictions with you that can be placed on group accounts.
This is an idea which could perhaps be applied in the future. Only at this moment we do not face a lot of problems with group accounts. If we were to do this it would deprive group accounts from good pairings. The advantages might not stand to the disadvantages. So we are not going to do this now and it wouldn't make the pairings for your account any easier.
About the many different players even if you couple both accounts, there is no guarantee that a member isn't using computer assistance. We have changed the mark on your account to reflect your purpose.
I get from your messages that you feel unfairly treated. We have already corresponded with you through the mail and appeals that having a group account for a whole server playing rated is a bad idea. If we were to allow this everyone could make a group account. However, as there are many different players playing on it we couldn't proof that an account is using computer assistance. Also this would allow accounts to not reflect their strength to their rating. So if we were to allow this account rated then we wouldn't be able to moderate anymore. We cannot give you what you want.
morphy_group_account39 hours ago Hello, This is Taylor Fuller, writing on behalf of the Morphy Chess Club.
>"If a person would give someone else significantly stronger (or weaker) than him access to an account we would mark the account as well. We have boost marked individual accounts for this before as well. We allow group accounts given the same moderation rules as other accounts. So this is not inconsistent policy nor am I seeing how this is relevant for your appeal."
The following people played rated games on the STL account: Mike Kummer - No FIDE Rating, USCF Rating, 1722: http://www.uschess.org/msa/MbrDtlMain.php?12664377. GM Denes Boros - Fide Rating: 2566 USCF: 2507 ratings.fide.com/profile/722340 / http://www.uschess.org/msa/MbrDtlMain.php?12894483 (GM Denes Boros also played as part of a group helping NM Caleb Denby.) NM Caleb Denby - Fide Rating 2110 USCF Rating: 2217 ratings.fide.com/profile/30935075 / http://www.uschess.org/msa/MbrDtlMain.php?14361200
Here we can see a 600 rating point difference between players playing on the account. By the wording in your last message, the St. Louis Chess Club's account should be receiving the same treatment as ours. There are players of significantly varying strengths playing rated games on the account. They are also playing on the account as a group.
>"nor am I seeing how this is relevant for your appeal." The main motive of the appeal and goal for us, is that we will be able to play rated matches in the pool as a group. We're willing to work with you in order to accomplish this. Having the account cleared of any negative marks is also important to us. >"If we were to do this it would deprive group accounts from good pairings." I should have been clearer, my suggestion is not to restrict the pool, but to make Group Accounts an official part of the Lichess landscape. The Group Accounts would have a tag given to the account by Lichess, while still playing in the regular pool.
>"However, as there are many different players playing on it we couldn't proof that an account is using computer assistance. Also this would allow accounts to not reflect their strength to their rating. So if we were to allow this account rated then we wouldn't be able to moderate anymore. We cannot give you what you want."
We acknowledge the difficulties of moderating an account of this manner. This is why I previously offered to allow the burden of proof in regards to cheating allegations to be on us. These games will be recorded, with live accompanying audio, and a record of the players participating, whether as spectators or participants. These recordings will be posted publicly. Furthermore, the Lichess usernames of all players involved will be accessible to me and will be given readily to Lichess to resolve a dispute over Computer Assistance, if requested.
Sincerely, Taylor Fuller (Morphy Chess Club)
Lichess28 hours ago Concerning Saint Louis we have corresponded with them through the mail about what they can do and not with their streaming account. Even if you record we are not able to guarantee the moderation plus it is still not in the spirit of the ToS. Even if this account will become a lichess streamer the moderation burden will still be too high if all (or a large amount) players of the server are allowed access.
morphy_group_account18 hours ago Putting aside the other issues for a moment, what rules does the Saint Louis streaming account operate under right now? We know that Lichess strives to be transparent and has repeatedly stated there are no Premium Accounts (including in its TOS), this is one of the reasons we love Lichess and prefer it as a platform. Could we use the rules that Saint Louis operates under to discuss what rules the Morphy Chess Club account could operate under in the future so that Lichess is comfortable with it playing rated group games?
Lichess16 hours ago There is no way we can let a group account where we cannot guarantee moderation with a large amount of members play rated, otherwise your account wouldn't have been marked to begin with. Please work with the rules set now, if you are a lichess streamer for which the group accounts are meant and have questions/problems later on we can talk about it then
morphy_group_account11 hours ago Thank you for the suggestion. We plan to become a Lichess Streamer. Our recordings will stand as evidence to disprove any false cheating allegations. The reporting system for cheating requires that a user submit links of games that involve suspicious behavior. We will be able to provide our recordings of the games, in the manner described previously, for any games we may be accused of cheating in.
If this does not suffice, what would guarantee the moderation of the account. Obviously the number of players who have access and contribute to games on the account is important. What number is reasonable to Lichess? Saint Louis Chess Club seems to have at least 5-10 regulars with occasional guests. If we curtailed the number to 15-20 people that rotated quarterly, would that be acceptable?
Lichess2 hours ago Casual that's fine ---
submitted by ShufflerStat1c to chess [link] [comments]

League of Legends Worlds 2020 starts tomorrow! Here's everything you need to know!

