Epistemic Uncertainty - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

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The Exploration Pillar comes down to Curiosity

Curiosity Made the Adventurer

The current edition of Dungeons and Dragons proclaims three pillars of gameplay: Combat, Social Interaction, and Exploration. However, the mechanics don’t give each pillar equal love. In this blog, we discuss the red-headed stepchild pillar, Exploration, and what makes it fun. Sometimes exploration is a means to an end. We might be forced to explore through the woods to get to the witch’s keep, but in that case, our eyes are on the upcoming confrontation, not the exploration itself. So today, we are focusing on exploration for exploration’s sake and its essence: curiosity and learning.
We say this in almost every blog, but there are a plethora of ways to enjoy role-playing games. Exploration and curiosity are just one type of fun. The amount of curiosity one has or enjoys has been shown to depend on genetic factors such as the need for cognitive load and sensitivity to dopamine. It’s not all nature; as a Game Master, we can nurture a sense of curiosity as well by molding the environment.

Why are We Curious?

First, let’s define curiosity. Curiosity is a drive state for information and learning. Since learning leads to survival, we have evolved a process in our nervous system to promote information-seeking behavior. What information we seek and why creates a two-tiered taxonomy of curiosity types. The simplest divisor is specific versus diversive. Intuitively, specific curiosity is the drive to learn about a specific thing or topic. For example, I am curious about what monster made that crunchy noise on the other side of the door. Diversive curiosity is a lot less exciting, it is the general desire for stimulation or information. This is most often fueled by boredom. For instance, right now, I am curious about what’s trending on Twitter during this dull Zoom conference.
The second axis to define curiosity is perceptual versus epistemic. Perceptual curiosity comes from sensing something ambiguous, vivid, or startling. This is a very fast, automatic “what was that?” This strong and often stressful response diminishes over time. The plucky fisherman leaves his village for the first time and is taken aback from the bright lights of a major city. After a while, his new home no longer stimulates him or surprises him; he has become accustomed to the intense lighting. Epistemic curiosity drives us towards understanding, acquiring new knowledge, and finding meaning. In the seven days the fisherman spent in the city, he never saw the sun, but it was always bright outside. He asks himself “how could this be?” This type of curiosity immediately stimulates anticipation areas in the brain and reward area when the “answer” is revealed.
We can easily strike out diversive curiosity from our GM toolbox. No need to promote bored players fiddling with their phones. Instead, we will always strive for specific curiosities. The evidence consistently shows epistemic is a positive engaging experience. Perceptual, on the other hand, is more like thirst or hunger. It can stress us and make us feel deprived, but there is a pleasant reward in satisfying that drive. A little hunger is fine, but is a week of starvation worth the best steak dinner of your life? A constant barrage of vibrant but ambiguous descriptions could spark curiosity at first, but over time the stress and uncertainty are overwhelming. The back and forth of stimulating versus stress will need to be adapted to your players’ preferences.

What was That?

Our safe recommendation for perceptual curiosity is to start by sprinkling in strong but ambiguous descriptions. Just a few times for an average session but pick from all five senses. Starting with a little bit and keeping it diverse will keep their interest peaked without desensitizing or stressing them out. Since perceptual curiosity increases awareness and memory, a good time to fit in your jarring announcements is when the players begin to putter or lose focus. For example, when the players dawdle in the middle of the road introduce a deep pulsating humming. Later, as the party begins to split up, the forest’s gentle pine smell shifts to smoky and sulfuric. Interestingly, the smell fades in out in a flash. The players may or may not be interested in the exact source of the stimuli, but you will grab their attention.

Known Unknowns

The cream of the curiosity crop is epistemic curiosity. This variant is driven by the Information Gap Theory. The theory works just as it sounds, meaning when we feel we don’t understand something we seek information to fill that gap. If step one, is creating a gap in understanding, how do we create that gap as Game Masters? The gap can come from conceptual conflicts or uncertainties. Either take what they believe and prove them wrong or show them something new but take it away before they understand it.
Conceptual conflicts arise when the current situation violates previous beliefs. If your party is delving deep into a network of caves, what if they find a waterfall that flows upwards. The players have a general grasp of how gravity works but this event seems to violate what they know. This conceptual conflict makes it abundantly clear they don’t completely understand gravity, the caves, the waterfall, or some combination of these. With enough interest and confidence, the party explores and tests gravity, the caves, and the waterfall to fill the gap. When they figure out an ancient serpentine mech creates a siphon to pull in water for power, the world seems to make a lot more sense again. This clarity leads to a blissful dopamine response in the brain.
Uncertainty drives curiosity when only partial information is given for a novel topic. Further in the cave, the party takes refuge in a passage lined with moss. The party is running around, playing, eating, napping when suddenly the moss glows purple as Tiberius picks up a loose stone for a plate. He puts the stone down, and in returns to verdant green moss. Tiberius picks up the same rock, but now the moss turns red. Lifting a third time, and the color remains green. Curiosity now drives the party to sample and tinker around in their new dwelling. No need to turn this into a life or death puzzle. Finding the truth is the reward in itself.

Baiting the Hook

We can open the gap in a number of creative ways, but how large of a gap is ideal? An interesting study on trivia questions gives us a clue. By presenting trivia questions and then having participants guess, rate their confidence, and ultimately pay some money if they want the truth, the research could plot the relationship between curiosity and confidence. They found curiosity peaked around 50% confident; more uncertainty was not better. They had questions like “which musical instrument was made to imitate the human voice?” If you already know the answer, of course you aren’t curious. If you have no idea what a musical instrument is, why would you care? In the middle is the sweet spot: you know just enough to think of an answer, but you aren’t certain. In-game, you can focus your conflicts and uncertainties on topics familiar to the party. That can be the basic physics of the world or can be specific topics like the political system of a town, lineage of a specific monster, or anything your party shows interest in.
Focusing on topics your party is already interested in allows for both high confidence and increased motivation. A shotgun approach to these does not have the downside of perceptual curiosity thus you can throw as many as you want in throughout a session. In fact, by offering up numerous curiosities, the party has more agency and choice in where they explore. This further drives their motivation to learn.

