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Do you really like your beer, or are you just a victim of Capitalist Propaganda? How you can learn how the free market works while you guzzle some suds, and how beer can help you to understand the vast conspiracy that is slowly degrading America.

TL;DR - I use the craft beer industry as a way to understand Capitalist Propaganda, how Capitalism and Socialism are inextricably linked to each other, and how through the use of propaganda, companies use the "illusion of choice" to coerce you into believing that you prefer the products that are most favorable to them. In order to change this into the consumer's favor, you need to be an informed consumer in the free market, and raise class consciousness to overthrow the tyranny of Capitalist Propaganda, that is called "Marketing".
You can't understand Capitalist Propaganda unless you have a solid understanding of what Capitalism is beyond the literal definition of the word, which is just an abstract ideal. Propaganda plays off of the discrepancies between the ideals of Capitalism, like the free market, which is another abstract ideal, and the reality of Capitalism in practice in America, which can be characterized as Trickle Down Economics. Capitalism sought to be a pragmatic alternative to its economic predecessors, a fact which drives Capitalist Propaganda. However, through layers of abstraction throughout the years, it has become more of a religion, as critics refer to the increasingly ideological concept as "Supply Side Jesus", meaning you give all the money to the rich, it'll trickle down to the poor, and they can "vote" on the actions of the capitalists through monetary interactions in the free market.
Capitalist Propaganda is engrained in America, because at the time of our founding, Adam Smith wrote "Wealth of Nations", which is considered the Bible of the Free Market. This groundbreaking work utilized Newton's Laws of Physics, which were en vogue at the time, to describe how interactions in the marketplace would balance each other out, just as the laws of Newtonian Physics do.
The very noble purpose of Wealth of Nations was not create the oligarchy we have today, but to do the opposite. He wanted to describe a system that would protect individual freedoms and be truly democratic. Just as Lenin and Stalin bastardized the works of Marx, so too have capitalists in America bastardized the intentions of Adam Smith.
Capitalism and Socialism are best learned side by side, in my opinion, to avoid falling into the trappings of either ideology that our brains like to do. Which one is better? It depends on the market, but the answer is almost always somewhere in between.
Through learning how Socialist concepts can be applied to problems in Capitalism, you can cut through the propaganda and will see for yourself that these problems can be solved if we just drop the labels and do what's best for society and the individual. The problem is always finding the proper balance.
Yep. You can never live in a pure economic system. Purity is always an illusion. If you want something to be pure, you have to put a lot of energy into making it that way. Nature likes to mix stuff up. This is why ideologies around racial purity and fascism always fail. There are people who want a "pure" economic system, but they are usually the people at the top and would only get richer from more purity while the rest of society loses freedom and slowly starves.
In a nutshell, Capitalism promotes laws that benefit those with money, while Socialism promotes a safety net that benefits everyone. Every single human is born into Socialism. As a baby, you need food, someone else works for it and gives it to you, but then at some point, you are expected to exchange labor for capital, and buy your own food. See? The two are forever bound as the yin and yang. You can also grow your own food, but for that you need land, which is capital.
These interactions are very tricky. I only want to tell you enough so that you can start to see Capitalist Propaganda, because right now, you're like a fish in water that can't see water. I often use this line to describe a person who can't see their own homegrown propaganda. The best way I found to study Capitalism is by relating it Socialism, the "air" above the "water" of Capitalism, if that makes sense.
I always find it best to look at a microcosm to understand these concepts. And today, that microcosm is beer.
Before I poison your mind with my own propaganda, picture you're on vacation and you walk into a bar and want to order a beer. If you really want to understand the power of propaganda in your own life, really think of this before we break this all down. Really think, what makes you decide which beer to order? Do you like to look at the labels on the tap or bottle? That's obvious propaganda. It has absolutely nothing to do with the taste or quality of the beer itself, but sways your opinion toward logos you've seen before, which is why you see so many beer advertisements, which means that money that could've gone into quality is instead going into propaganda, and you're already biased towards an inferior product. Interesting. You really can't help being swayed by marketing, but at least you can be conscious of that fact, and that's important in order to be an informed consumer.
Do you ask the bartender for a recommendation? Why would you do that? You don't know the bartender any better than the beers in front of you. How do you know they aren't paid more to offer you a beer that sucks and is 12 years old and the owner wants to get rid of it? Do you ask for a certain style of beer? Do you ask for a local beer? And once you finally narrow it down to a few choices, do you ask for samples so you can make up your own mind? You should always do this. Then we get into "flavor propaganda", which we'll discuss later. Jeez. Did you every realize there was so much complexity behind being an informed consumer and just ordering a simple beer? Maybe you'll give in and just tell the bartender to pour whatever. Choice is difficult sometimes.
If you really visualize this and take a minute to let this sink in, you'll start to understand how external forces hijack the processor in your mind to manufacture desire through the illusion of choice. However, your health and enjoyment of the beer is not the goal for these external forces, they only want you to purchase. The perfect example is fast food. They know their product sucks, but they know you'll keep buying it, but that doesn't keep them from lying about how delicious it is in their ads. There is far more at play behind the curtain. There is a science behind addicting you to things, this is reinforced by a corporate tax and subsidy system that contorts the free market pushing centralization of production through homogenization and use of chemicals to hide the homogenization, and simply because there is more than one option, they make you feel like you have choice. This, in a nutshell, is how the illusion of choice works in the free market. It's not about what YOU want. The producer manipulates you to think you want what they have. Through this, they deceive Americans into buying products with a list of ingredients that a person would never freely choose to consume. So if you want to order a beer with no shit in it, then you're shit out of luck in America. You could in Germany, but we'll discuss that later.