Worlds 2020 is starting soon and I decided I'd do this again (Figuratively copy pasted some of it from last year don't judge me).
What is Worlds?
Worlds is the yearly League of Legends tournament where the best teams from each region around the world battle it out to find out who is the best team in the world.
Riot actually made a video for it this year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RdV23hnxHSM
Where is Worlds?
Worlds this year will be held in China! There won't be a crowd this time around with Covid but they worked out a system similar to the NBA bubble if anyone is familiar with that. Basically, all the games are going to be played in the same area as opposed to normal Worlds which would travel across the country.
When is Worlds? (times are listed in Pacific Standard Time)
Play-ins: Sept 25-30 @ 1am
Groups: Oct 3-6; Oct 8-11 @ 1am
Knockout Stage: Oct 15-18 @ 3am (Quarterfinals); Oct 24-25 @ 3am (Semifinals)
Finals: Oct 31 @ 3am
Unfortunately for any NA viewers, since the games are played in China, the times won't be great for us. Luckily Riot hosts VoDs on their lolesports.com site that you can watch.
Full schedule is located on the lolesports.com website here: https://lolesports.com/schedule?leagues=worlds
What is the meta?
Similarly to last year, there will be a lot of focus around early skirmishing and team fighting. Since the LPL (Chinese league) has won Worlds for the last 2 years, making them the strongest region currently, most teams are trying to mimic that style. EU teams already play that style. The Chinese teams LOVE to fight. Also like last year, flex picks will be a big thing again (flex picks are champions that can play multiple roles, thus giving advantages when drafting). Bot lane going into this tournament have been put into a fairly supportive role, however some analysts believe that might change.
Who is competing?
24 teams were invited but 2 had to drop out (Vietnam were unable to attend due to global climate) bring us down to a 22 total teams, and like last year I will only list the 4 major regions.
North America (LCS)
1st seed: Team SoloMid
2nd seed: FlyQuest
3rd seed: Team Liquid
Europe (LEC)
1st: G2 Esports
2nd: Fnatic
3rd: Rogue
4th: MAD Lions
Korea (LCK)
1st: DAMWON Gaming
2nd: DRX
3rd: GEN G.
China (LPL)
1st: Top Esports
2nd: JD Gaming
3rd: Suning
4th: LGD Gaming
Here's a wiki page with the rest of the teams: https://lol.gamepedia.com/2020_Season_World_Championship
You might notice that their are 4 teams representing both China and Europe this year. That is because Riot decided to reward those regions for their consistent performances each year internationally, both being 1 and 2 respectively in the region rankings.
Who to watch?
Here are the favorites to contend for the title (keeping it short this time around),
Top Esports - Easily one of the favorites of the tournament, if not THE favorite. Coming in as the first seed in China, TOP Esports lead by Knight in the midlane, are a force to be reckoned with. They also have, who many consider the best bot lane player in the World, Jackeylove who was on the 2018 championship Invictus Gaming roster.
JD Gaming - So despite coming in as the second seed from China, this team should absolutely not be slept on to win it all this year. Tying Top Esports regular season record at 13-3, the series between JD and Top came down to a very very close game 5 and is really considered one of the best series to watch in the game.
DAMWON Gaming - Coming off of a great first year in 2019, DAMWON is back and is better than ever. After speed running Korea with a commanding 16-2 record, DAMWON then proceeded to 3-0 the second place team, DRX, in a decisive 3-0 finals. DAMWON were just rookies last year and still were a scary team. Now with another year of experience under their belt, they hope to bring the Worlds title back to Korea.
G2 Esports - Same roster, same dominant playstyle. Actually, G2 struggled a bit this year during the regular season and even into playoffs. However, in the end its Fnatic vs G2 finals and G2 always wins. G2 has won every single finals since the LEC branding took over. This team is never to be counted out for how aggressive and individually great each player is on this team. After winning the Mid Season Invitational last year, then falling to FPX in the 2019 Worlds finals, G2 hope to get another shot and finally break the LPL > LEC curse.
Here are some teams that aren't quite contenders but should make some waves,
Suning - The 3rd seed from China isn't getting a lot of attention from anyone (hell I don't know a lot about them) but I've been hearing some rumblings from the LPL casters and analysts that a lot of teams are sleeping on Suning. Guess we'll see what happens, this team was only 1 win behind first place in the LPL.
Gen.G - So I'm actually putting Gen.G on here instead of DRX. Why? Well Gen.G by all accounts are considered the better team despite being behind DRX in the seeding. Led by a reawoken Ruler (historically one of the best ADC players), this team is one of the few that still play a bottom side focused style. It should be interesting to see if Gen.G can catch anyone off guard or maybe even shift the entire meta back to the bottom side.
Fnatic - Europe's most popular team, forever playing catchup to G2. You could actually make an argument that Fnatic could be better than G2, since they got the better of them in the first round of playoffs, only for G2 to come back via double elimination and take the title. Fnatic like to do a lot of experimenting and like to play an aggressive style not too different from how G2 plays. This team is definitely great, however, it depends on which Hylissang (support) and Nemesis (midlaner) shows up.
Rogue - Rogue won the regular split during summer but hit a slump during playoffs. However they started showing signs of their old self towards the end during their series against MAD Lions for 3rd. Rogue isn't going to play anything crazy, they stick to what they know and play it well. The duo of Larssen and Inspired are fearsome matchup for anyone.
Team SoloMid - TSM is back! After 2 years of failing to win the region or qualify for Worlds, TSM has finally done both. After the implosion of Team Liquid during the spring split, TL decided it was time to part ways with NA Botlane superstar Doublelift (still a headscratcher). TSM jumped on the opportunity to bring him back and they ended up making a miracle loser's bracket run after getting knocked down in the very first round. Winning series after series to both qualify for Worlds and winning the split. Running with a rookie jungler, Spica, TSM plays a fast, aggressive, early game playing through their star midlaner Bjergsen and first time Worlds attendee BrokenBlade, TSM hope to finally make NA proud and make some noise. Only problem they are inconsistent, so we'll see which team shows up. Sorry I wrote more for this team, NA bias, excited to see them.
Here's a link dump of videos, articles, etc related to Worlds.
This years Worlds 2020 orchestral theme
2020 Worlds Music Video
Another 2020 Worlds song featuring K/DA, virtual k-pop group. EP announced to release later on during the tournament.
Worlds 2020 Primer
Vedius's (champion) Picks to Watch
Riot put out a video explaining what LoL is, for new viewers
Worlds pick em's, watch drop rewards, and more
Awesome 2020 Worlds Trailer made by a fan. Highly recommend.
"Should I watch on YouTube or Twitch?"
Unless you really like Twitch chat, YouTube has the better stream normally. I'd also recommend watching on the lolesports site itself, because they have all kinds of neat live stats you can see while the games are happening.
Let me know if I need to add anything else or feel free to ask me anything! If I don't know the answer I'll get it for you or someone else will!
submitted by Sushi2k to Games [link] [comments]