The Curiosity Buffet

While you spam uncertainties and conceptual conflicts of diverse topics, you can strategically find the sweet 50% confidence as well. By starting with high confidence displays, like easy trivia questions, and slowly challenging your players’ beliefs more and more you will reach the goldilocks zone of curiosity eventually. Along the journey down, their easy wins will build their self-efficacy to explore.
Interest alone is not enough, they need the ability to test and the social support to take risks. We can create an environment that allows for immediate sampling and testing by putting the uncertainty or conflict in their face. Let the players immediately interact with the topic, that doesn’t mean everything required to find the truth is available yet. Lack of social support can also hinder free form exploration. A good, wholesome party should not judge others for being uncertain and curious. Instead, the members should have a collective growth mindset. For more information check out our previous article HERE about building a cohesive party.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Finally, learning the truth is the end of our exploration and curiosity. We talk a lot about education as a foundation in our upcoming Game Master Course (sign up for our newsletter for more details). The basic principles within the scope of this article are simple: present the truth in a clear and concrete manner. It’s the classic show not tell. The truth is not spoon-fed through exposition, they interact with the physical evidence of the truth.
In summary, we can create curiosity in a number of ways. By sprinkling in ambiguous but vivid perceptual events, we can create alertness all throughout an exploration-focused session. Curiosity can spark from uncertain flora, new fauna, as well as landscapes whose properties seemingly break the laws of nature. With clever strategy, we can lead a whole adventure just on letting players pick from increasingly complex mysteries to unpack.
Where will your next exploration take you? Tell us about your world, and try to make us curious.
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[D] ICML 2019 Machine Learning Talks