While you're standing at that bar, you aren't conscious of the fact that your interests are in direct opposition to those of the bar owner's. Capitalists hide this fact with their perfect smiles, but Marx described this in detail. You want the best beer for the cheapest price, and the bar owner wants to sell you the cheapest beer at the highest price you'll pay. It doesn't stop there. The bar owner flips roles in the same situation with the beer distributor, who does the same with maybe another level of distribution, and continues to the brewer, then goes to the brewer versus supplier, supplier to farmer, and even though you'd think it stops there, the farmer has to deal with suppliers of equipment and seeds, and on and on.
Add to this list their auxiliary staff of HR, drivers, managers, brewers, bottle/keg makers, and of course owners, none of them care whether you actually like the beer you're drinking as long as you keep buying more. That's the big driver here.
Did you ever realize that every time you buy a beer, your own capital is partially responsible for creating and sustaining all of these jobs involved? You, my dear beer drinker, are the true job creator. Budweiser can brew all they want, it means nothing without buyers, who are the true engines of capitalism. Instead, you're treated as a rube by suits in a boardroom somewhere.
Capitalist Propaganda tells us the billionaires are job creators, but this is a lie. Jeff Bezos can't drink enough beer to sustain all these jobs. So why do we let him hoard all the money? Wouldn't the economy do better if we spread out Jeff's money so more people could buy more beers and more jobs would be created? According to Socialist Economics, yes. That's actually, quite simply, a Socialist Free Market. Did you even know that existed? The power hungry greedy people who are too lazy for manual labor go to such great lengths to make sure you don't learn it. They want you to think that only Capitalism allows you choice in the market. I'm sure you can guess why they say that.
Capitalism maintains itself by exulting the wealthy who use their economic power to punch down. The only way this system won't fall into fascism and fail is if the consumers start to punch back. Where Marx envisioned the Dictatorship of the Proletariat as they usurped power from the Bourgeoisie, a modern alternative is just teaching people to understand the system we live in, so that we can just start making changes in the way we live and to whom we give our money.
See that? Capitalism and Socialism can get along nicely, so long as the consumers are informed.
What I described within the previous section is what Marx called "Alienation of Labor". Each step in the process of making your beer is isolated from the others, so no one feels ownership over the end product or a true connection to the consumer, or job creator. Even the bartender selling it is alienated from the profit of their labor in serving the beer, so they only focus on the service aspect of giving you the beer, because that is where they earn their tip. They can't really fix anything about a shitty beer other than to offer you a different brand. The capitalist owner is usually not there. Their only interaction is setting the rules for everyone in the bar to follow, and pay themselves more than everyone who has to follow those rules. This is part of the conflict between the classes. I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just pointing it out. The bar owner themself has to spend money on propaganda to attract customers that could be spent in other places, so has to find ways to cut costs. Unfortunately, they buy cheaper beer...and this is why you end up with IPAs. No one is connected to the products, so they only look at prices and find the cheapest, passable product. This is the race to the bottom of Capitalism.
Compare this to when brewpubs were a new thing. The brewer would come out and talk to you about the beer, you would give feedback that could effect future batches and it connected everyone to each other through commerce. It makes business "social" and I think nearly everyone enjoys that, but it is losing out in competition with chain breweries that enforce isolation and make cookie cutter propaganda and cookie cutter business models so they can turn owners into managers and suck all the profit back their corporate headquarters and offshore accounts. They kill the experience and make everything transactional. And all the kitsch they hang around their cookie cutter chain bar is just to hide the fact that no one in that place cares about anything other than not getting fired. Everyone is effectually alienated from everyone else. It's worth a read to check out this page on Marx's Theory of Alienation.
This alienation is the root of a lot of misery in society. Humans are communal animals forced to live in a society of individuality and alienation. As they mope around, they seek an escape. And that is why advertising is so nefarious. It seeks to manipulate you in that state. Imagine driving home from your alienating job to you empty home, but looking up and see a billboard with bunch of actors laughing and drinking beer. They take pictures that make these actors look like friends. It's just for show. They aren't selling beer to those laughing people in the picture. They're tempting lonely people to drown their sorrows. Capitalist Propaganda is used so your brain doesn't understand what it wants. It wants friends, then sees the words Bud Light. So when the bartenders asks...Make it a Bud Light. Look at how much money they spend to manipulate and capitalize on people's suffering.
Propaganda in Communist countries is controlled by the government, so it's clear who the enemy of your freedom is. Capitalist Propaganda hides behind the layers of complexity of the same economy you rely on to survive, so you never know what's propaganda or where it's coming from. Marketers find every way imaginable to get their disinformation in front of your eyes, even enlisting your friends on Facebook in annoying MLM schemes. Propaganda invaded everything that can be legally monetized. It's in the media, and not just commercials anymore. There's product placement, stories injected into the news, and even movies and social media created an entire industry of "lifestyle propaganda", telling you how to live your life and indulge in overconsumption. It's REALLY hard to get away from Capitalist Propaganda. There is so much money and research behind it and so much depth, even this long post is only barely scratching the surface. I just want to open your eyes to it.
I can't make you see all this. No one can. I can only describe it as best as I can. What you will experience when you understand this is what I call "Economic Enlightenment", similar to what Marx called "Class Consciousness". Once it happened to me, the world looked amazing, and the shitty propagandists selling us false hope all look like clowns in a very odd circus of vanity, despair and mediocrity.
Once I understood this, I saw clearly how we are increasingly trapped in a form of Corporate Slavery, led by seriously ridiculous oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg, who thinks he's the reincarnation of Augustus Caesar or something. That's why he has that haircut! This is a guy who stole a company and hired "screen psychologists" from Las Vegas to get you hooked on Facebook the same as casinos do with slot machines. He wants to be the funnel for propaganda throughout the world. He wants to be the kingmaker, decide what people buy, who they like, what views they hold. He can only do this because so many companies spend so much money to put their propaganda on that platform. They can only have this much money because the free market is not actually free. It's bought and paid for on platforms like Facebook and Amazon. The money that was supposed to "trickle down" is instead being spent on Capitalist Propaganda on these platforms, to get the proletariate to trickle their money up through endless, nonsensical online purchasing and local businesses who send the town's money to people who can't do anything with it but buy up properties that increase your rent and cost of living.