Top jungle mistakes you should NEVER make: From Iron to Platinum

Hey guys,
This is a x-post of the post I made in /leagueoflegends a few months ago, which gathered quite a bit of interest and some people suggested I crosspost it here, so here it is.
I've been maining Jungle since about season 2, and been hitting Diamond consistently across seasons since Season 3. I'm not rank 1 EU or even challenger, but I peaked at Diamond 1 EUNE in Season 4 with around 200 games played total. I never tried to go beyond that so we'll never know if I'm a hardstuck D1 or not. Nowadays I mostly duo queue with lower elo players to help them understand elo hell doesn't exist (which in my opinion is the number 1 reason people can't climb). I also stream every day for a few hours (see exact schedule in your timezone here) and explain my thought process behind each decision. Currently sitting at 117 wins, 4 losses, around plat 3 MMR
You might recognize me from a pretty old but popular post I posted on /leagueoflegends that sounded like a marketing scam https://www.reddit.com/leagueoflegends/comments/2g48q3/stuck_in_gold_i_with_over_100_games_then_gold_i/ (tips on how changing ranked mentality helped me go from hardstuck gold 1 to diamond 1 in a very short time)
This time I'm back with a post on actual gameplay tips rather than mentality (even though the mentality tips are just as important)
#1: Do NOT attempt to gank lost* lanes. Snowball winning lanes instead. Why? As a jungler you want to maximize your chances of a successful gank and minimize your risk. Risk is very high when you're ganking a losing lane. Not only can the laner possibly 1v2 you, if the enemy jungler is there too (which he will, if it's high elo), you're fucked. Also the chances of a successful gank are much higher on a lane that is already winning. There are of course RARE exceptions to the rule, where it's a bit safer to gank a losing lane and worth it if it keeps the lane from getting destroyed for the entirety of the game, if for example you've seen enemy jungler on the other side of the map and that lane is overextended. You will have to judge whether the difference is high enough to 1v2 you or not.
Clarification on this point: A 0/1/0 lane isn't a doomed lost lane. A lane where the enemy is 0.5 levels ahead is also not a doomed lane. A doomed lane is a lane where the enemy laner is 2 levels higher than your laner or has a huge item advantage. You shouldn't actively avoid ganking lanes that are only *slightly** losing, as the matchup is still somewhat equal and nothing is lost. BUT, do not gank them simply because they're losing a little bit and you "need to equalize it or else they might feed". Follow the rest of the rules instead to see what's best to gank (EFFICIENCY)
#2 -Do NOT deviate from your planned path just because the lane on the opposite side of the map started spamming assistance pings. This is also linked to the above tip. The lanes spamming chat and pings for help are usually the lanes that are long lost. For example, you recalled and decided your next gank is bot. You also have some wolves/gromp you can take if enemy positioning isn't exactly right yet. So you start walking bot. Then BOOM your top starts spamming pings and flaming and asking for ganks "TOP NO SUMS PERMAPUSHING OMG". For the love of god don't spend 30 seconds walking to top just cause your lane asked. It's super inefficient, and it's also distracting you from your game plan. Also don't try to explain to him why it's a bad idea to gank losing lanes. Play more chat less. Mute and stick to the plan. If you become the type of jungler that always tries to please his team by just going to whichever lane asks for help, you will never play consistently well. Your team is making your decisions for you, and your team is only looking at their lane. They are not looking at the overall outcome of the game. That's your responsibility. Your job isn't to save doomed lanes. Your job is to help your team win the game, even if it means letting your top lane ragequit after he goes 0/9/0 cause he just won't stop trying to duel rene that's 2 levels and 1 item higher than him. You help your team win the game by creating a larger gold advantage for your team. You do that by snowballing the already winning lanes.
#3 -Do NOT walk into a lane to gank it without pinging at least 2 times, 1 time on my way ping 5-10 seconds before you arrive in ganking position, 1 time ping on enemy once you start walking in for the gank. In high elo your laners usually (not always) react even if you don't ping. In low elo, you will be ganking alone with 0 help and wasting your time, maybe even dying. Pinging helps your laner be prepared anyway, even in high elo. Just do it (but don't be obnoxious about it). You will see I usually ping 4-5 times total each time I gank. Not spam pinging, informative pinging to prepare my lane. Also make sure your pings are somewhere where the laner can see it. They hear 3000 pings each game from all lanes. They need the visual cue too. Don't ping "on my way" behind enemy laner when your laner is sitting under tower. He might never see it. Ping right on top of your teamate's champion.
#4 -Do NOT try to force a gank just because. You really wanna gank mid Viktor cause he has no flash and no ghost. So you walk to mid and sit in brush and wait for him to get in a vulnerable position. 3 seconds pass. 5 seconds pass. 10 seconds pass. 20 seconds pass. Not only did you not realize it was warded the entire time, you flash stun him or whatever only to realize that there's 30 minion waves on your mid laner, he's already 50% hp from the viktor poke, and as soon as he joins to help with the gank, he is instantly deleted and misses 30 waves of gold and exp. If you can't decide whether something is warded just by watching enemy movements, a good rule to follow is don't stay in the same brush for more than 10 seconds MAX. I never stay for longer than 5 seconds unless I'm 100% sure it's not warded. If it's not low elo, the enemy will react with movement as soon as you walk over the ward, so you won't waste anymore time there. If it's low elo and you wanna gank through wards and exploit their slower map reaction time, just ping on my way before you arrive to lane and hope your laner is prepared. Do not sit around in the bush waiting for the perfect position. They will look at the map to know how far you are so they will know from which direction you will gank anyway. If it's high elo, chances are the enemy jungler already predicted you are ganking that lane since his laner is pushing, and he's waiting in exactly the opposite brush. The enemy laner sees you standing in brush cause it's warded, but he didn't even flinch. You might think it's not warded The gank looks too good and too free to be true. DONT fucking do it. It's an obvious countergank trap. If you can't win the 2v2, gtfo (this only applies in diamond+)
#5 -DO plan your path every time you return to base. Your path isn't planned only for your first clear. You must have a plan every time. Example, you've returned to base after taking your gromp and wolves. I 100% know my next gank will be top or mid. Why? Let's say by the time I walk to river from base, between top and mid, both lanes are pushed by my team and ungankable. At least now I still have the option to just farm raptors or golems for a few seconds until the wave resets. Then I can get back in position to gank, without having lost any time or exp. If you went bot side, and both mid and bot were ungankable, you have nothing to do. Chances are you will end up making mistake #4 by trying to force a gank, or you will spend 15 seconds doing nothing as you walk back to the other side of your jungle. The only chance I would go bot side with 0 camps in my jungle is if there was a crab spawning. In higher elo junglers can typically tell where the wave will be by the time they arrive to a lane. If you can't, it's a good rule of thumb to use the reasoning I described above and just plan your path based on what parts of your jungle are already cleared.
#6 -This is the most general tip, but also the most important one, and the area where lower elo junglers have the most trouble with. You hear it all the time. BE EFFICIENT. This is why tip #5 is very important. You want to always be farming something. Either camps, or champs. You don't wanna spend long amounts of time travelling through the map doing nothing. There are no simple and specific rules to explain how to be efficient with your pathing. The best way to learn is to watch players better than you explaining what they're doing.
#7 If you're doing your best to follow every other above mentioned tip, you are 100% stronger than the enemy jungler no matter what champ you're playing. USE THIS ADVANTAGE. His jungle is now also your jungle. Invade ALL the fucking time (but be aware of the map and your surroundings. If enemy lanes are super pushed and you invade, 3 people could collapse on you and block all exits. When enemies are pushing lanes invade only if you have a 100% guaranteed escape path not counting your flash, and if you are confident you can 1v2. Do NOT rely on your team helping you.). Invading does 3 things at once. 1. You get more farm. 2. You deny enemy jungler farm. 3. You track down enemy jungler which gives super important information to your lanes. I cannot stress enough how powerful invading is, even if you get 0 camps cause it's already cleared, even if you don't find your enemy jungler, you can get a deep ward, you know the jungler is on the other side of the map, and you are also in position to gank a lane from a very deadly position: From behind ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Bonus tip
You're overthinking it. For players new to the role, jungle can seem too complicated. What do I gank? When? Why? Qiyana mid she has 2 dashes and invis I have 1 dash and flash so if she dashes I can dash if she does again I can flash my mid also has a dash gg Knight to c8 checkmate cy@. Guys, jungle isn't chess. Believe me I play and love chess but don't try to think 30 moves ahead like you're Kasparov and overcomplicate things. Yes jungling involves more planning than other lanes but don't overdo it and mess up your simple, effective plan. What you gank and when 90% of the time depends on rule #6 and #5. Being efficient. Sure it's not a bad idea to think a little bit about matchups in loading screen and identify which lanes are harder to gank before the game starts (i.e. garen vs enemy riven - garen 0 cc and gap closers, riven 30000 dashes), but don't overthink it. Follow efficient paths and gank wherever the enemy gives you an opportunity. Even the riven-garen gank could be the easiest of your life. And you didn't have to overthink it, you just happened to be at the right place at the right time after a correct efficient clear.
Bonus tip 2
You've probably already seen this before if you're a jungle player, but actually there is a map hack that isn't bannable by Riot. No I don't mean wards. I mean a map hack that lets you see where enemy jungler started without ever warding it. You must use it EVERY GAME because your first plan for your first clear is affected by where the enemy jungler started. The hack works like this:
If I see enemy bot lane in lane as soon as their wave reaches our wave, that means they didn't leash for anyone. Which means the jungler is either afk or started top side. This will also be confirmed by the fact that you will see top lane enter his lane much later than his minions (there are of course exceptions like kayn who might start raptors solo, or shaco who just stacks boxes and can easily solo a buff - but 95% of the time you SHOULD apply this simple tip).
Vice versa in the other scenario. Of course in higher elo there's other mind games that some junglers do, which I like to do as well personally when I start a non-standard path (don't worry about this below diamond): Example, I wanna start top side at my red and gank bot early. But I don't want enemy jungler or enemy bot to know that I started top, because then they will expect the gank early, or the jungler will invade my buff before I get there, etc. So I ask my bot lane to give me a "fake" blue leash. This means they don't go to the lane as soon as their minions go, instead they AFK in fog of war for 5-10 seconds, same way it would happen if they were helping me blue. That way the enemy doesn't know I started red. To make it even more believable, you can simply tell your toplaner that you don't need help (if you are playing a sustain jungler like elise for example who has no trouble doing a healthy solo clear). Then it will 100% seem like you started blue.
Bonus tip 3
Don't always rely on your lanes to tell you what is warded. In low elo, they almost never tell you. Learn to do it yourself. Top lane almost always wards around the 2:30 mark, right after they've pushed in the 2nd minion wave. You can very easily see this, by checking top lane as you're doing your last camps before gank. If they briefly walk outside fog of war towards brush, it's pretty obvious they just warded that. Don't waste time trying to gank it, even though it's pushing like crazy. You will get nothing done, and you will let everyone on the enemy team know where you are. Bad. If top lane however is equally matched (even 2nd wave is stuck in the middle of the lane, and noone really pushed), there's a decent chance it wasn't warded yet. If you've been watching the lane in between camps/ability cooldowns, like I said, you will know if it's warded with 95% certainty.
Bonus tip 4
After a successful gank, if your laner is low on hp or mana, they probably want to base. Help them push the wave hard before you leave lane. This helps deny gold/exp from the enemy laner who just died, and also helps reset the lane. On the other hand, if you are NOT sure that your lane wants to recall and the lane isn't already pushing by default, don't push it unless they ask you to. There's a big chance they wanna use the lead that they just got to freeze the lane instead and deny even more cs from the enemy when they come back to the lane.
Bonus tip 5
If you have weak mental, mute chat as soon as the game starts. Pings are more than enough to communicate important information. No shame in doing this, I myself do it too sometimes if I'm on tilt. Jungle is the most flamed role in the game, especially in lower elo, because people don't understand what the jungler's job is. They think your job is to win their lane, or to save their doomed lane, or to focus their lane because they picked a losing matchup. Which couldn't be futher from the truth. So to avoid getting into arguments instead of playing, have everyone muted from the start if you can't ignore negative comments. If people start being toxic with pings, mute their pings too.
Bonus tip 6
Applies not to just jungle, but every player out here hungry to get better at the game. Don't spend too much time only reading and researching how to get better. Play the game. You could spend 2 hours a day reading tips like this but never improve, because you play 3 ranked games a week. I can't stress how important it is to actually try to apply these in game also, not just read and nod.
That's it for now. This covers the most crucial jungle mistakes for all elos from Iron to Plat.
Finally, because I've been seeing a lot of controversy over unranked to challenger type of streams on the front page lately, and whether they really serve an educational purpose or not: I agree that many of these streamers do it simply to pubstomp low elo and get more views. However, I do believe that games closer to the viewer's elo rather than high elo games, will be able to provide much more accurate and EASY TO APPLY insight for viewers, as long as the person doing it is actually explaining what's happening in real time, and the thought process behind each decision, interacts with chat etc. Which is what I plan on doing. I have a comfortable full time job and I don't plan on becoming a streamer, nor do I think I'll ever have more than 2-digit viewers, so I'm not doing this for views. If I hop straight into diamond games, a silver player will have a harder time understanding why a jungler does a certain thing in diamond, and how he can translate that into a silver game. In a silvegold game however, the viewer will start to realize how many countless mistakes they make, and how they could capitalize on them instead. Depending on whether people agree with this or not, and whether they find the information above useful or not, I might do one in about an hour or so.
submitted by TwitchTvOmo1 to summonerschool [link] [comments]