Recent Advances in Population-Based Search for Deep Neural Networks: Quality Diversity, Indirect Encodings, and Open-Ended Algorithms
Presented by Jeff Clune, Joel Lehman and Kenneth Stanley
Never-Ending Learning
Presented by Tom Mitchell and Partha Talukdar.
https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/350412952342021/ https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/1083330081864839/
A Primer on PAC-Bayesian Learning
Presented by Benjamin Guedj and John Shawe-Taylor
Meta-Learning: from Few-Shot Learning to Rapid Reinforcement Learning
Presented by Chelsea Finn and Sergey Levine
https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/400619163874853/ https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/2970931166257998/
Active Learning: From Theory to Practice
Presented by Robert Nowak and Steve Hanneke
Neural Approaches to Conversational AI
Presented by Michel Galley and Jianfeng Gao
A Tutorial on Attention in Deep Learning
Presented by Alex Smola and Aston Zhang
https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/382464939283864/ https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/889237771440064/
Active Hypothesis Testing: An Information Theoretic (re)View
Presented by Tara Javidi
Algorithm configuration: learning in the space of algorithm designs
Presented by Kevin Leyton-Brown and Frank Hutter
"The U.S. Census Bureau Tries to be a Good Data Steward in the 21st Century" invited talk by John M. Abowd
Best Paper Awards: Challenging Common Assumptions in the Unsupervised Learning of Disentangled Representations
Session on Deep Learning Algorithms
• SelectiveNet: A Deep Neural Network with an Integrated Reject Option
• Manifold Mixup: Better Representations by Interpolating Hidden States
• Processing Megapixel Images with Deep Attention-Sampling Models
• TapNet: Neural Network Augmented with Task-Adaptive Projection for Few-Shot Learning
• Online Meta-Learning
• Training Neural Networks with Local Error Signals
• GMNN: Graph Markov Neural Networks
• Self-Attention Graph Pooling
• Combating Label Noise in Deep Learning using Abstention
• LGM-Net: Learning to Generate Matching Networks for Few-Shot Learning
Session on Deep Reinforcement Learning
• ELF OpenGo: an analysis and open reimplementation of AlphaZero
• Making Deep Q-learning methods robust to time discretization
• Nonlinear Distributional Gradient Temporal-Difference Learning
• Composing Entropic Policies using Divergence Correction
• TibGM: A Transferable and Information-Based Graphical Model Approach for Reinforcement Learning
• Multi-Agent Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning
• Policy Consolidation for Continual Reinforcement Learning
• Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning without Exploration
• Random Expert Distillation: Imitation Learning via Expert Policy Support Estimation
• Revisiting the Softmax Bellman Operator: New Benefits and New Perspective
Session on Adversarial Examples
• Adversarial Attacks on Node Embeddings via Graph Poisoning
• First-Order Adversarial Vulnerability of Neural Networks and Input Dimension
• On Certifying Non-Uniform Bounds against Adversarial Attacks
• Improving Adversarial Robustness via Promoting Ensemble Diversity
• Adversarial camera stickers: A physical camera-based attack on deep learning systems
• Adversarial examples from computational constraints
• POPQORN: Quantifying Robustness of Recurrent Neural Networks
• Using Pre-Training Can Improve Model Robustness and Uncertainty
• Generalized No Free Lunch Theorem for Adversarial Robustness
• PROVEN: Verifying Robustness of Neural Networks with a Probabilistic Approach
Session on Generative Adversarial Networks
• Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Networks
• Multivariate-Information Adversarial Ensemble for Scalable Joint Distribution Matching
• High-Fidelity Image Generation With Fewer Labels
• Revisiting precision recall definition for generative modeling
• Wasserstein of Wasserstein Loss for Learning Generative Models
• Flat Metric Minimization with Applications in Generative Modeling
• Entropic GANs meet VAEs: A Statistical Approach to Compute Sample Likelihoods in GANs
• Non-Parametric Priors For Generative Adversarial Networks
• Lipschitz Generative Adversarial Nets
• HexaGAN: Generative Adversarial Nets for Real World Classification
Session on Deep Reinforcement Learning
• An Investigation of Model-Free Planning
• CURIOUS: Intrinsically Motivated Modular Multi-Goal Reinforcement Learning
• Task-Agnostic Dynamics Priors for Deep Reinforcement Learning
• Collaborative Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning
• EMI: Exploration with Mutual Information
• Imitation Learning from Imperfect Demonstration
• Curiosity-Bottleneck: Exploration By Distilling Task-Specific Novelty
• Dynamic Weights in Multi-Objective Deep Reinforcement Learning
• Fingerprint Policy Optimisation for Robust Reinforcement Learning
Session on Deep Learning Theory
• On Learning Invariant Representations for Domain Adaptation
• Lexicographic and Depth-Sensitive Margins in Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous Deep Models
• Adversarial Generation of Time-Frequency Features with application in audio synthesis
• On the Universality of Invariant Networks
• Fine-Grained Analysis of Optimization and Generalization for Overparameterized Two-Layer Neural Networks
• Gauge Equivariant Convolutional Networks and the Icosahedral CNN
• Feature-Critic Networks for Heterogeneous Domain Generalization
• Learning to Convolve: A Generalized Weight-Tying Approach
• On Dropout and Nuclear Norm Regularization
• Gradient Descent Finds Global Minima of Deep Neural Networks
Session on Deep Learning Architectures
• Graph Matching Networks for Learning the Similarity of Graph Structured Objects
• BayesNAS: A Bayesian Approach for Neural Architecture Search
• Set Transformer: A Framework for Attention-based Permutation-Invariant Neural Networks
• Shallow-Deep Networks: Understanding and Mitigating Network Overthinking
• Graph U-Nets
• SATNet: Bridging deep learning and logical reasoning using a differentiable satisfiability solver
• Area Attention
• The Evolved Transformer
• Jumpout : Improved Dropout for Deep Neural Networks with ReLUs
• Stochastic Deep Networks
Session on Deep Learning Optimization
• An Investigation into Neural Net Optimization via Hessian Eigenvalue Density
• Differentiable Linearized ADMM
• Adaptive Stochastic Natural Gradient Method for One-Shot Neural Architecture Search
• A Quantitative Analysis of the Effect of Batch Normalization on Gradient Descent
• The Effect of Network Width on Stochastic Gradient Descent and Generalization: an Empirical Study
• AdaGrad stepsizes: sharp convergence over nonconvex landscapes
• Beyond Backprop: Online Alternating Minimization with Auxiliary Variables
• SWALP : Stochastic Weight Averaging in Low Precision Training
• Efficient optimization of loops and limits with randomized telescoping sums
• Self-similar Epochs: Value in arrangement
Session on Large Scale Learning and Systems
• Composable Core-sets for Determinant Maximization: A Simple Near-Optimal Algorithm
• Sublinear Time Nearest Neighbor Search over Generalized Weighted Space
• Compressing Gradient Optimizers via Count-Sketches
• Scalable Fair Clustering
• Conditional Gradient Methods via Stochastic Path-Integrated Differential Estimator
• Fault Tolerance in Iterative-Convergent Machine Learning
• Static Automatic Batching In TensorFlow
• Improving Neural Network Quantization without Retraining using Outlier Channel Splitting
• Memory-Optimal Direct Convolutions for Maximizing Classification Accuracy in Embedded Applications
• DL2: Training and Querying Neural Networks with Logic
"Machine Learning for Robots To Think Fast" invited talk by Aude Billard