When people get drunk on the power of propaganda, they forget the lessons of the past. Propagandists always fall prey to their own delusions over time. In reality, your life is better without Facebook. There isn't anything on there that is healthy. Even if you just want to talk to a few friends, you are going to fall for the propaganda there. You can't help it. And if your bar advertises on Facebook, just think, that money could've gone into purchasing higher quality beer then sold at the same price, instead of going to Mark Zuckerberg so he can drop $30 million to buy the houses around him so no one can spy on him while he spies on you. You really gotta watch out for a guy who combines spying and propaganda all into a single app and thinks he's going to bring 200 years of peace to America. History is littered with knuckleheads like that. It's best to get off Facebook and encourage everyone else to do the same. Zuck only wants to lead himself to the Promised Land, and he's using your ignorance to fuel his own delusions by deluding you into thinking you want what he has to offer.
Let's get back to beer.
I like beer. When I worked in Germany, it was easy to walk into a bar and, like Farva, just order a liter o' beer. Often, there would only be two choices, light color or dark. As a matter of fact, even at the most famous beer festival in the world, Oktoberfest, people mostly drink the same standard type of beer, and no one complains about the lack of choice. It's quite easy. You can order with one finger. No need to see a menu or ask what's in it. It's simply beer. This worked for centuries. Consumers are fine with it. Prost! Have you ever shared a story like this and people say, "Oh, that would never work in America. Americans want choice." Yeah. Because we are flooded with Capitalist Propaganda.
So if consumer choice isn't pushing for a selection, why would a free market call for it? Imagine there are two bars and one of those bars says "30 beers on tap" and the other doesn't. You're more likely to choose it, and the other bar will have to compete in some way, often by copying. This forms trends, and people mistake this for something customers wanted. Trends are always marketing. Don't believe me? What happened to fidget spinners? So now you have a bunch of beers that no one asked for, yet will now demand. Competition creates more Capitalist Propaganda to create demand for something you never even wanted, but makes you think you do. And that's the best propaganda. You think you are thinking for yourself. This is the fallacy of consumer choice.
If you want to understand just how important that last paragraph is, consider this, "consumer choice" is the same propaganda they used to get you to carry around a device that spies on you 24/7 and sends that data to people you don't know, and you can't stop it, can you? You chose that. You wanted it. Not only that, but you paid $1,000 for the device to opt into their spying program, for the privilege of being mind controlled by the propaganda their AI selects for you. Did you read the Terms of Service? As bad as you may have thought Communist Propaganda was, Capitalist Propaganda is far better, and far stealthier. You believe you have freedom of choice. But your only choice is usually take it, or leave it. Oh, you need it for work? Maybe find a different job. Or just succumb to mass surveillance, and next year, you can drop another grand on a device with a marginally better camera.
There is a way to free yourself. You just have to understand the nature of propaganda. It took me a while, but I eventually broke free. Under Socialism, there would be laws against the exploitation of consumers. Capitalist Propaganda tells you that this takes away your freedom. This is a lie. Regulations give you the freedom to not have to worry whether the beer you're drinking has poison in it.
Germany has a lot of regulations on beer. It has the Reinheitsgebot (purity order), a law passed in 1516 that states that beer can only consist of water, hops and barley. Note, this is a different use of the word "purity" from earlier, as beer is itself a mixture of things. Historically there have also been regulations where beer could only be sold regionally, so no matter what part of Germany you were in, you only got a certain brand of beer at the bar, but it didn't matter because they all had the same ingredients. They could make wheat beers or unfiltered, but they were generally variations of pilsners and lagers. One meaning of the word "Lager" in German is "storage", meaning the beer was brewed in a way that it could be stored, allowing them to brew in bigger batches and store it.
Lagers use a more complex brewing process, so only larger breweries would make them, but this worked because of protected territories. America has a similar system, because each state has its own regulations on alcohol, but this is changing as corporate lawyers fight to homogenize the rules favorable to them, but the consumer loses control. Big brands tend to be lagers as they have general appeal to a wide audience. Did you notice this is the second time I pointed out that corporations create homogeneity? Without regulations, corporations create Fascism. That is why I tell people that we already live in the NWO but corporations rule the world instead of governments. Why do you think so few conspiracy theorists make this connection? Propagandists are paid a lot of money to keep even our small community confused about the reality of what's happening. Now, check out conspiracy and you'll see what I mean. They are spreading propaganda for the NWO over there and don't even know it. I tried to point that out and they finally banned me. Oh well. They'll figure it out in their own time.
In America, in 1978 it became legal to brew beer at home. This is what led to the explosion of new beers in the US decades later. Americans don't have purity laws, so could test new recipes. But people didn't generally like IPAs before, so how did they become so popular that they control 30% of the market? Marketing, of course. Create the market and tell people what they want.
IPA stands for India Pale Ale. It was invented by the British as an easy way to make a beer that they could drink in India. People only drank it out of necessity, as the other beers couldn't make the trip. IPAs are very easy to make and very forgiving, because if you mess it up, it already tasted bad anyway. As people started trying to get into microbrews, they often didn't have the capital to make lagers at small scale, and also wanted a simpler process so they didn't have to hire or train expert brewers, IPAs are cheap and easy to make at smaller scale.
In order to make it drinkable, brewers experimented with many different flavorings. This created a cult following of craft IPAs, where people would drive hours to stand in line for hours to try the newest concoction. The trendy nature of the craft beer world kept people training their palate to adapt to the taste of an IPA, making people start to actually like them. The flavorings made people think they were different, so even if they didn't like it, marketing tactics kept people coming back to try the latest blend. Your palate can adapt A LOT. Swedish people love Surströmming, but watch this video of Americans trying it for the first time. They tried to get me to eat it several times, but I would rather sit in a sauna until Tuesday to avoid smelling it while watching them eat it. It really smells that bad.