Welcome + Core December Community Tournament!

Welcome + Core December Community Tournament!

Madness of the Gods 2: Double Demogorgon, December 2020

Announcement Graphic
Hi, I'm TriggerHaven, a gaming Wizard from the Twitch Realm and it's that time again! I've teamed up again with CopperPitch, Immutable, $Banano, CryptomonKeys, and the Gods Unchained Community to bring you our SECOND Gods Unchained Community Tournament! Featuring over $1000 USD worth of NFTs and Cryptocurrency.
This event is free to enter and no purchases are necessary for the competition. The rules are simple: Single Elimination, Welcome + Core Set cards only, God Power Ban: ONSLAUGHT WAR.
What is Gods Unchained? It's a Free-to-Play, Play-to-Earn, Trading Card Game! Download it here! If you don't have any cards, download now and start grinding for the next tournament!
Registration is Now Open: Sign up in Challonge and enter Trigger Haven's Discord to verify your GU account (instructions are on the registration site and also posted in discord)!✨Registration Ends: 4am Friday, Nov 27th, PST.
The tournament will consist of Three Phases lasting through December:
  1. Qualifiers - After signing up and following instructions, play in the official Weekend Ranked competition in the Ranked Constructed Mode in Gods Unchained from 4am Friday, Nov 27th - 4am Monday, Nov. 30th Pacific Time. The Top 64 registered participants will automatically qualify for the tournament. Qualified players will be assigned to a single elimination bracket.
  2. Predictions - Anyone may post predictions when Predictions open on BRACKET PREDICTION DAYS: Nov 30th/Dec 1st. Predictions will close before the Round 1 matchups begin. Participants MUST put Discord ID in the prediction title to be eligible for prizes.
  3. Brackets - Players in each matchup will schedule a Best of 3 in which they play tournament legal decks against their opponent (switching decks between matches is allowed). NOTE: Legal decks may only include Welcome and Core Set Cards. Cards from any set other than the Welcome Set and Core Set will result in disqualification (e.g. the Genesis Set, Trials of the Gods, Promo, Etherbots, etc.). The only other restriction is the Ban on the Onslaught War power.

Tournament Timeline:

  • Qualification is 27th-29th (The official weekend ranked event)
  • BRACKET PREDICTION DAYS: Nov 30th/Dec 1st.
  • Round of 64: Dec 2nd - Dec 5th
  • Round of 32: Dec 6th - Dec 9th
  • Round of 16: Dec 10th - Dec 13th
  • Round of 8: Dec 14th - Dec 16th
  • LIVE Round of 4/Finals: Dec 18th
We ask that all participants who make it to The Finals MUST be able to share their desktop or stream their gameplay in order for us to present the finals on Twitch.

✨✨✨Hype Events and Content! ✨✨✨

Top Gods Unchained Players, CopperPitch, TriggerHaven, and Shaleby_ will be hosting weekly content on our Twitch Streams about the tournament! Join up for Analysis, Viewer Battles, Cosplay, and Marquee Matchups from the tournament!! If you have ideas to add to the hype, or would like to participate, send me or CopperPitch a message! CopperPitch also makes Weekly Exclusive GU Content on YouTube! Be sure to follow his channel for tips and tricks on how to be a top player!


Winners of the Grand Finale will Receive (at least) the Following Pledged Prizes:
  • 1st Place - Legendary Trials Chest, 30,000 $BANANO, Legendary CryptomonKey
  • 2nd Place - 3 Rare Trials Chests, 20,000 $BANANO, Epic CryptomonKey
  • 3rd Place - 1 Rare Trials Chest, 10,000 $BANANO, Epic CryptomonKey
  • 4th Place - 5,000 $Banano, Epic CryptomonKey
Bracket Predictions Prizing
  • 1st Place - 2x Demogorgons
  • 2nd Place - 1st and 2nd Pick from "Community Prize Shelf"
  • 3rd Place - 2nd and 3rd Pick
  • 4th Place - 4th and 5th Pick
  • 5th Place - 6th and 7th Pick
We will also be raining and raffling additional Gods Unchained Prizes, $Banano, and CryptomonKey prizes during our live streams of the matchups on Dec. 4th, 11th, and 18th!