Test of time Award Online dictionary learning for Sparse Coding
Session on Deep Generative Models
• Sum-of-Squares Polynomial Flow
• FloWaveNet : A Generative Flow for Raw Audio
• Are Generative Classifiers More Robust to Adversarial Attacks?
• A Gradual, Semi-Discrete Approach to Generative Network Training via Explicit Wasserstein Minimization
• Disentangling Disentanglement in Variational Autoencoders
• EDDI: Efficient Dynamic Discovery of High-Value Information with Partial VAE
• A Wrapped Normal Distribution on Hyperbolic Space for Gradient-Based Learning
• Emerging Convolutions for Generative Normalizing Flows
• A Large-Scale Study on Regularization and Normalization in GANs
• Variational Annealing of GANs: A Langevin Perspective
https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/325725335009518/ https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/518469445360005/
Session on Deep Reinforcement Learning
• Social Influence as Intrinsic Motivation for Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
• Maximum Entropy-Regularized Multi-Goal Reinforcement Learning
• Imitating Latent Policies from Observation
• SOLAR: Deep Structured Representations for Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
• Dimension-Wise Importance Sampling Weight Clipping for Sample-Efficient Reinforcement Learning
• Structured agents for physical construction
• Learning Novel Policies For Tasks
• Taming MAML: Efficient unbiased meta-reinforcement learning
• Self-Supervised Exploration via Disagreement
• Efficient Off-Policy Meta-Reinforcement Learning via Probabilistic Context Variables
Session on Adversarial Examples
• Theoretically Principled Trade-off between Robustness and Accuracy
• The Odds are Odd: A Statistical Test for Detecting Adversarial Examples
• ME-Net: Towards Effective Adversarial Robustness with Matrix Estimation
• Certified Adversarial Robustness via Randomized Smoothing
• Imperceptible, Robust, and Targeted Adversarial Examples for Automatic Speech Recognition
• Parsimonious Black-Box Adversarial Attacks via Efficient Combinatorial Optimization
• Wasserstein Adversarial Examples via Projected Sinkhorn Iterations
• Transferable Clean-Label Poisoning Attacks on Deep Neural Nets
• NATTACK: Learning the Distributions of Adversarial Examples for an Improved Black-Box Attack on Deep Neural Networks
• Simple Black-box Adversarial Attacks
Session on Deep Learning Architectures
• Invertible Residual Networks
• NAS-Bench-101: Towards Reproducible Neural Architecture Search
• Approximated Oracle Filter Pruning for Destructive CNN Width Optimization
• LegoNet: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks with Lego Filters
• Sorting Out Lipschitz Function Approximation
• Graph Element Networks: adaptive, structured computation and memory
• Training CNNs with Selective Allocation of Channels
• Equivariant Transformer Networks
• Overcoming Multi-model Forgetting
• Bayesian Nonparametric Federated Learning of Neural Networks
Session on Deep Reinforcement Learning
• The Natural Language of Actions
• Control Regularization for Reduced Variance Reinforcement Learning
• On the Generalization Gap in Reparameterizable Reinforcement Learning
• Trajectory-Based Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning
• A Deep Reinforcement Learning Perspective on Internet Congestion Control
• Model-Based Active Exploration
• Extrapolating Beyond Suboptimal Demonstrations via Inverse Reinforcement Learning from Observations
• Distributional Multivariate Policy Evaluation and Exploration with the Bellman GAN
• A Baseline for Any Order Gradient Estimation in Stochastic Computation Graphs
• Remember and Forget for Experience Replay
Session on Causality
• Causal Identification under Markov Equivalence: Completeness Results
• Counterfactual Off-Policy Evaluation with Gumbel-Max Structural Causal Models
• Causal Discovery and Forecasting in Nonstationary Environments with State-Space Models
• Classifying Treatment Responders Under Causal Effect Monotonicity
• Learning Models from Data with Measurement Error: Tackling Underreporting
• Adjustment Criteria for Generalizing Experimental Findings
• Conditional Independence in Testing Bayesian Networks
• Sensitivity Analysis of Linear Structural Causal Models
• More Efficient Off-Policy Evaluation through Regularized Targeted Learning
• Inferring Heterogeneous Causal Effects in Presence of Spatial Confounding
Session on Representation Learning
• Adversarially Learned Representations for Information Obfuscation and Inference
• Adaptive Neural Trees
• Connectivity-Optimized Representation Learning via Persistent Homology
• Minimal Achievable Sufficient Statistic Learning
• Learning to Route in Similarity Graphs
• Invariant-Equivariant Representation Learning for Multi-Class Data
• Infinite Mixture Prototypes for Few-shot Learning
• MixHop: Higher-Order Graph Convolutional Architectures via Sparsified Neighborhood Mixing
• Learn to Grow: A Continual Structure Learning Framework for Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting
Session on Generative Models
• Tensor Variable Elimination for Plated Factor Graphs
• Predicate Exchange: Inference with Declarative Knowledge
• Discriminative Regularization for Latent Variable Models with Applications to Electrocardiography
• Hierarchical Decompositional Mixtures of Variational Autoencoders
• Finding Mixed Nash Equilibria of Generative Adversarial Networks
• CompILE: Compositional Imitation Learning and Execution
• Sparse Multi-Channel Variational Autoencoder for the Joint Analysis of Heterogeneous Data
• Deep Generative Learning via Variational Gradient Flow
• Flow++: Improving Flow-Based Generative Models with Variational Dequantization and Architecture Design
• Learning Neurosymbolic Generative Models via Program Synthesis
Session on Deep Learning Algorithms
• How does Disagreement Help Generalization against Label Corruption?
• EigenDamage: Structured Pruning in the Kronecker-Factored Eigenbasis
• Addressing the Loss-Metric Mismatch with Adaptive Loss Alignment
• Deep Compressed Sensing
• Differentiable Dynamic Normalization for Learning Deep Representation
• Toward Understanding the Importance of Noise in Training Neural Networks
• Cheap Orthogonal Constraints in Neural Networks: A Simple Parametrization of the Orthogonal and Unitary Group
• Breaking Inter-Layer Co-Adaptation by Classifier Anonymization
• Understanding the Impact of Entropy on Policy Optimization
• Probability Functional Descent: A Unifying Perspective on GANs, Variational Inference, and Reinforcement Learning
Session on Deep Generative Models
• State-Reification Networks: Improving Generalization by Modeling the Distribution of Hidden Representations
• Variational Laplace Autoencoders
• Latent Normalizing Flows for Discrete Sequences
• Multi-objective training of Generative Adversarial Networks with multiple discriminators
• Learning Discrete and Continuous Factors of Data via Alternating Disentanglement
• Bit-Swap: Recursive Bits-Back Coding for Lossless Compression with Hierarchical Latent Variables
• Graphite: Iterative Generative Modeling of Graphs
• Hybrid Models with Deep and Invertible Features
• MIWAE: Deep Generative Modelling and Imputation of Incomplete Data Sets
• On Scalable and Efficient Computation of Large Scale Optimal Transport
Session on Reinforcement Learning
• Batch Policy Learning under Constraints
• Quantifying Generalization in Reinforcement Learning
• Learning Latent Dynamics for Planning from Pixels
• Projections for Approximate Policy Iteration Algorithms
• Learning Structured Decision Problems with Unawareness
• Calibrated Model-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning
• Reinforcement Learning in Configurable Continuous Environments
• Target-Based Temporal-Difference Learning