IPAs enticed people with popular, aromatic ingredients like bananas and pineapple. This is what I call "flavor propaganda". It's not bad in and of itself, but it can be easily misused to cover issues with quality or hide the taste of preservatives. Since we don'e have laws like Germany, you're left to rely on the knowledge and honesty of the bartender to find out. They don't make this info readily available, which is another form of Disinformation.
So if you think you actually like IPAs, just remember, you are just like a Swede eating rotten fish. A lot of propaganda went in to making IPAs popular, but it's the cheapest, easiest product to make that can be sold at the highest price, so they become popular. This is what business students call a business plan. To overcome the bad taste, IPAs were marketed as "classy" to shame you if you choose the more expensive to produce and more appealing pilsners and lagers, which were given a bad name due to being associated with major brands like Bud Light. This makes it harder to market microbrew lagers, which can only fetch a certain price due to association. And this is what is referred to as the "race to the bottom" in Capitalism.
Instead of trying to innovate ways to produce the beers you want, they just figure out how to get you to pay more for an inferior product, just like they do with BBQ. They make you think you want it. From this you can understand why "food" is full of junk that you wouldn't feed your dog. Whatever legal poison helps cheapen the product is considered "smart business", another propaganda term designed to hide the reality of doing immoral and harmful things to other humans for profit. If you make money on it, it's good. As if there aren't better choices we could come up with if there truly were a free market with an informed consumer.
We don't need a Communist Revolution to make positive changes, so take off your ski masks and put your Antifa flags down. I like microbrew culture and still enjoy IPAs, but understanding the marketplace is how I do my part as an informed consumer and job creator to help create the world that I want to live in. I encourage you to do the same. Vote with your dollars. Don't let the Zuck-type sociopathic, corporate people in a distant land decide what you consume by looking at ads on his platform. Visit local breweries and talk to the brewmaster. Don't reinforce alienation from labor. Connect with the people who make the things you buy. Support independent entrepreneurship. These are the paths to a brighter future where we share in the abundance of wealth.
Discover Economic Enlightenment for yourself and realize that We The People are ultimately in control. Wealth inequality is greater than it was in France before the French Revolution. Don't let this train take us into the depths where another Lenin will arise and spend the night shooting people.
How you choose to spend your money today is what decides what will become the society of tomorrow. And remember, you always have the choice to buy nothing at all. I never saw a billboard that said that.
I hope this gave you a glimpse behind the curtain of Capitalist Propaganda. Propaganda isn't just political, it has invaded everything and it's at full blast right now. I hope you can piece together how Capitalist Propaganda is actually designed to make you subservient by controlling what you want so they can maximize their own profit and teach you to accept whatever they offer, the homogenization of choice. However, your life is your own and you should remain in control of all aspects of it, including your desires.
Richard Wolff is an economist who studied at three elite universities in America and discusses how he was not able to even learn about Socialist Economics in the ivory tower, even though Capitalist Propaganda calls universities leftist. He found no department in America that is even willing to teach it or study it. Capitalist Propaganda censors these ideas, especially at the university. People in power don't want the serfs to learn about themselves. Check him out on YouTube. You'll realize that unchecked Capitalism leads to Fascism and Slavery, which is why they want to get rid of the minimum wage, so that we can return to sharecropping which is already increasingly happening in America under different names, like "student debt", "mortgages" and "insurance". Don't you think it's odd that a person has to go into debt so they can generate profits for corporations who really ought to be paying for this education themselves? If you have to go into debt before they'll hire you, it's much easier to negotiate against you.
If you want to see other examples of propaganda, check out this random tweet from one of America's Top Capitalist Propagandists. These are very odd pictures, and the only thing I can see in them is that they must be promoting those outfits, likely the blue dress, maybe those men's outfits as well. One thing you know is that she didn't become a billionaire by letting any single opportunity to enrich herself at the expense of others pass her by. I didn't look it up, but I am certain they sell that blue dress, or whoever does paid her to post this.
That's the main reason celebrities use social media. It's marketing. Their whole schtick is to sell garments made in a sweatshop in a foreign country by people who can't even afford a beer to Americans who are facing bankruptcy and homelessness themselves.
Read the replies of the tweet. These people have influence that vastly outsizes their understanding of their impact on the world. There are guillotines in the comments. There usually are. I'm seeing them a lot lately.
This type of propaganda is everywhere. And it's destroying America. Just like propaganda led to the demise of Nazi Germany, we could be looking at the same thing, but worse. It could start off as famine.
If you're having trouble deciding between the beers you are being offered, it's probably because you don't want anything at all, in which case the proper choice is: nothing. Or, try tap water. Maybe you're just thirsty. Now ask yourself, when you envisioned yourself at a bar, did you ever think to order water instead? Did you entertain the idea that you didn't even want a beer. That's the power of suggestion.
What if the rest of the world just cut America off from the means of production outsourced to areas with cheap labor? We would have our own famine and likely war. And if we have a revolution here, with the masses in the country being so disinformed about everything and not having any sort of class consciousness at the moment and instead stuck in alienation, the leader that rises here will likely lead to something horrifying. And we censor ourselves from pointing out the simple fact, that the only way America will survive is to tax the deluded royalty like Kim and Mark back to reality, so they can't indulge their reckless, childish delusions by selling off the very fabric of our nation to the highest bidder.
That doesn't make me a Socialist, that just makes me honest.
Enjoy your beer!
Thanks for reading and I hope I helped you understand how you can empower yourself. I'm excited about the one I wrote for Election Day tomorrow to keep our NOPOL spirits up while all the politics clouds the airwaves. Cheers!
submitted by SchwarzerKaffee to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