Game Rules

  • After following all registration instructions on the Official Tournament Page, players will receive a unique TRxxx code. You must put this code in your Gods Unchained username then play one match in Ranked Constructed in order for us to verify you. Note: You need not DM the bot if you have participated in the Welcome Set Tournament or the Early 30 Ranked Leaderboard, as you are already verified.
  • Participate in "Ranked Constructed" battles, 4am Friday, Nov 27th - 4am Monday, Nov. 30th Pacific Time.
  • NOTE: You may use any cards in this phase.
  • The Top 64 will be pulled from publicly published statistics on GUDecks.com. They will then be placed in groups in the Tournament Discord Server to assist with scheduling.
Scheduling a Match for Single Elimination Brackets:
  • After you are assigned a bracket, it will be your responsibility to arrange a best of 3 matchup with your opponent using the "Direct Challenge" mode during the legal time period for the round (See "Tournament Timeline" heading above).
  • Each player is expected to put forth reasonable effort to be available for matchups. Since players are in many different time zones, be aware that schedules may not align at convenient times.
  • Having your availability ready to share with your opponent when the bracket is published will help greatly. Failure to communicate with your opponent in your appropriate tournament channels may result in disqualification.
Disconnections during 1v1 Bracket
  • Disconnection during Best of 3 Matches after cards are dealt must count as a loss. Be sure you have a good connection for your matchups. If disconnections or hang ups occur before god powers are picked, alert your opponent in your bracket's discord channel, force close the game, then continue playing your matches as normal.
  • All bracket matches are recorded in the API and will be checked to verify validity of only using Tournament Legal cards and powers. Violations will result in automatic disqualification.
  • Be concise and courteous in your communication with your opponents across all social media during the tournament.
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in disqualification from the brackets and forfeiture of any and all participation prizes.
  • My friends and I will be doing our best to make sure it runs smoothly, but there will assuredly be a few problems here and there. If things aren't perfect this time around, we'll refine it for future community events!

Official Sponsors

A big thank you to Immutable for sponsoring .5 ETH worth of Trials of the Gods assets. Thank you to Banano for heaping piles of $Banano and CryptomonKeys on our events. And a HUGE thank you to the Community Sponsors spicing up the prediction prize pool.
What are CryptomonKeys? CryptomonKeys are BANANO-themed NFT collectible cards!! These cards are currently tradable on AtomicAssets.
CryptomonKeys NFTs

❤ Community Sponsors ❤

Thank you to the following community members for putting up prizes for this event!
  • Prize Shelf of Genesis Set Cards(G) = Gold, (S) = Shadow
  • VeteranHoplite --✨ 2x Demogorgons ✨ -- "for the winner of the Prediction Bracket"
  • StrongHands' Shelf -- Backstreet Bounder (S), Contagious Ghoul (S), Blood Rage (S), Shadow Scryer (S), Dangerous Ritual (S), Untold Greed (S), Inflammable Imbecile (G), Agrodor Protector (S), Gentle Monk (S), Canonize (S)
  • Ares' Shelf -- Hurl Weapon (G), Arcane Transcendent (S), Rift Scholar (S), Dimension Door (S)
  • Rapt-0r's Shelf -- Ecophon (M), Back Alley Vendor (G)
  • Freddie's Shelf -- Canopic Hoarder (G), Canopic Hoarder (G)
  • OhhShiny's Shelf -- The Old Ritual (S)
  • There may be additional prizes! If you'd like to contribute to the Tournament Prize Pool for this and future events, please send me a message in Discord!
Thank you for reading all the way to the end! If you'd like to show support for this and future events, come visit us on Twitch to follow, subscribe, and hang out for some good times! We're very excited for this event, and hope you have a lot of fun. Good Luck!
TriggerHaven| CopperPitch
submitted by triggerhaven to GodsUnchained [link] [comments]

Recap and translation of the official Russian community podcast (May 8th)