• Iterative Linearized Control: Stable Algorithms and Complexity Guarantees
• Finding Options that Minimize Planning Time
Session on Interpretability
• Neural Network Attributions: A Causal Perspective
• Towards a Deep and Unified Understanding of Deep Neural Models in NLP
• Explaining Deep Neural Networks with a Polynomial Time Algorithm for Shapley Value Approximation
• Functional Transparency for Structured Data: a Game-Theoretic Approach
• Exploring interpretable LSTM neural networks over multi-variable data
• TensorFuzz: Debugging Neural Networks with Coverage-Guided Fuzzing
• Gaining Free or Low-Cost Interpretability with Interpretable Partial Substitute
• State-Regularized Recurrent Neural Networks
• Understanding Impacts of High-Order Loss Approximations and Features in Deep Learning Interpretation
• On the Connection Between Adversarial Robustness and Saliency Map Interpretability
Session on Deep Learning
• Understanding and correcting pathologies in the training of learned optimizers
• Demystifying Dropout
• Ladder Capsule Network
• Unreproducible Research is Reproducible
• Geometric Scattering for Graph Data Analysis
• Robust Inference via Generative Classifiers for Handling Noisy Labels
• LIT: Learned Intermediate Representation Training for Model Compression
• Analyzing and Improving Representations with the Soft Nearest Neighbor Loss
• What is the Effect of Importance Weighting in Deep Learning?
• Similarity of Neural Network Representations Revisited
Session on Deep Sequence Models
• Stochastic Beams and Where To Find Them: The Gumbel-Top-k Trick for Sampling Sequences Without Replacement
• Learning to Exploit Long-term Relational Dependencies in Knowledge Graphs
• Meta-Learning Neural Bloom Filters
• CoT: Cooperative Training for Generative Modeling of Discrete Data
• Non-Monotonic Sequential Text Generation
• Insertion Transformer: Flexible Sequence Generation via Insertion Operations
• Empirical Analysis of Beam Search Performance Degradation in Neural Sequence Models
• Trainable Decoding of Sets of Sequences for Neural Sequence Models
• Learning to Generalize from Sparse and Underspecified Rewards
• Efficient Training of BERT by Progressively Stacking
Session on Deep Learning Theory
• Why do Larger Models Generalize Better? A Theoretical Perspective via the XOR Problem
• On the Spectral Bias of Neural Networks
• Recursive Sketches for Modular Deep Learning
• Zero-Shot Knowledge Distillation in Deep Networks
• A Convergence Theory for Deep Learning via Over-Parameterization
• A Tail-Index Analysis of Stochastic Gradient Noise in Deep Neural Networks
• Approximation and non-parametric estimation of ResNet-type convolutional neural networks
• Global Convergence of Block Coordinate Descent in Deep Learning
• Measurements of Three-Level Hierarchical Structure in the Outliers in the Spectrum of Deepnet Hessians
• On the Limitations of Representing Functions on Sets
"What 4 Year Olds Can Do and AI Can't (yet)"
invited talk by Alison Gopnik
Best Paper Awards: Rates of Convergence for Sparse Variational Gaussian Process Regression
Session on Representation Learning
• Learning Fast Algorithms for Linear Transforms Using Butterfly Factorizations
• Breaking the Softmax Bottleneck via Learnable Monotonic Pointwise Non-linearities
• Multi-Object Representation Learning with Iterative Variational Inference
• Cross-Domain 3D Equivariant Image Embeddings
• Loss Landscapes of Regularized Linear Autoencoders
• Hyperbolic Disk Embeddings for Directed Acyclic Graphs
• LatentGNN: Learning Efficient Non-local Relations for Visual Recognition
• Robustly Disentangled Causal Mechanisms: Validating Deep Representations for Interventional Robustness
• Lorentzian Distance Learning for Hyperbolic Representations
Session on Bandits and Multiagent Learning
• Decentralized Exploration in Multi-Armed Bandits
• Warm-starting Contextual Bandits: Robustly Combining Supervised and Bandit Feedback
• Exploiting structure of uncertainty for efficient matroid semi-bandits
• PAC Identification of Many Good Arms in Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits
• Contextual Multi-armed Bandit Algorithm for Semiparametric Reward Model
• Bayesian Action Decoder for Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
• TarMAC: Targeted Multi-Agent Communication
• QTRAN: Learning to Factorize with Transformation for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
• Actor-Attention-Critic for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
• Finite-Time Analysis of Distributed TD(0) with Linear Function Approximation on Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
Session on Bayesian Deep Learning
• Probabilistic Neural Symbolic Models for Interpretable Visual Question Answering
• Nonparametric Bayesian Deep Networks with Local Competition
• Good Initializations of Variational Bayes for Deep Models
• Dropout as a Structured Shrinkage Prior
• ARSM: Augment-REINFORCE-Swap-Merge Estimator for Gradient Backpropagation Through Categorical Variables
• On Variational Bounds of Mutual Information
• Partially Exchangeable Networks and Architectures for Learning Summary Statistics in Approximate Bayesian Computation
• Hierarchical Importance Weighted Autoencoders
• Faster Attend-Infer-Repeat with Tractable Probabilistic Models
• Understanding Priors in Bayesian Neural Networks at the Unit Level
Workshop on Generative Modeling and Model-Based Reasoning for Robotics and AI
"Self Supervised Learning" invited talk by Yann LeCun
"Mental Simulation, Imagination, and Model-Based Deep RL" invited talk by Jessica B. Hamrick
• Bayesian Inference to Identify the Cause of Human Errors
• Data-Efficient Model-Based RL through Unsupervised Discovery and Curiosity-Driven Exploration
• A Top-Down Bottom-Up Approach to Learning Hierarchical Physics Models for Manipulation
• Discovering, Predicting, and Planning with Objects
• FineGAN: Unsupervised Hierarchical Disentanglement for Fine-Grained Object Generation and Discovery
• Generalized Hidden Parameter MDPs for Model-based Meta-reinforcement Learning
• HEDGE: Hierarchical Event-Driven Generation
• Improved COnditional VRNNs for Video Prediction
• Improvisation through Physical Understanding: Using Novel Objects as Tools with Visual Foresight
• Learning Feedback Linearization by MF RL
• "Learning High Level Representations from Continous Experience"
• Deep Knowledge-Based Agents
https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/394896141118878/ https://www.facebook.com/icml.imls/videos/2084133498380491/
Workshop on Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning
Workshop on Understanding and Improving Generalizing in Deep Learning
Daniel Roy - Progress on Nonvacuous Generalization Bounds
Chelsea Finn - Training for Generalization
Spotlight Talk - A Meta-Analysis of Overfitting in Machine Learning
Spotlight Talk - Uniform Convergence may be unable to explain generalization in deep learning
Workshop on Understanding and Improving generalization in Deep Learning
Sham Kakade - Prediction, Learning and Memory
Mikhail Belkin - A Hard Look at Generalization and its Theories
Spotlight Talk - Towards Task and Architecture-Indipendent Generalization Gap Predictors
Spotlight Talk - Data-Dependent Sample Complexity of Deep Neural Networks Via Lipschitz Augmentation
Workshop on Generative Modeling and Model-Based Reasoning for Robotics and AI
"What should be Learned?" Invited talk by Stefan Schaal
• When to Trust Your Model: Model-Based Policy Optimization
• Model Based Planning with Energy Based Models
• A Perspective on Objects and Systematic Generalization in Model-Based RL
Workshop Session
Keynote by Kilian Weinberger: On Calibration and Fairness
• Why ReLU networks yield high-confidence predictions far away from training data and how to mitigate the problem
