Quorum Meaning in Hindi, Definition of Quorum in Hindi ...

quorum definition in hindi

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"TEARS!" I screamed, half turning to look. She was just coming back through the open airlock connecting our storage bay to the ziking corvette. "Trauma Kit! Galley! Go! Go! Go!" I didn't hear her response.
I knelt over Yyz, rifle slung around on my back. He was coming back to consciousness as I moved and ripped open the blood soaked overalls to inspect the gut wound. "Hey? what are you doing to my clothes?" Disorientation. Its not a good sign. I felt around the lower ribs and pelvis, and found no broken bones. Turning him slightly to look at the exit wound, it was the size of my open hand. And an absolute mess of shredded flesh, intestines, and blood. I set him back as he was and began tearing clothes as fast as possible to stuff in the wounds and staunch the blood. I was numb to everything but the determination to keep him alive. I was still stuffing the wound cavity when Tears bowled in, kit in hand. With deft skill she began filling the wound with absorbent gauze while I applied pressure. "Hey, whats going on?" his speech was a little slurred. "Hi Yizz, we just finished taking care of that ziking ship. We're gonna get you patched up, and head back home." "That's good." ... "Can you pronounce it Yyz?" "Sorry about that buddy. I'll work harder at it." "What happened to that other ship? Did you shoot them all?" "Yeah, we got'em. It's a ghost ship now." "Oh, that's good." He seemed to be finding a little focus again. I think we were stabilizing his blood pressure. Tears slowed down with the stuffing and began to focus on pressure and taping up the wound. "I can manage the rest of this" she said. "Get this ship moving to civilization." I backed out of the scene, turned and headed to the cockpit, thought better of it, and went to the intercom. "Clotho, whats the closest civilization of any kind that we can find?" "Clotho!" My impatience was getting the better of me. "I'm here, I'm here. Just a second, I got to look through the right chart book." "Yyz is injured, we need to move, now!" ... "Captain, we are way out in the middle of nowhere, and our engines are still hot from that run." "Just spit it out" frustration at the time wasted was building
"The closest anything I can find is an Essene monastery. Seven days out if we try to fly as is. Four if you can help me dump water for cooling." Four days?! Yyz doesn't have four days like this. "I'm coming up." Four days? Four days!? I began hoping it was just a mistake. A rookie astronavigator, happened to miss an adjacent chart. Something an experienced eye would catch. We have a lot of reserve drinking water left in the big storage decks, she probably doesn't realize we can pick up some time by flushing that through too, and dump heat even faster. I was thinking of all the things the inexperienced might miss on a ship like this. But four days is not an option. . I climbed into the cockpit from the deck below. "By the gods Captain! You're covered in blood!" Clotho was horrified. I looked down, I had tracked blood on my boots all way from storage, my pants were soaked at the knees, my hands were stained orangish red, and my sleeves were soaked to the elbow. I still had my carbine on my back. "That's not important right now. I need you to show me where we are, and what charts and options we have." Clotho pointed me over to the charts she had open. "While you were below, I figured out where we are pretty accurately. Here are our coordinates. These are the charts listed nearby, but there is nothing around here" I clenched my teeth when I saw she was right all along. There was no mistake. The closest port was that Essene monastery, in this remote location for isolation from distraction. "Ok, then we head towards that monastery and hope they have some medical supplies. Let's get her turned to bear. We'll worry about the coolant dump after we get going." "Yes sir." "Xan" Tears called over the intercom. "We're heading to a monastery, I need you to close off that airlock" I answered. "Xan, I... Xan..." I could hear heavy breathing, "Yyz is dead." I didn't know what to say to that. "I'm sorry Xan" Tears finished. I couldn't accept it. I wouldn't accept it. I had kept such control, but now my anger was knocking at the door to get in. I got down to the cabins deck, anger knocked at the door. 'Why didn't Clotho just get this ship moving when I told her its an emergency?' I got down to the galley deck, rage pounded at the door. 'Why couldn't Tears keep him alive? When I left we were getting him stabilized.' I got down to the storage deck, and I was beginning to open the door to blind fury. 'Why did I give him a gun to protect that stupid airlock. Stupid, stupid stupid. He didn't know how to shoot the thing. I should have just told him to close the damn door behind us, and hide behind one of the pallets. What was I thinking with such a stupid plan?' I turned the corner, and the door of emotion was open, but when I saw Tears, it wasn't anger that came through but sorrow and guilt that flooded in. She came to me, and we just held each other without a word. We stood there clinging to life among the dead. "Tell me its all worth it Tears. Tell me its worth this misery to find a home world of barbarians fighting each other with sticks." I whispered. She looked up at me, "Its worth it Xan. Its worth it, for everyone of our ancestors who toiled and died under Anadarran control but dreamed of peace and home. For all of our people's children who need to understand their place in this galaxy and be able to look any other species in the eye and