I am writing only the information Nikita had said on the podcast. Apologies in advance for possible mistakes, for English is not my native language. Everything is written in order of appearing throughout the stream. I am trying to add key point in bold, but there is additional info in translations. And I am certain there's going to be someone in the comments who will recap my recap, haha.
- New EFT sale commemorating Victory day (May 9th)
- Recent technical patch containts stuff for back-end.
There is mostly stuff for back-end. When there is some sort of overload of back-end the game doesn't feel well - you can't even exit the raid and all sorts of bullcrap is happening. So we added more logs, more debugging info and many little techincal bits and pieces.
- BSG team had a brief excercise in fast patch deploy and will strive to be faster in the future
We wrote it's gonna be 3 hours, but in fact it was 1,5 hours. So we want to be faster in that regard. Some people think the game is being patched magically by itself. There are times when we do something and it takes a long time. One time we were patching for about 6 hours, it's was very long. So we'll try to train ourself to deploy faster.
- Nikita is slowly getting mad in quarantine, so he wears a plate carrier all day long to lose some weight.
- Most of BSG team is working from home.
- BSG is currently testing and working on 12.6. BSG is delaying the patch because they are patching possible exploits that can appear in the new flea market system.
I am already recieving messages with potential exploits that people can try to use. See, here's the deal! We are making a game, all we want to do is to make the game. We don't frickin' need to "close the holes", fight with cheaters and so on. We are wasting a ton of time on this. Sure, you can say "UgH, tHeSe ArE mOdErN oNlInE gAmEs, ThEy MuSt HaVe PrOtEcTiOn FrOm ChEaTeRs" and you'll be right. But not to the point of allotting to it a third of all working time or even more.
Instead of making a functional system we must empirically and practically seek out all exploits by ourselves and with the help of the players and patch them. And we still won't patch them all. But you know what would happen when someone will find the exploit? They are going to blame us and say that we are lazy pieces of shit, that we do nothing.
In fact, right now we are delaying 12.6 because we are closing potential exploits in the new system. (Update regarding the delay at the end of the translation)
- Pre-wipe events are going to be announced right before the wipe.
- Renewed Customs is not going to be added in 12.6
- BSG banned 1500 cheaters yesterday (May 7th)
- BSG is actively working on cheater protection together with BattleEye.
We are working with BattleEye and making our own little subsystems that are designed to insure BattleEye is working properly. Right now everything that I recieve from acqueintances regarding cheaters, like "check this guy and that guy and those", I send to BattleEye and they say "Oh, they are already banned" or "They are in the banwave list". And it's very often that people ask to check those who are either already banned or in the little incoming banwave.
BattleEye has its own internal system and strategy that they don't even talk to us in detail. There are times when the new cheat appears, but BattleEye doesn't act right away. It "marinates" the cheaters and collects the list of them to later ban them all in one banwave. Instant bans are implemented for some cheats, for others they are not implemented. BattleEye is mostly working by itself. We can send them videos with cheaters from the forums and information regarding them, that's it.
Some people think that we ban people when we watch videos. This is false. We send videos and Player IDs to BattleEye's special team and then they identify and analyze them.
- BSG is working on traffic encryption
Some cheats are using alternative environment to analyze the information. For those kinds of cheats traffic needs to be encrypted. We are working on it. Not many game developers practice it. So we've decided to do it and we've been working on it for the past month. It's a serious thing and it heavily affects CPU, so we are trying to optimise it so that the client and the decoder won't go nuts.
- Most of the cheats on the Internet don't work
To those who are sceptical about anticheat's capabilty - you can search working hacks yourself. *everyone chuckles*
Oh, I'm not saying that you need to test them, just search for sites that say they are working.
95% of all sites that you'll see have hacks that don't work at all, even if they say otherwise.
- There's a person on Youtube that baits people into buying outdated hacks by buying channels and streaming old cheating footage. BSG is not happy about it
There's a new thing that's been going on recently. There's a Youtube channel with a stream going on. Big red LIVE in the corner, 16k botted viewers, all that stuff. It's a prerecorded video. The guy buys channels with 500-600 subscribers and streams it on purpose. And he actually sells nothing, no cheats. He even wrote "Why are you striking my videos, why ban me? I am not doing something bad, I am actually helping you! I don't sell cheats, really. You get the money and the cheater is punished!" That's insane. We've already banned thousands of those videos. We have the legal department that quickly sends info to Youtube.
Buddy, if you are watching this - please stop wasting your and everyone's time. The thing you are doing is not nice.
- New economy is going to deal with resellers and add a new layer towards a greater future goal
Right now everything is out of stock because of resellers. When reselling disappears there's going to be much more equipment for sale. If we take 10 players that actively play EFT and use flea market 8 of them buy the stock and immediately sell it, they don't even need it. But they know they'll gain extra 70 RUB from each bullet.
First, right now this situation is nonexistent. You'll need to craft the ammo, put it on flea market and it's much harder than it looks. With the added limit to buying per restock everything is going to be okay.
Second, we'll be looking into it all, how it's going to play out. If there's going to be some super deficit we'll try to regulate it.
Third, we are gradually moving on to the automatically regulated economy. I've been talking about it many times. Traders are going to be deciding what to do by themselves. If they see that the product is being sold out they'll increase the prices. If the product is being sold out regularly they'll decrease the amount you can buy per restock or even stop selling the product at all.
It's a vurtual in-game economy regulated by trader "pseudo people". Anything can happen. A number of items can disapper due to unforseen outocomes, events and the economy's unpredictability.
- New iterations of economy are designed to slow down the accumulation of top tier loot
It's a new reality that you need to deal with. We don't want to create a refined system in which "these bullets cost this much, those cost that much, I know I'm going to buy that item for that much, so on and so on". It's not interesting. Especially regarding top-tier loot like armor and ammo. Our mission is to slow down and make it harder to obtain high level stuff. With every new wipe we are trying to make in-game cycle more organic and smooth.
- 12.6 is going to be a special patch that will change how the game is played
12.6 is very important and not like the past ones. There is a bunch of new systems implemented like overweight, fatigue, trading of crafted and found in raid items. And it's a clear representation of your work. A player would be able to craft items in the hideout and contribute to the system. A real supplier and not just a reseller.
- Nikita dislikes people who try to get rich in a short amount of time after wipe.
The economical system is pretty balanced, but because of certain people that are used to playing EFT differently and gaining advantage by using legit and prohibited methods, it's all coming apart. We don't want to see people racing each other for high value loot to become rich in a short amount of time. It's not right!
You can say that it's life, that it happens. Damn, in our situation it's not the concept and gameplay that we wanted to implement. We want to make it harder, more complex. We want you, the player, to decide.
- Nikita wants each player to have a certain role in the game and not become the jack of all trades.
We don't want you to become the master of all skills, super trader, super killer, a know it all. When I was designing the game I had vision in mind that each player going through the game cycle would have his own place in it. Like "I haven't completed all quests but I've become a pro at certain skills". The limitations are designed to not let people become superheroes, like they are used to in all games. People must find their calling, just like in real life.
- To add more to the new found in raid only flea market, BSG will reduce the amount of items traders sell.
Why and how from the point of playable realism there must exist a rule "I must be able to find every loot in raid" ?
First, you need to level up the traders, to spend your time and resources on them.
Second, 75% of all loot is spawned in any way.
And here's the thing we'll be implementing. Almost all loot in 12.6 is going to be spawnable on locations and AI, it won't be sold. There are going to be new gear elements that will spawn on scavs, raiders and guards.
- Nikita is not in a hurry with adding new content, trying to implement it gradually
We are trying to "smear" added content. There are lots of planned top tier armor, but from time to time I just add a new rig, new backpack. For example, there is going to be a backpack that has about the same amount of slots as Berkut, but it looks cooler in black camo. It looks cool, but you can't buy it, just find on a scav.
- New AI-driven UN soldiers are planned for the future
"Was Med Pack added to the game for shits and giggles?"
"YES... But really, why was it implemented. Some time in the future we'll add AI UN squads that would have machine gunners, medics, something like that. And these backpacks are going to spawn on those medics."
- Crafting system is going to be redesigned to allow more crafting recipes
Everything is planned out. Most of the top tier ammo can be crafted already. And we'll add even more ways. Why are we not adding it now? To be honest, we want to redesign it all because there's simply too many crafting recipes. We need to make a new slick interface. We'll add more variants of crafting to ammo.
- New loot spawns and redone old spawns. Dynamic loot is done, but will be added in the future.
We need to rebalance loot, that's what we are doing right now. In 12.6 there are going to be new loot spawns, old spawns are going to be redone. And we have lots of task regarding dynamic distribution of loot. It's done, but why it wasn't added in this patch... we had no time, that's all! It would probably be added in 12.7 or 12.8.
- Nvidia Freestyle is going to be prohibited.
"Some players are using old Nvidia Freestyle because it's less FPS-hungry than new PostFX. But we all know that Freestyle gives an unfair advantage. What is BSG's position on those people and the usage of Freestyle?"