• Detecting Extrapolation with Influence Functions
• How Can We Be So Dense? The Robustness of Highly Sparse Representations
Keynote by Suchi Saria: Safety Challenges with Black-Box Predictors and Novel Learning Approaches for Failure Proofing
Workshop on Understanding and Improving generalization in Deep Learning
Invited Speaker: Aleksander Mądry "Are All Features Created Equal?" Invited Speaker: Jason Lee "On the Foundations of Deep Learning: SGD, Overparametrization, and Generalization" Spotlight Talk: "Towards Large Scale Structure of the Loss Landscape of Neural Networks" Spotlight Talk: "Zero-Shot Learning from scratch: leveraging local compositional representations"
Workshop Session
• Subspace Inference for Bayesian Deep Learning
• Quality of Uncertainty Quantification for Bayesian Neural Network Inference
• ‘In-Between’ Uncertainty in Bayesian Neural Networks
Keynote by Dawn Song: Adversarial Machine Learning: Challenges, Lessons, and Future Directions
Workshop on Generative Modeling and Model-Based Reasoning for Robotics and AI
Value Focused Models, Invited Talk by David Silver
Manipulation by Feel: Touch-Based Control with Deep Predictive Models
Model-based Policy Gradients with Entropy Exploration through Sampling
Model-based Reinforcement Learning for Atari
Learning to Predict Without Looking Ahead: World Models Without Forward Prediction
Physics-as-Inverse-Graphics: Joint Unsupervised Learning of Objects and Physics from Video
Planning to Explore Visual Environments without Rewards
PRECOG: PrEdiction Conditioned On Goals in Visual Multi-Agent settings
Regularizing Trajectory Optimization with Denoising Autoencoders
Towards Jumpy Planning
Variational Temporal Abstraction
Visual Planning with Semi-Supervised Stochastic Action Representations
World Programs for Model-Based Learning and Planning in Compositional State and Action Spaces
Online Learning and Planning without Prior Knowledge
Workshop on Generative Modeling and Model-Based Reasoning for robotics and AI
"Online Learning for Adaptive Robotic Systems" - Byron Boots
"An inference perspective on model-based reinforcement learning"
"Reducing Noise in GAN Training with Variance Reduced Extragradient"
"Complexity without Losing Generality: The Role of Supervision and Composition" - Chelsea Finn
"Self-supervised Learning for Exploration & Representation" - Abhinav Gupta
Panel Discussion
Workshop on Understanding and Improving generalization in Deep Learning
Panel Discussion (Moderator: Nati Srebro)
"Overparameterization without Overfitting: Jacobian-based Generalization Guarantees for Neural Networks"
"How Learning Rate and Delay Affect Minima Selection in Asynchronous Training of Neural Networks: Toward Closing the Generalization Gap"
Workshop on Self-Supervised Learning
"BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding" - Jacob Devlin
"Play as Self-Supervised Learning" - Alison Gopnik
"Learning Latent Plans from Play" - Corey Lynch, Mohi Khansari, Ted Xiao, Vikash Kumar, Jonathan Tompson, Sergey Levine, Pierre Sermanet
"Using Self-Supervised Learning Can Improve Model Robustness and Uncertainty" - Dan Hendrycks, Mantas Mazeika, Saurav Kadavath, Dawn Song
Workshop on Identify and Understanding Deep Learnign Phenomena
"Optimization’s Untold Gift to Learning: Implicit Regularization" - Nati Srebro
"Bad Global Minima Exist and SGD Can Reach Them "
"Deconstructing Lottery Tickets: Zeros, Signs, and the Supermask"
"Are all layers created equal? -- Studies on how neural networks represent functions" - Chiyuan Zhang
Workshop on Exploration in Reinforcement Learning
"Exploration: The Final Frontier" - Doina Precup
"Overcoming Exploration with Play" - Corey Lynch
"Optimistic Exploration with Pessimistic Initialisation" - Tabish Rashid
"Scheduled Intrinsic Drive: A Hierarchical Take on Intrinsically Motivated Exploration" - Nicolai Dorka
"Generative Exploration and Exploitation" (Missing)
"The Journey is the Reward: Unsupervised Learning of Influential Trajectories" - Jonathan Binas
Workshop on Exploration in Reinforcement Learning
"Sampling and exploration for control of physical systems" - Emo Todorov
"Benchmarking Bonus-Based Exploration Methods on the Arcade Learning Environment" - Adrien Taiga
"Simple Reget Minimzation for Contextual Bandits" - Aniket Deshmukh
"Some Explorations of Exploration in Reinforcement Learning" - Pieter Abbeel
Workshop Session
• Line attractor dynamics in recurrent networks for sentiment classification
• Do deep neural networks learn shallow learnable examples first?
• Crowdsourcing Deep Learning Phenomena
"Agents that Set Measurable Goals for Themselves" - Chelsea Finn
Workshop Session
"Reverse engineering neuroscience and cognitive science principles" - Aude Oliva
"On Understanding the Hardness of Samples in Neural Networks"
"On the Convex Behavior of Deep Neural Networks in Relation to the Layers' Width"
"Intriguing phenomena in training and generalization dynamics of deep networks" - Andrew Saxe
Workshop session on Self-Supervised Learning
"Self Supervised Learning" - Yann LeCun
"Revisiting Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning" - Alexander Kolesnikov, Xiaohua Zhai, Lucas Beyer
"Data-Efficient Image Recognition with Contrastive Predictive Coding" - Olivier J. Henaff, Ali Razavi, Carl Doersch, S. M. Ali Eslami, Aaron van den Oord
Workshop Session on Explroation in Reinforcemnt Learning
"Exploration... in a dangerous world" - Raia Hadsell
Lightning Talks:
"Curious iLQR: Resolving Uncertainty in Model-based RL" - Sarah Bechtle
"An Empirical and Conceptual Categorization of Value-based Exploration Methods" - Niko Yasui
"Skew-Fit: State-Covering Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning" - Vitchyr H. Pong
"Optimistic Proximal Policy Optimization" - Takahisa Imagawa
"Exploration with Unreliable Intrinsic reward in Multi-Agent reinforcement Learning" - Tabish Rashid
"Parameterized Exploration" - Lili Wu
"Efficient Exploration in Side-scrolling VIdeo Games with Trajectory Replay" - I-Huan Chiang
"Hypothesis Driven Exploration for Deep Reinforcement Learning" - Caleb Chuck
"Epistemic Risk-Sensitive Reinforcemnt Learning" - Hannes Eriksson
"Near-optimal Optimistic Reinforcement Learning using Empriical Bernstein Inequalities" - Aristide Tossou
"Improved Tree Search for Automatic Program Synthesis" - Lior Wolf
"MuleX: Disentangling Exploration and Exploitation in Deep Reinforcement Learning" - Olivier Teboul
Workshop Session on Explroation in Reinforcemnt Learning
"Adapting Behaviour via Intrinsic Rewards to Learn Predictions" - Martha White
Panel Discussion: Martha White, Jeff Clune, Pulkit Agrawal, and Pieter Abbeel. Moderated by Doina Precup
Workshop Session
"Stratagies for mitigating social bias in deep learning systems" - Olga Russakovsky Panel Discussion: Kevin Murphy, Nati Srebro, Aude Oliva, Andrew Saxe, Olga Russakovsky Moderator: Ali Rahimi
Workshop Session on Self-Supervised Learning
"Self-Supervised learning from videos (with sound)" - Andrew Zisserman
"SuperSizing+Empowering Self-Supervised Learning" - Abhinav Gupta
"The Revolution Will Not Be Supervised!" - Alexei Efros
Workshop Session
"The Deep Unknown: on Open-set and Adversarial Examples in Deep Learning" - Terrance Boult
Panel Discussion (moderated by Tom Dietterich)
I thought I would put together a list of the machine learning talks from ICML 2019 since I found they were kind of difficult to look through on facebook, and I figured I would share it here. There may be some minor errors in the listing also. I believe they are mostly available on the ICML website too, but I was just looking through the livestreams: https://icml.cc/Conferences/2019/Videos . I already posted some of these over on /reinforcementlearning as well.
submitted by goolulusaurs to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