not feel like a lesser being. For us the living, to know who we are when not warped by our old slave cultures. Its all worth it." ... Slowly, the passion of the moment drained out with the tears, and I came to myself. Despite the solemness, there was a lot of work to do. Dead ziking to get off my ship. And... and Yyz needed to be bagged and moved to the freezer, his body to be returned to next of kin on Sebring. Tears and I worked together moving out the ziking bodies onto their ship. Clotho joined us as we worked Yyz into a bag, and moved him up to the galley freezer. We've been out on mission so long, most of the freezer food was gone and there was plenty of storage, these morbid flippant thoughts always intrude on me in these times. With that solemn work complete, we took showers and went to bed. We were all drained physically and emotionally, no watch was set. If another ship had followed all of that, they deserved to have us for dinner. ... The next day we ransacked the ziking ship for valuables and equipment and finished cleaning up any blood and feathers on the Harper. Clotho noted that the ZNS Kappa began emitting a distress beacon. It must have been activated when no controls were touched for a day cycle. It didn't bother us none, we were 72 lightyears from the closest monastery outpost. That broadcast would dissipate to nothing before it reached that far. But while listening to the broadcast, Clotho noticed something else on another frequency. Something she couldn't quite make out, but it didn't stop. It was a language she didn't know, set to fragmented music she couldn't recognize. But it kinda sounded like a foreigner speaking. .
"Captain, take a listen to this, do you know what it is?" "Neve... g...na... up... ver...let...you..d...n...run.......d..sert you." "I can't make heads or tails of it. Do you have a direction?" "I have a general direction, not too precise. Its at the limit of what our equipment can pick up." "Tears, what do you think?" "It can't be too far away, even for a very powerful transmitter. I'm not sure if now is the time to investigate." I am stuck with a choice. Return home, honor our dead crewman, or pursue the most promising chance in generations. Return home and face an inquiry that could last years. An Anadarran shot dead on a foreigner's ship, I can just imagine the political uproar and threats. Or avoid that delay and chase my life's mission with singular purpose while the opportunity was still within my grasp. "Lets turn and burn ten light years."
... "I got contact on the radio signals again, much stronger now." "Now what you have to understand is that the democrats are running around saying 'the religious right have taken over the republican party and are going to establish a theocracy'. Well for one, the democrats have been saying that for years, and is it true? Not one bit. But second when you look at the sweeping victory the GOP had last year, one thing that should not be overlooked is the assault weapons bill that was rammed through congress by senator feinstein and president clinton. Now that unconstitutional bill awakened millions of freedom loving Americans to what was going on in Washington..." "Its, its definitely a foreigner's voice. But I don't understand a word of it, its not dialect of Anadarran I have ever heard." Xanadu's hairs began to stand up on his arm and neck. "I am getting broadcasts on other frequencies too, sir!" Clotho added "Play another!" I was excited to hear it all. "...this is Money Talk with Bob Brinker" music played in an interlude, "Its America's money program, Money Talk, where you can learn to build your own financial independence. We have a caller on the line, Gary from Spokane, go ahead Gary. Hi Bob, long time listener calling from the land of critical mass. I wanted to ask you about moving some of my IRA investments out of spider funds and in to municipal bonds over the next few years..." "What about direction? Have you got a better fix?" "Yes sir, definitely a strong signal and direction. Our first hop was off, but we got it now. Do you think this is it? Do you think its your homeworld?" "Maybe, maybe... Is it pointing to one the of four stars we had left to check?" "No sir, we are way off track for those we had mapped. And we are outside the region the research had pointed to." We never would have found it... "I guess getting it wrong shouldn't surprise us very much." "Any estimate on distance?" "Nothing useful, it seems they have been reducing their power output over the years. The signal strength is much weaker than what I would have expected for the distance we covered." ... I pushed the Harper another short 10 light years towards the radio sources. More and more languages were distinguished, all foreigner voices. The excitement was palpable, but the bewilderment equally so. Of all the things the Anadarrans said about foreigners, it was their ancient barbarism that I never unquestioned. But when we arrived at a blue, white, brown, and green planet, the source of the radio transmissions, it was absolutely awash with electronic radio communication, shore to shore, ground to space. Some signals were open and plain, but now, most were low power and digitally encoded so that we couldn't decipher it. The planet was blanketed in low orbit satellites, and a network of very high orbit geostationary satellites. Unfortunately, none looked to be occupied. It was glorious to see, and deeply frustrating. The logical conclusion is that they had mastered radar and rocketry, which means landing would be a dangerous proposition. But little actual deep space traffic means they didn't have grav wave tech for a safe orbital meeting. ...