[TapJoy/etc] Avoid Slots of Vegas!!

I don't believe that this offer is doable at all without paying at least a few dollars. The time limit is 20 days and it says to get to level 40. Seems easy enough, right? 40 isn't that big of a level compared to the level 70/100/200 we're used to seeing.
Well, not really. In fact, I'd argue it's much worse than Huuuge or Billionaire casino, because they give you 2x coupons for exp.
Despite me playing every single day, whilst heavily babysitting the app, and even investing $15 to finish the offer, I struggle to even level up once a day. Jackpots are a help but ones that actually get you anywhere or are 'big wins' are so far and few in-between. I've only won one major jackpot through one of the bonus games, (I was around 100m-200m coins) and while it helped, it did not get me much closer to my goal. Betting the minimum spin still drains my coins. I claim the FB coins and the daily login coins every day.
It's hard to maintain your chips and levelling up is even worse (0.03% at a 440k bet, which is hard to maintain since chips drain fast, even if you're playing at less than 1% of your total balance). The bonus game is VERY inconsistent. At first I assumed it'd be triggered when the coin bowl at the top filled, but no. Sometimes it'll require another 50+ spins for it to trigger, and if you change your bet, you will have a much smaller earn even if you were betting 2m+ per spin.
I still have not finished the app after 10 days of consistent and daily playing. I'm at level 35 finally, but I'm not even sure if I'll be able to pull through without another purchase (which I really don't want to do). Overall, you are way better of going for something like Pop Slots (which is super do-able) or Huuuge Casino. End of rant.
submitted by hauntedbyspaghetti to beermoney [link] [comments]