Book Review: Medical Nihilism

I came across Medical Nihilism in the SSC comments section, where someone begged Scott to review it. It looked interesting, and I thought "if Scott won't review it, maybe I will." The author, Jacob Stegenga, is a philosopher of science and medicine, and this seems to be a summation of a lot of his previous work.
This is kind of three books in one: first a short philosophical treatise on the nature of disease and treatment, then a longer overview of methodological problems in medical science, and finally a conclusion with an argument for medical nihilism and a discussion of its implications. These divisions are explicit in the book, but the individual pieces don't always cohere.

Philosophical and Conceptual Arguments

Stegenga defines disease as a condition with both a "constitutive causal basis"--a particular physical state of the body that causes the disease--and a "normative basis of harm"--negative effects on the affected individual. To be effective, a treatment should modulate at least one of these parameters. Further, effectiveness is always context-dependent. When we say a drug is effective, do we mean it is effective in someone, somewhere, in people generally, or for a particular patient? Tests of effectiveness typically establish the first, while for treatment we care mostly about the latter two. With this in mind, Stegenga moves on to how we think about treatments, especially drugs.
Our modern way of thinking about drugs began with the work of Paul Ehrlich in the early 20th century. In 1900, Ehrlich proposed that there might exist drugs that selectively killed infectious microbes and not their human hosts, which would allow doctors to treat infections that would otherwise be fatal. He called these hypothetical drugs "magic bullets)," and began a (somewhat publicly derided at the time) search for them. Less than a decade later, his team developed arsphenamine, an arsenic-based compound which killed syphilis bacteria without killing patients (at least not right away). The concept of the magic bullet, a chemically precise treatment that attacks only the causal basis of disease with minimal side effects, has been a driving concept of medicine ever since. We have a few magic-bullet-like drugs, things like insulin, antibiotics, and antiretrovirals, but most drugs fall short of the ideal. They have undesirable side effects and fail to attack the root causes of the diseases they treat. But we tend to talk about and treat them as if they were magic bullets, even when the evidence suggests they aren't.
There are reasons for this. First off, human biology is complex and incompletely understood, so it's hard to know what particular pathways and receptors a magic bullet should target for a particular disease. Frequently the root cause of a disease is unknown anyway. Further, biological systems are frequently quite robust, so a perturbation attacking some link in a chemical pathway may have no effect on the overall function of the system. The tools we have at our disposal--easily synthesized chemicals--are frequently blunt instruments from the perspective of biological systems. A molecule with affinities for one receptor might also interfere with other desirable processes. (I've seen it speculated that ideally, we should be using protein-based medicines, which could intervene with much greater precision, but proteins are very hard to synthesize and understand in large quantities.) Given all of this, the magic bullet paradigm maybe isn't the best way to think about drugs.
Or maybe it is, and increasing understanding of biological processes and sophistication in drug design will eventually get us more and more of these sorts of drugs. After all, we have had some drugs of this type recently: for instance, antiretroviral treatment for HIV has become very good, and certain cancers have been targeted very specifically by drugs like imatinib. We shouldn't give up on magic bullets just yet. But we should know that most drugs have significant tradeoffs and do not likely address root causes of disease.