"Our position is simple - we'll prohibit it with BattleEye. Just like we prohibited Reshade.
- Test servers with Unity 2019 and C++ engine builds are planned.
To be honest, we have done the techical servers already. And we have the need to use them. We are planning to release a special build of the game on Unity 2019. It's going to be the same game, but on another engine. If you want to try it out you'll need to actively submit tickets with bugs, not just play the game. Also we need people that play alot and know alot about the game, so they would spot inaccuracies right away. Also the C++ engine build is planned for testing.
- Maps with just Scav and PMC extracts would be added when all maps are done
"I've tried hundreds of times to exit at the scav-pmc exfil, but only managed it once."
"Ok, I get it. But imagine that EVERY exfil is going to need both a scav and a PMC"
"Oh, then the question is when it's going to be implemented?"
"I would say after all maps are done."
- Karma system for PMCs and Scavs is written down, but will be implemented when almost all bosses are added.
The karma system for Scavs is planned. Moreover, we want to make DLC in the future about scav's life. In it you're going to be able to play as a boss, so on and so on. And karma is very tightly knit around playing as a boss. A player Scav can kill the boss and leave. In this instance the karma is going to affect the player very heavily - from increased cooldown to your presence already known to the boss when you enter his area.
Karma system is written down. But we don't implement it yet because we first need to add not all, but about 80% of the bosses to locations.
- Arena mode about fighting a group of bosses is planned
Bosses are very cool. It's going to be very fun gunning them in Arena. There's going to be a mode in which you'll fight with a group of bosses. With each new boss we are trying to add new AI, new behaviour. And it's going to be interesting how those AI's interact with each other.
- New boss Sanitar on Shoreline.
Right now we are making the Sanitar (UAP, Paramedic, Aidman) who's going to appear in 12.7. His behavior is ill, to say. He aids people, makes stashes, hides items. He's interesting!
- Voicelines for Scavs planned, not just current muttering
For Scavs we have everything recorded just like for PMCs except for specific situations. So yeah, it's planned.
- First addition of Steam Audio will be in 12.6
Sound! When is the sound going to be redone!?
The first iteration of the new sound is going to be implemented in 12.6.
- Bosses will have their own voicelines
Bosses' voices are being recorded. We already have the voice of Reshala.
- Someone wants to voice a character? Write to BSG and nominate that person!
If you want a certain famous guy to voice someone - post it on Twitter, add hashtags, write to us. Make some noise. In short, if the person wants it, I am all for it. I don't want to pay a lot of money and get inexpressive, protocol work. I want the man to really desire it.
If you have ideas - write to us on Twitter. Our PR guy is going to look through them and send them to the team
- PostFX presets maybe coming out
"Are there going to be presets for PostFX?"
"I've seen a bunch of requests for presets, even for certain locations. I don't know, I think it's too much. But I'll think about it.
- Presets for flea market? Nikita is gonna think about it.
"Can we get presets for flea market filters?"
"I'll write it down"
- PostFX also working in the menu is planned
It can be done so PostFX will work in the menu, it's planned. It's just it's going to be harder to implement.
- War belts are planned to be added after plate carriers and rigs are remade.
"When are War belts are going to be added in the game? And would it be possible to add them before the plates system?
"I personally don't like war belts. Just because I'm not comfortable wearing them, that's all. It's just me, I'm a damn well-fed tactical. The more I carry, the worse I feel. I can't jump from trench to trench like a mongoose.
In short - war belts are planned. But after the remake of plate carriers, customization of chest rigs and so on.
- Chest rig customization would allow to display the contents of the pouches.
We almost confirmed the design of chest rigs' customization. It's a serious task. It's going to be done before patch 13.0. We'll be doing for a long time, 3 or 4 patches. It's a complex system with a full-fleged interface. There are lots of questions about optimizing it all, so you won't need to render millions of pouches, bake them. And we also want to make so that the contents of the pouches would be visible, but there are many subtleties. Pouches are different, mags are different. Long, short, thick, thin. We'll need to code a system that automatically scales and moves it all. Clipping will be present for sure, but we'll try to minimize it. It's one of my most awaited features.
- Decorative elements for chest rigs.
There are going to be decorative elements for rigs. Like this spring hook *grabs a spring hook on the plate carrier he is wearing*. You'll be able to buy lots of them and cover your torso with them.
- BSG will not introduce quests to increase pockets slot count.
"There were suggestions about adding more slots to pockets for completing special tasks, like kill each boss 100 times and get double the amount of slots for pockets"
"I heard that. But here's the deal, then it's going to be meta. Everybody is going to be using one pair of pants, one jacket. And we don't have many of them."
- New clothes for PMCs and Scavs in 12.6
We can add all sorts of clothes to Scavs. We can add something like... smear Vaseline on yourelf 8000 times and get workpants with rubber boots for PMC! You'll be running around in a plate carrier and rubber boots, yeah.
In 12.6 we'll add new clothes to both USEC and BEAR and one jacket for Scav.
- UN troops will make it harder for you to traverse the map.
UN troops are going to be controlling and dividing the map so you won't be able to go around freely. And they'll have features tied to working with Peacekeeper.
- Since the start of EFT bugtracking program there has been over 13k collected tickets.
Y'know how many tasks we have? Since the start of bugtracking program we've accumulated... let's see what's the number of the most recent ticket... 13049! It's a shitload!
In Contract Wars we waited 2,5 years to get to 1000th ticket! Bonkers, man.
- There is going to be a guide on how to properly write a bugreport
"You said that there are only 10-20% of decent bugreports, everything else is garbage. Is there going to be a guide how to write a good report?"
"Okay, I hope the support team is watching the podcast. Please tell them to make an article on how to properly write bugreports so you'll become a tester on TTS"
- Nikita is adamant about adding VOIP to EFT. But they'll be testing it anyway.
VOIP was planned a long time ago, it was a must have in the game. But I've watched a bunch of new multiplayer games like Squad and so on. You'd think they are cool tacticool guys, but even then... huuuh...
There is certainly going to be a guy that would turn on a loud gay porn and it would annoy other players. We'll be making and testing VOIP anyway. To combat such abusers maybe we'll implement report system.
- Player report system is planned
"Regarding the report system - is it going to be like in PUBG that you can report a suspicious player?"
"Yeah, it's a system that's planned to be implemented in a near future. You can report a player for suspicious activity, potential cheats, inappropriate nickname and also you can report a lagging server. The last one will be useful for us.
- Player reports will not get people banned right away
Don't even think that people are going to be banned with reports, it's not going to be that dumb. Dude gets flooded with reports and gets banned, nothing like that. It's going to be a secondary system. If the player has an inappropriate nickname first he is forced to change it and after that he gets banned if he does it again.
So here's a situation - let's say there is a super private cheat that costs 80k a year, no one knows anything. From that there's lots of data, lots of reports on that guy. Then we track him - here he has strange speed, there he gets too many headshots. And all of that together gives us a reason to act. Not on that single guy, but the whole cheat. We detect by analyzing the client and server data and say that this guy is a cheater and BattleEye then does everything to get hardware proof that this guy indeed is using a cheat."
- Secure container changes not in 12.6. Maybe will be tested in pre-wipe.
I had an idea about not allowing to store trading items in the secure container in 12.6. But sensing how someone would explode if it was added, I decided not to. Maybe it will be added to test it during pre-wipe.
- Compass is planned in 12.7-12.8
Compass is planned in 12.7-12.8.
- New added land on Customs will be added in space inbetween Old gas station to Construction site
The patch of land from the Old Gas Station to Construciton site - that's how much is going to be added on Customs. With buildings, so on. They have detalisation that other maps don't, I asked the team to decrease it, so it won't stick out.
- Shoreline in its first version was even more unoptimised than you might remember.
I've been optimizing Shoreline when it first came out and it's been a complete trash, honestly. The developer man simply copy-pasted 2 varieties of rooms on Resort. Slippers, hairbrushes, 6 toothbrushes in one cup, glasses, papers - about 350 objects all together. So he simply copy-pasted it all everywhere.
The wings on Resort are mirrored, right? So he makes one wing and just mirrors it. And it wasn't stored in folders, it was just a bunch of files together. And I've been deleting these damn slippers for a week to optimize Shoreline. And then I was thinking that I've optimized it - was 15 FPS and became 17 FPS. Later they've done lots of other things to Resort.
Wish you could see what the detalisation was on Reserve. And the Labs, oh the Labs! Y'know that area with mechanical robot arms? It was completely different! It had 3-layer assembled lab boxes. Everything was being deleted and redone.
- EFT book is done and may go live mid-May.
Tarkov book is completed. Right now proofreading and redacting is happening. And about the series - I hope it's going to go live mid-May.
- New wave of players was very hard on BSG. Overall they increased the amount of servers from 17 to 170.
The Twitch Drops were complete bonkers. Thank God online has smoothen out. Before there were peaks - people come from work and start playing in different time. Lots of peaks that have been freaking us out, often during the night. And I remember - right before the New Year we all sat down together to think. 40k online and we are dead, our back-end is dead. And after New Year 60k came. After a week it was 80k. Another week it was 120k. Then it was 140k. And it all came down to 170k-180k online.
And all this time we've been monitoring and raising servers from the dead non-stop. In short, we had 17 servers and got 170 servers. And it sucked so much, we had to work without weekends and breaks. Admins and back-end staff were constantly blaming themselves and each other, I've been screaming all the time. It was not cool. And we were DDoS'd around New Year almost every day. DDoS were the ones that cost 15-20k dollars.