Billionaire Casino Guide

Hey, dudes, I've gotten help from this subreddit many times, so I figured it was time to pay back some of that good will. I just completed the Billionaire Casino to Level 160 offer in about 8 days with no purchase, and I bet most of y'all are like me, in that:
- You want to get this done as fast as possible.
- You are mystified by the janky systems of Billionaire Casino.
First off, it's about knowing which slots pay better than others, and how much time it'll take for each to become profitable. That said, here's what I did, with some notes to help.
1) When you're starting out, bet no more than 5% of your chips on a single pull. 75% of getting "good" at BC is overcoming the gambler's fallacy: you might think you can predict the slots, but you are dead wrong, and you will end up a virtual penniless pauper.
2) If you get above 1,000,000 chips, only bet 1% at most. The only times to go back to 5% are if you're either below 1 million again, or if you have a 2X experience boost, which is fairly invaluable.
3) Join a league as fast as possible, and have absolutely no loyalty. You are Benedict Arnold to the nth power. As soon as you see a better league, jump on it. Overnight, you should get a ridiculous amount of chips from shared jackpot and challenge prizes.
4) Recognize that most of the slots will drain you dry without giving much in return. From what I've seen, here are the ones worth playing:
5) Set Autoplay to run with the minimum bet on Buffalo Rush overnight. You might end up bankrupt, you might get a ton, or, most likely, you'll wake up around where you started but with significantly more XP.
6) Don't be afraid to lose it all. We're conditioned to hate losing, obviously, but, surprisingly, the game gives you a lot of chips a lot of the time. Every 15 minutes, you'll get a respectable sum, actually. Make sure to check the Billy Bonus (every 15 minutes), the shop bonus (every 8 hours or so), the lottery free tickets (also 8 hours, I think), and your Billionaire League bonuses.
7) Make friends, not because it's good for the soul or anything, but because the more friends you have, the bigger a bonus you get at the start of every day.
8) Meditate in order to calm the murderous rage you'll feel when you see Billy, the app's mascot.
Good luck, my dudes. I'll try to answer any questions y'all might have, so feel free to ask here or PM me if you're shy.
submitted by zackslan to SwagBucks [link] [comments]

[GUIDE] How to get your first 10-20$ skin for free + proof (Clickloot) (REUPLOAD)

Help me in the comments to get this guide better and more complete and share it to your friends!

Heyya (sorry for my weird english I'm french) !
Since I reinstalled Clickloot like 1-2 weeks ago, I tried to find as many tips as possible Imma share it to you guys :)~I'll add more tips in the future
So let's start:

[BASIC TUTORIAL] Pass this part if you already have clickloot

-Go to or install the mobile app and create a new account by steam or anything it doesn't matter at the start (later to withdraw you'll need your steam account)
-Click on rewards and claim as many things as possible (use my code "nefreex" for referral, you get 250 coins and it's always appreciated ^^)
You should get your first 500 coins ez pz

[HOW TO GET THAT FAT MONEY] Basically the useful part

Get the mobile app then go to earn (bottom left corner)Depends on your location you'll get different surveys and offers but the most important surveys should still appear.
If you see Tapjoy or Ironsource, go on them. They're basically the best ones for me, high paying surveys and you surely get your money, prefer Tapjoy because you get offers who rewards you a part of the coins each time you get closer to complete the survey
Do one of the surveys below:


Huuuge casino and Billionaire casino

~20000-30000 coins for getting to level 200 (they offer different amount of coins sometimes, depends on the level required, consider taking the one mentioned right above on Tapjoy if you find it, you get parts of the rewards at level 50-70-100-150-200.
Time: some days or hours (depends on the offer and the luck)Many useful tips here:
Other tips :
-you can't loose all your chips until you get to level 30-40 [NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED]-at the beginning you can go full max bet-consider using the 3-4 first machines, they're giving good amounts of chips (I prefer using Huuuge diamonds wins (rare wins but high rewards) because the firsts levels you're completely rigged and then God of sky (less rare wins and decent rewards))
-you can use macros to close popups and to claim rewards it works-don't spam the machines for my experience you get less wins
-don't give up if you don't have any more money, just retry tomorrow and claim as many daily/ club rewards as possible. You have 30-60 days to complete this survey !
-use the advanced search to find diamond clubs and join them, you get a decent amount of coins on those clubs.


~3000 coins to get profile level 3 found on Tapjoy
Time : 30-45 mins
Difficulty : Easy
If you don't receive your coins after doing the survey it's a bug on this one it's okay, wait 24hrs and send a ticket to the support of Tapjoy with a screen showing that you got to lvl 3, I got credited less than 24hrs later ^^
-when they ask you which games do you like/ play (i don't remember exactly sorry) just click on all games, you'll get more choice
-focus on the xp, look for the two best ones and try to hit on both lvl 3-4 (different level than the profile one, this way you're level 3 (or almost, you just take the third best game and get this one to lvl 2 to get profile lvl 3)

Pop slots

~5000 coins to get to level 27 but some redditors said that you get a different survey (25$ to level 28) [NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED]. You get the full amount of coins only when you complete the survey.
Time: 1-2 days
Tips:I found another reddit tutorial for this [NEED TO BE VERIFIED]
Other tips:
-you can go full afk with this one + macro for more speed

Words with friends 2

(only seen on ironsource), ~500 or 1400 coins if you complete 25 words against an opponent, really easy if you know how to play, if not just find a quick guide on YouTube (trust me it's so easy)
Time: 1-2 hours max (btw don't stress if you didn't get your coins right after, I got them 3 days later)
-No matter winning or loosing the game, just make 25 words-Make a private game with another account and play vs yourself [NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED]
-Use less letters and try to make the most words per round-If you feel that it's the right game, use all you addons.
-If you play vs a random and you're winning, always try to loose. Your opponent will more likely stay on the game and you get your points ez.
-You can use scrabble cheats if you're lazy to think just search on Google

Neverland Casino [WORK IN PROGRESS]

(actually finding a good survey and finishing it)
Still a nice guide here :
btw I'll think I'll use a lot of those Swagbucks tutorials, they're great.

Coin Dozer

~1800 coins to get level 25.
Difficulty : So easy
Only tip : change your clock time to gain coin just like you play it everyday, ez survey.

Coin Master

~3000 coins to get to the 4 village.
Time & Difficulty : Okay, few days (you just need to go on the app 1 or 2 times per day for some mins)
-Connect with Facebook to boost the beginning if you want.
-If you're linked with facebook, loop up for free coins website that gives coupons for the game ( ) (french site but first links should work and gives out a bit of coins in the game if you're logged in to facebook)
-Don't waste time on it, give it some mins, spin & upgrade and then quit, that's it.


~10000 coins to get lvl 100 (found on fyber)
Time : 1-2 days
Difficulty : ez as fck
Tips :
-You can easily afk
-Connect to Facebook and use this site : to get tons of free coins ;)


~500 or 1000 depends on survey platform, get to 700 coins on it.
Time : 2 hours
Difficulty : Easy
-Claim all things that's possible to claim, you're already at +400 coins by doing nothing.
[UPDATE] You have two methods to farm :
1st one, spamming ads for 1 coin until you can't. After that just do a cheap mission like launch and install the app, and then spamming ads again (you can make a macro for this).
[NEW] 2nd one, go to playtime rewards, allow the app and then play Coin master (avoid this game if you're already doing the coin master survey, just do another app), idk if afk while the game is opened works, I suggest you to interact every 1 or 2 minutes [NEEDS TO BE VERIFIED].
The 2nd option is faster, but not available for everyone !


-Bluestacks works and you don't get banned using this (best option if you don't have a phone) (a friend tried and still use it)
-DON'T USE VPN ! You get banned really fast if you use a vpn to get better surveys
-Be kind with the support ! They have a hard work with all those kiddos who wants a knife without doing anything. Shoutout to Braincell! This active chat moderator, you can ask him anything he'll respond, he's the best x)
-Avoid those weird ~50 coins surveys that tells you to install a shitty app and launch it, this apps are always the same (shitty game always repetitive and many ads) you don't get any rewards from these and I found these apps creepy.. [NEEDS TO BE VERIF.. nah i'm joking xD

[WITHDRAW] The best part x)

[Be careful and check market prices! Sometimes you can overpay a lot]
-Don't worry you get the trade offer shortly after buying be sure to fill out your trade url before.
-If you trigger their anti-fraud system and they tell you to contact them, don't worry just contact them they have a really nice support (they usually respond in less than 24h) it happens to me and after that I could finally withdraw :p
MONEY SYSTEM: 1000 coins ~~ 0.80€ (if you pay attention, you overpay everywhere, they make a decent marge of money, skins are the ones that you'll overpay less)