"Its all digitally encoded, everything is encoded, except for these coastal regions. We can pick up a lot of open traffic here, here and here. But this one seems to speak consistently the same two languages, with a lot of night light." Clotho pointed at a specific bright continental peninsula with a collection of large and small islands. We surveyed the marvelous sight from space. We didn't bother maintaining an actual orbit as our grav wave power allows us to quickly criss-cross the planet, and hover where we desire. ... "Captain, have you seen such digital communication in your military service?" Clotho asked "Not like this, the equipment is too expensive for all the common soldiers to use." "I mean, sir, have you seen the rate of data? Our equipment can't log it. I can only analyze snapshots with the oscilloscope. I think some of the satellites are keying amplitude, frequency, and phase changes all at the same time at an incredible rate and gigahertz frequencies. Even in the research institutes, they weren't trying something like this. The digital computing power to decode it is unbelievably advanced." . It was time to make contact. We tuned to the most active, open channel, 156.800 MHz, cranked up the broadcast to full power 10kW, and blasted the whole region... "Hello? This is Harper's Hope calling from orbit. Do you hear me?" No reply. This was an entirely awkward way to make contact with a new world. But the alternative of forcing a landing is too dangerous, and we don't have the ability to decode their digital comms. What else is there to do, but plow ahead? "This is Harper's Hope, please respond." As if they could understand what I was saying anyway. "This is Harper's Hope, hello from our world to yours." "This is sailing vessel the wanderer g' day mate we are reading you loud and clear in hope town but your gonna have to speak english or spanish to get a response mate." Well its a start. "This is HMBS Rolly Gray conducting search and rescue on the foreign ship. Clear all channels" Came another reply near the same chain of islands. "This is USS Tornado conducting search and rescue for the foreign distress signal. Silence on all channels" broadcasted another reply offshore from an island chain 1300km away. At first I was encouraged by the chain of obvious responses to my broadcast. But instead after this, no ship responded again despite repeated calls. Eventually I gave up. ... "Xan, I've just picked up a ship in low orbit! Its about as big as we are." Tears gave me a new option to pursue. Her excitement matched my own. "Lets match course and take a look from a good safe distance." It was a simple craft, no obvious weapons mounted. A bit ungainly, no grav rings for travel, and large flat arrays branching off from the structure. It was time to pull up and say "hi". ... "Houston, Station on space to ground one" "Station, this is Houston, go ahead." "We have visual contact with Echo Tango" "Roger visual with Echo Tango, over" "Echo Tango is maintaining relative position. Vessel is mostly cylindrical, estimated 125 meter length and 15 meter diameter, over" "Station, copy description. Will you be able to get us video feed or photos?" "Negative on video feed, ship is in the wrong position. We are working on uploading some photos, over." There she was, intelligent life from outer space! A metal cylinder with giant rings bookending each tip like a trailer axle with hula hoops for wheels. Large fins covering one half of the main body, and an array of antennas, radar arrays, and remote telescopes attached to the other half. The sublime experience was what every space geek dreamed it would be. ... Contact with the station was near comical and so serious at the same time. We saddled up to a nearby position and held by. I began calling out numbers, "1" , "2", "3" while giving them a radio squelch count for each number. They responded the same. Our first real understanding was reached. Step by step we built trust, to where I was able to maneuver the Harper to dock with the primitive ship. Well, I found out later that they called it a space station. You should have seen the look of surprise on their face when the airlock door opened and none other than a fellow foreigner stepped through. It was a real WTF moment for them. But when we got to visit and saw their electronic technology, we were blown away. They have chips half the size of a pinky nail that can store 512GB of data! They were recording everything we were saying and sending it to their engineers and computers on the planet to begin developing a translation software. I began learning their English the hard way, but they were picking up Anadarran the computer way. And it wasn't long until we were communicating with meaning aided by the computer translators. ...