It's really hard to deal with such big online amount and the game of such size. And you can say "uGh, WhY dOn'T yOu JuSt BuY aMaZoN sErVeRs?" They cost a shitload, that's why! 1,4 million dollars a year, I couldn't believe my eyes. So we continued to modify the system by buying more servers, finding bugs and building fail-safe security, fool-proof and fault-proof.
- The first batch of merch is complete, but it's delayed because the site is not released yet.
Merch is delayed because of coronavirus. The main problem is the site, they don't have the time to build it, to test it and finally release it. The first batch is complete, I'm sure it will sell out like hot cakes.
- Bug abusers and skill grinders will be fought. Bug abusers can be reported after the introduction of the report system.
"What's your opinion on system abusers that grind the skills and raise them in a short amount of time? And do you have any plans for them?"
"I have a negative opinion. I don't like when people play the game not the way it was intended. I am really sorry for you, the honest people, that play it fair. And those abusers later say something like "Ah, Ya DiDn'T sEt ThE pRoTeCtIoN, sO iT mEaNs It'S aLl LeGiT". For that I can say this - go fuck yourself, dear sirs. We'll be fighting you.
If you are using the bugs - after the patch there is going to be a report function for bug abuse. And we'll be banning for that. So please don't do it, just report the bug.
- Bug bounty and rewards for finding them may be implemented in the future
I've been suggested a lot of times an advanced system about bug bounty and rewards. So yes, eventually we'll do it. But it needs extra resources.
- Dead PMC items won't be counted as found in raid because people may launder them. And BSG knows if you try to do shady trading on empty servers.
"Why the items from the dead PMC won't be counted as found in raid?"
"I'll say it again - you'll be able to trade items and launder them. But you can say "Oh, make it so it only applies to people in party". But no, people find their ways. They enter empty servers at night, empty maps like night time Factory.
And you know, it's all being monitored. We've banned so many bots, so many scripters.
- Introduction of Captcha in Flea market. There will be different triggers for it.
Flea market will have Captcha. And there are different conditions for it to trigger. You refresh too often - get the Captcha. Buying too much - get the Captcha. Selling two times for the price much higher - get the Captcha and a note in back-end that you are a shady guy.
- BSG won't protect you from unfair trades, it's in player's interest to be careful when using Flea market. And in 12.6 dollars and euros will have different colors.
"What about protection from unfair trades like cheap items in exhange for Red Rebel?"
"This part is tightly knit around new wipe and its new found in raid only rule.
First, the items will be put on flea market with more care and more thought. So people will be more considerate.
Second, everything must be done in stages. You can't do anything all at once. We have lots of bugfixes and features planned, so we do them in batches.
We have a bunch of quality of life improvements, like metrics, fool proofs. In 12.6 dollars and euros are going to be differently colored, people have been asking for it for a long time.
We don't have the need to do it. Players must be vigilant and careful. Flea market is a place where you can be fooled easily and you need to be careful. People want super tools like automatic buy, buy orders, and so on so that they can become a magnate while picking their nose.
You can become rich, you'll learn the ropes and that will be your shtick in the world of EFT."
- Nikita hopes that people would find their own role in the world of EFT and stick to it
My ideal image would be that people in EFT would eventually pick people in clans and battle groups by their skills. Not like "Ah, Vasili is a cool guy" or "Oh, this one has lots of moneys". Like this guy can pick locks, this one runs fast, that one trades well. I want it to be like that, so everyone would have their own role. And replayability would be huge.
- System with 2 playable characters in different realms is planned - one is permanent and one can be wiped
We'll introduce a system with two characters - one in a permanent realm and one realm being wiped constantly. Second one is just like it's going right now and the permanent one is going to be when you'll finish EFT. You can finish EFT when everything will be done - quests, story, etc.
- Mobile app's functionality will be limited. Nikita would like to develop API for flea market monitoring services.
Mobile app had been planned a long time ago. It's functions will be limited - you won't be able to trade or go to hideout. At least we want the player to be able to get the insured items, get the sold items or renew the offers in flea market, check the flea market, look up the in-game encyclopedia. It won't have the full functionality so you'll have the full system without needing to enter the game.
Veritas is the guy we want to develop the system. But right now we don't have the time to do it all. He says he can do it all by himself, but I know he can't.
There is a site for monitoring flea market. How they do it is not right. For those kinds of people we would like to develop API. Because those services would potentially cease to exist because of constant updating and constant Captcha.
If the site is cool, we'll contact you and give you the flea market data. I think it's even going to be public - prices, items on sale, etc. People would be able to make applications tied to that data and we won't be against it. What we are against is when the ads are involved on such sites. Especially the advertisement of RMT.
- Nikita threatens sites with Real Money Trading and cheat ads with potential lawsuit and shutdown.
If I see these RMT ads one more time I'm gonna tell our lawyers and we'll shut you all down. I know you guys want to earn the money. You have Patreon, you have donations, ads, all that stuff. I am not against it. What I'm against is the advertisement of this bullshit. Some even advertise cheats. So please be careful about that. We can easily shut you down even for the simple icon usage. Don't be dumb, don't get yourself in trouble.
- API is going to be released eventually.
NoFoodAfterMidnight is parsing the data, datamining it. It's not right, but I'm not against it. I understand that they all have the same reason - "give us API". It's not like we don't want it, we simply have more important stuff to do. I thought we'll release API by 12.7. API will be released eventually, but please don't hurry us, we have more important things to do than additional resources.
- BSG is against people bringing up datamined stuff. Nikita asks for people to be more positive and not blame the team constantly.
Some nasty people datamine developer objects that generate a wave of unnecessary questions that we need to answer and react to. And sometimes we don't have time to answer them.
Bugusers find another bug and make a video on Youtube right away. What are you even doing? They all try to justify it by saying that they bring light and attention to it. You can't believe how hard it is to work when you need to fix something in a hurry.
There are sane people that know it needs to be fixed, but eventually. But some just start to blame us, call us dumbasses. It's unpleasant to hear. Sometimes you start to think why are we even doing it, who are we making the game for. It's hard. We have 100 people in staff. I can't just make a call-out for people to start working in 9 PM on Friday. I can't call and say "Sergey, what are you doing? Grilling? Drop what you are doing and go fix the shit!" But even that happens sometimes. When we were balancing back-end we had to get people from vacations. It's serious and people can't see what's hidden behind all this deal, how hard it is. People burn out, people quit because they can't endure it. And I personally feel bad about it. I wanted everything to be good, but the man quit. The man quits with pent up negativity, but I want others to feel positive, to know that they work in the best company in the world. Working tasks are okay, but when someone from outside starts to get on your nerves and throw unnecessary info at you, impose unnecessary actions at you it really sucks.
Someone might say "Why do you complain? You get the money for it!" I won't even leave comments to that.
People that want to stand up to the game, to protect it - please say something. Positive comments are much stronger than negative ones. I don't mean that you should be a fanboy. We make mistakes, we say bullshit. But we never thought and wanted to lie to someone and make money from them. You just want to make everything right. We are not the legendary studio that makes everything right, but we strive to become better.
- There were many events BSG wanted to visit, but due to coronavirus it was all cancelled.
The past year has been by far the most positive and productive ever. If not for the coronavirus and not for the cancellation of the events we wanted to visit, it would be even more amazing. But there are many things to come, it's not all lost.
- First iteration of skill redesign is complete
"Is there any infomation regarding skills redesign?"
"First iteration is complete. A part of skills will be redone - how they are leveled, bugs associated with them"
- Underbarrel launchers are going to be added after BSG adds hand grenade launchers
"When the new underbarrel launcher are going to be added in the game?"
"First we plan to add hand grenade launchers. After that we'll add underbarrel launchers."
- VSS ammo nerf in 12.6
"Is there going to be a nerf to VSS?"
"There's been a work done to it in 12.6. I think it's about ammo damage."
- EFT release date unclear, will be announced after the completion of key features.
"Nikita, you said that in May you may announce the date of release. Are you going to do it?"
"I thought in that time I'll know for sure. But I can't say it right now. Because right now there are many things in EFT that need to be done. These are Streets of Tarkov, chest rig customization and story quests. These 3 features need to be complete before we announce the release date.
EDIT: Update on 12.6 being delayed - Pestily checked with Nikita directly and is saying that 12.6 is not delayed. But in my defence I can say that Nikita did indeed say that 12.6 is beying delayed right now. You can check it yourself, even if you don't speak Russian. Open the podcast at 19:33 mark and turn on auto-translated subtitles. It is a bit scuffed, but Nikita says what he says - "А по факту мы сейчас 12.6 задерживаем из-за того, что закрываем потенциально возможные дыры как можно эксплоитить функционал".
So what I think happened is that 12.6 was supposed to come out much earlier. But because of the problems with flea market exploits BSG had to postpone the release of 12.6 without actually notifying the playerbase. It looked like 12.6 was going through development and testing phase without any major issues. But in fact not had it been for the sudden appearance of the potential exploits, the players could get their hands on 12.6 much earlier than now.
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