[Proof and credits] my recent winnings (I already got some skins before but it was some years ago) and I currently have 7000 coins at the time I'm making this guide.
Update : withdrawed and now i made 2000 :)Update 2 : I'M AT 18000 NOW OMG
I'm at 31000 now, looking for a ft ak neon rider ;) ;) A friend got bo2 by doing huge casino and billionaire only
Thanks for reading ! Help me in the comments to complete this guide and share it, use my affiliate "nefreex" it's really really appreciated :))
Imma go to sleep, tomorrow I'll add more surveys and read your comments. Good luck everyone !
Update: New surveys and making it more readable ;)
Update 26/07 : Updated Slotomania, I'm currently making a hard survey which can give me 27000 coins so Ima tryhard it x)
Update 24/08 : Added Mistplay, updated my coins. Please share the tutorial guys !
submitted by NeFreeXYT to FreeCSGOSkins [link] [comments]

Meet the spies injecting Israeli propaganda into your news feed

When Sima Vaknin-Gil took over as director-general of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs at the start of 2016, a crucial fact went largely unnoticed.
For years, she had been a high-ranking officer with an Israeli spy agency.
This means that for the last two years a former intelligence officer has been running Israel’s global war against BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement.
Her ministerial boss is Gilad Erdan, a key ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
They were last month revealed to have spent huge sums creating anti-BDS propaganda targeting social media and news media.
It should be a big wake up call to all defenders of free speech and human rights when a peaceful civil society campaign is targeted by spy agencies responsible for hacking, torture, kidnapping and murder in Palestine and around the world.
Military intelligence
While hardly a secret, Vaknin-Gil’s background was barely remarked upon in the media coverage following her appointment, which focused on her previous role as Israel’s chief censor.
An extensive search turned up just one article – a December 2015 interview with arms industry magazine Israel Defense – discussing her career in intelligence.
That interview was on the eve of her appointment as the top civil servant in what is effectively Israel’s anti-BDS ministry. It revealed she had spent more than 20 years as a spy in Israeli air force intelligence, rising to the rank of brigadier general – a position she still holds as a reservist.
During that time, the magazine stated, she worked “closely with US officials and the highest ranking officers of Israeli intelligence.”
In 2005, she started her decade-long run as chief military censor, a role that required regular coordination with Israel’s top spies and military leaders, including the head of military intelligence, the chief of Mossad and the chief of the army’s general staff.
“Flood the internet”
“I want to create a community of fighters,” Vaknin-Gil said soon after her appointment to the strategic affairs ministry.
She said she planned to “flood the internet” with Israeli propaganda that would be publicly distanced from the government.
More recently, at a Jerusalem Post conference, she announced in passing that she came “from the intelligence in the IDF,” the Israeli military.
Streamed live on YouTube, the December 2017 panel was a debate on how best to combat BDS.
Vaknin-Gil conceded that BDS activists’ human rights arguments are so compelling at the grassroots in Europe and the US that “over there, unless we will do something, we will lose.”
She credited supporters of Palestinian rights with “acting very, very smartly.”
Palestine solidarity activists “are fighting for the hearts and minds of grassroots,” she said, and asserted, “we just woke up [to BDS] and we have to do it very fast.”
BDS movement co-founder Omar Barghouti told The Electronic Intifada that Israel had failed to win “the battle for hearts and minds at the grassroots level.”
According to Barghouti, Israel is “desperately trying to suppress the enormous growth of the BDS movement for Palestinian rights into the mainstream by passing draconian measures of repression and exporting them through its lobby groups to Western governments.”
Ministry’s deep spy links
Strategic affairs minister Gilad Erdan’s official diary for 2016, obtained by Israeli activists and translated by The Electronic Intifada, confirms his department’s intimate links with the country’s spy agencies.
The diary lists a 17 January meeting with the head of the Shin Bet – Israel’s domestic secret police. The agency has a long history of harassing, kidnapping, torturing and murdering Palestinian activists.
The diary also shows that on 16 February 2016, Erdan had lunch with the head of Mossad, Israel’s overseas agency for spying and assassination.
And on 20 March, Erdan apparently met with the “head of 8200” – a reference to Unit 8200, the Israeli spies responsible for leading cyberwarfare efforts.
According to veterans of Unit 8200, its activities include eavesdropping on the communications of Palestinian civilians living under Israeli occupation for political persecution or to find embarrassing personal or sexual information that could be used to blackmail them into collaborating. Buying-off the press Vaknin-Gil’s plan to “flood the internet” mirrors previous covert efforts to spread pro-Israel propaganda.
In 2014, The Electronic Intifada uncovered a plot by tech site Israel21c to plant its puff pieces online and in media using deceptive methods.
Under Vaknin-Gil – an expert in censoring the press – the ministry is instead trying to buy off editors.
Israeli media watchdog The Seventh Eye reported last month that the ministry she runs paid the publisher of Israel’s best-selling daily newspaper $100,000 to publish articles and videos attacking BDS as “anti-Semitic.”
Published in both Hebrew and English by Yediot Ahronot and its website Ynet, the articles did not explicitly disclose that they were paid content.
One English article vaguely stated it was the result of the ministry and the publisher “joining forces,” while two such Hebrew articles stated they were “in collaboration” with the ministry.
Propaganda war
The Seventh Eye explained that this propaganda was “meant to influence readers to support a campaign Israel is waging against its critics.”
As well as Yediot, the ministry also bought faux journalism aiming to enlist support from a global audience, including from the Times of Israel and The Jerusalem Post.
The 2016 Erdan diary aligns with this, listing an 18 July “meeting with the editor of The Jerusalem Post newspaper, Yaakov Katz.” The entry does not record the subject of the meeting.
The paid articles were part of a wider strategic affairs ministry campaign, which included a $740,000 budget “to promote content on social media and search engines, including Google, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram,” The Seventh Eye reported.
Another $570,000 was spent on building, an anti-BDS app, and producing videos supporters were encouraged to spread online.
One of the “missions” assigned to Israel’s propaganda foot soldiers using the app last November, according to The Jewish Daily Forward, “was to comment on a specific post on the Facebook page of the pro-Palestinian website Electronic Intifada.”
Israel’s PR operatives wanted to counter the impact of The Electronic Intifada’s reporting on the Dutch government’s support for a promotion by settlement-profiteering Israeli supermarket chain Shufersal.
The app was funded largely by casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson – a major donor to anti-Palestinian causes and to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.
The strategic affairs ministry was forced to disclose the funding information to The Seventh Eye under Israeli freedom of information laws.
But the revelation could be one of the last such disclosures if the ministry gets its way.
Secretive ministry
Israel’s parliament in July gave preliminary approval to a bill exempting the strategic affairs ministry from the freedom of information law.
Erdan argued for the bill, which his ministry drafted, claiming that BDS was a “battlefront like any other” and there was a need to keep “our methods of action secret.”
A 7 November entry in the 2016 Erdan diary suggests that former spy Vaknin-Gil was directly involved in drafting Israeli laws against BDS.
With the subject “BDS law,” the entry reads, “A meeting with Liat and Sima on legislation amendments to the Boycott Law.” (Erdan’s staff at the ministry are referred to throughout the diary by their first names.)
If the law is passed, it will put Erdan’s ministry in the same category as Mossad and Shin Bet, which are also exempt from freedom of information.
With Erdan’s ministry increasingly being run like a globally focused spy agency rather than a conventional government department, perhaps this should come as little surprise.
Haaretz has described the ministry as “a place whose internal terminology comes from the world of espionage and security; its leading figures appear to see themselves as the heads of a public affairs commando unit engaged in multiple fronts.”
As well as being led by one, the ministry is largely staffed by former spies.
Vaknin-Gil’s predecessor as director-general was Ram Ben Barak, formerly a deputy head of Mossad.
As The Electronic Intifada revealed last year, the director of the ministry’s “intelligence” section is Shai Har-Zvi, a lieutenant-colonel in the Israeli army and likely another former spook.
Without giving names, veteran Israeli intelligence journalist Yossi Melman had previously reported that the position was once held by “a former investigator in the security system.”
“Covert sources,” illegal activities
Melman – who confirmed The Electronic Intifada’s exposure of Har-Zvi’s name – wrote that his section’s role “is to collect information and data on BDS and its activists from both open and covert sources.”
Melman also wrote that the ministry hired 25 employees “mostly former officers in Israel’s intelligence community” whose names are classified.
What are these “covert sources” that Erdan’s network of spies are drawing on? Do they involve illegal activities? And are they breaking the laws of other countries they operate in?
“We want most of the ministry’s work to be classified,” Vaknin-Gil told Israel’s parliament in September 2016, when she acknowledged that “a major part of what we do stays under the radar.”
Erdan has also admitted his ministry’s use of international front groups – historically a tool of Israeli spy agencies. “Most of the ministry’s actions are not of the ministry, but through bodies around the world who do not want to expose their connection with the state,” he said last year.
A rival government ministry in 2016 accused Erdan and his fiefdom of “operating British Jewish organizations behind the [Israeli] embassy’s back in a way that could put them in violation of British law.”
And Melman revealed in 2016 that the ministry is involved in “black ops” against the movement for justice in Palestine.
It was also reported by Haaretz that the ministry was establishing a “tarnishing unit” to spread lies about BDS activists.
Death threats and hacking
In an article for the Hebrew newspaper Maariv, Melman pointed to attacks on the websites of Palestine’s BDS National Committee and other human rights groups, suggesting the attacks could be linked to Erdan’s ministry.
He also noted death threats targeting Nada Kiswanson, a lawyer with the human rights group Al-Haq, who had been working in The Hague to collect evidence of Israeli war crimes for the International Criminal Court.
The threats are being investigated by Dutch authorities. Melman implied these too could be tied to the ministry.
As well as harassment and sabotage, Palestinian groups have been attacked with smear campaigns aimed at undermining their political and financial support.
Al-Haq and Al Mezan, another Palestinian human rights group that has helped gather evidence of war crimes, have over the past two years faced a sustained campaign of defamation.
These have come both publicly by Israeli officials, and in whispering campaigns, fake statements put out in their names and death threats and other harassment against their staff.
Israel’s covert war also appears to be targeting solidarity activists from Western countries.
Dropping the mask
In July, members of an interfaith delegation to Palestine were barred from flights by Lufthansa staff acting on Israeli orders.
Jewish Voice for Peace’s Rabbi Alissa Wise told The Electronic Intifada that airline staff read out names of activists who were never publicly announced to go on the delegation and did not have tickets. She said this proved Lufthansa had been given a list of persons obtained by Israeli surveillance of activists’ communications.
While Israel’s covert campaign aims to suppress negative information about its violations of Palestinian rights, the campaign itself only further tarnishes its battered image.
With its repressive measures against Palestine solidarity, BDS cofounder Omar Barghouti said, Israel is “dropping the mask of democracy and liberalism and revealing its true face as a regime of occupation and apartheid.”
“Israel is allocating hundreds of millions of dollars, dedicating an entire government ministry, using its intelligence services and flexing its political muscle around the world to fight the movement,” Barghouti added. “But this is a steep uphill battle that Israel cannot but lose.”
submitted by xxnexus_polarisxx to conspiracy [link] [comments]

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