First hard thing they asked was where we came from. I told them about the Anadarran Empire, how it had 1000 years ago stolen us from "earth". It was so weird to have a name to call our homeworld. But they used us as slave soldiers, to pacify their own people or other species like the Ziking and Essenes. If we failed to pacify the people into paying tribute, they would destroy us along with the Ziking or Essene populations. It was up to us to organize and train our own people, to protect our children, and to extract the food and shelter we needed from the populations we were to control and extort. The Anadarrans didn't care, they just wanted the products and free resources. The subjugated peoples would be required to pay tribute. All so the empire could try and catch up to the power and advances of the Hellenes and Quorum. It didn't really work economically, but it was very stable politically. After a millenia of stable power, a civil war of dynastic succession occurred. A few decades ago the war destroyed the capital city and Imperial family. The secret records of "earth" were lost forever. We don't know really know our origins, who they took or where. But we were too worried about gaining our freedom, and the chaos of the civil war brought that opportunity. We might have only started as a few hundred foreigners captured from the remote earth, but we were 100 million strong foreigners now. Tears and I are some of the first generation to get out and make it on our own. Then, I told them about Yyz, the sacrifice that was made to find our home. And that he still remained in our freezer, waiting to return to his home too. The homeworlders listened in rapt silence as we stumbled through the translation of our tale. They said they understood. They didn't look down us for our past, but that is such a hard thing for me to accept. ...
When they visited our ship, they took one look at our stuff and said it belonged in the "early 90s". Well apparently 30 year old technology is too outdated for them. I said the Anadarran empire switched from analog to digital over 500 years ago. They were shocked. They told me they had been doubling transistor density and other performance every two yeras for nearly 50 years! We were shocked. They had gone further in 50 years than the Anadarran empire was able to steal or develop in 500. Clotho was convinced it was the most advanced computer tech in all of Hellene or Quorum space, and they were far superior to Anadarran junk. Apparently they also had on the planet computer controlled 3d printers, computer controlled mills and lathes, and massive electronic data transfer rates. They were video streaming all of our ship and parts documents and equipment. They had engineers and scientists on standby developing rapid prototypes as we spoke aboard our ship! These people, they are gonna do just fine in the galaxy. ...
But there was more than just English to learn. There was Chinese and Russian, French and Spanish, Japanese and Korean, Portuguese, Hindi, German, Laotian, Vietnamese, Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, Bantu, and many other smaller ones. I asked, what do you...we... call ourselves? First they told me ,"American or Brittish or Russian." No, I insisted, we've always been called foreigners, as a whole people. But we aren't 'foreigners' here, are we?" "No, you are not foreigners. You... we are all human. Welcome back to humanity." We were home, a home we didn't truly understand how much we needed. But we were back and ready to shake this galaxy to the core. "I am not a foreigner, I am human. And I belong to humanity, fuck yeah."
the end.
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Quorum definition in hindi. The minimal number of officers and members of a committee or organization usually a majority who must be present for valid transaction of business. Quorum ka matalab hindi me kya hai quorum क ह द म मतलब. A quorum is the minimum number of people that a committee needs in order to carry out its. Translations How to say quorum in Hindi? ˈkwɔr əm, ˈkwoʊr-quo·rumWould you like to know how to translate quorum to Hindi? This page provides all possible translations of the word quorum in the Hindi language. Quorum meaning in Hindi : Get detailed meaning of Quorum in Hindi language.This page shows Quorum meaning in Hindi with Quorum definition,translation and usage.This page provides translation and definition of Quorum in Hindi language along with grammar, synonyms and antonyms.Answer of question : what is meaning of Quorum in Hindi dictionary? How to say quorum sensing in Hindi? quo·rum sens·ing Would you like to know how to translate quorum sensing to Hindi? This page provides all possible translations of the word quorum sensing in the Hindi language. Definition of 'quorum'. A quorum is the minimum number of people that a committee needs in order to carry out its business officially. When a meeting has a quorum, there are at least that number of people present. ...enough deputies to make a quorum. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Latin [] Adjective []. antīquōrum. genitive masculine plural of antīquus; genitive neuter plural of antīquus Quorum Meaning in Hindi: Find the definition of Quorum in Hindi. OneIndia Hindi Dictionary offers the meaning of Quorum in hindi with pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, adjective and more related words in Hindi. quorum translation in English-Hindi dictionary. प्रत्येक दिन बैठक के आरंभ में , अध्यक्ष के पीठासीन होने से पहले , यह सुनिश्चित किया जाता है कि सदन में गणपूर्ति है

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