Medical Evidence (or the Lack Thereof)

After discussing these basic philosophical and biological issues, Stegenga shifts gears and begins describing everything wrong with modern medical science. He is against evidence hierarchies, where researchers are told that meta-analyses are categorically better than randomized controlled trials, RCTs are categorically better than cohort studies, cohort studies are categorically better than case controlled studies, and so on. This is perfectly reasonable. You can conduct a very terrible RCT and a very good cohort study, and the cohort study will give you better evidence than the RCT. I don't think anyone who has thought seriously about the issue would dispute that, but he goes on at length about this, so maybe this is a bigger problem than you would think? Instead of hierarchies, Stegenga prefers what he calls "quality assessment tools," (although not without reservation) where studies are rated in quality according to various features.
There's a chapter on all the ways that meta-analyses can be manipulated, with some fun stories:
Two meta-analyses published in the same issue of BMJ came to contradictory conclusions regarding whether or not an association exists between the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs, a class of antidepressants) and suicide attempts.
[Barnes and Barrow (1998)] analyzed 106 review papers on the health effects of passive smoking (‘secondhand smoke’).... Of the variables investigated, the only significant difference between the analyses that showed adverse health effects versus those that did not was the analysts’ relationship to the tobacco industry: analysts who had received funding from the tobacco industry were eighty-eight times more likely to conclude that passive smoking has no adverse health effects compared with analysts who had not received tobacco funding.
Antihypertensive drugs have been tested by hundreds of studies, and as of 2007 there had been 124 meta-analyses on such drugs. Meta-analyses of these drugs were five times more likely to reach positive conclusions regarding the drugs if the reviewer had financial ties to a drug company.
Meta-analyses are meant to constrain authors to only report the total evidence, but there are clearly still many degrees of freedom in their production. Freedom to choose outcome measures, criteria for including trials, averaging methods and weighting factors, and ways to reconcile conflicting evidence make meta-analyses more malleable than they seem at first look.
Rather than meta-analyses, Stegenga advocates a more holistic look at questions of efficacy and causality, inspired by Sir Bradford Hill's work on the causal relationship between smoking and cancer. The statistician Ronald Fisher, somewhat infamously, had criticized the initial work done on the subject due to its lack of randomized controls. Hill and others argued for causality based on a number of factors, and 15 years later he gave an address outlining these factors as a general framework for analyzing causality:
  1. Strength of the association
  2. Consistency of independent observations of the association
  3. Specificity of the association (the relationship arises in specific predictable situations)
  4. Temporality of the relationship (cause comes before effect)
  5. Existence of a dose-response curve (increasing the cause increases the effect)
  6. Biological plausibility
  7. Coherence with historical data and behavior of the variables
  8. Experimental or quasi-experimental evidence
  9. Analogies with other known causal relationships
This isn't a checklist, and so it leaves even more freedom for researchers. It's also a lot more work to argue for a causal relationship here than to just point to a meta-analysis or a handful of Super Scientific Peer-Reviewed Studies. But there's not much other option: meta-analyses alone won't cut it. And I think that this is largely how medical practice works, or at least how it tries to work. I doubt many doctors formulate treatment plans by reaching into the meta-analysis grab bag and choosing one at random.
Stegenga then moves on to medical evidence in general, arguing three things:
  1. The instruments used to measure efficacy are often flawed and biased toward reporting efficacy. An example here is the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, which can vary by up to 6 points depending on whether the patient experiences insomnia--and the range for "normal" on this scale is between 0 and 8. So if an intervention causes a patient to sleep better (and nothing else), it will come up as having an impact on depression when this scale is used. A related issue is the use of proxy measures, like blood pressure or cholesterol levels for cardiac risk. A drug may genuinely lower cholesterol, but this doesn't necessarily mean it makes any difference to risk of serious cardiac events.
  2. The statistics used can be misleading. The core example here is relative risk ratios. A drug may halve your risk of suffering a pelvic fracture after a fall, but if that was already unlikely, this doesn't really change much. Risk differences and the number needed to treat (NNT) are better measures to consider. (Although it's still important to keep ratios in mind, I think, especially in situations where we're not measuring risk, but things like sleep latency. Stegenga doesn't seem to think so.)
  3. Trials are often performed on groups who are more likely to respond positively to treatment, limiting generalizability of results. The point is basically that study participants are typically healthier, younger, more compliant, and generally simpler than the average patient. This is the internal/external validity issue. Issues such as publication bias and p-hacking make it even more difficult to generalize from a single study to the patient population
With regard to publcation bias and p-hacking, we have this damning quote from an FDA report:
We at FDA, however, do not view negative studies as proof of no benefit. In our view, absence of evidence for effectiveness in most of these programs does not constitute evidence of absence of benefit for these drugs...
The FDA requires two positive trials for a drug approval, so this implies that a company could just keep running trials until they get positive results by chance. Now, I'm sure that the regulator would frown upon a company that was doing this too transparently, but this quote seems to indicate that they are insufficiently wary of such behavior.
Moving on, medical research also tends to underestimate the harms caused by interventions. Phase I drug trials are meant to catch any major harms caused by prospective drugs, but most results from these trials are never made public. Other trials indirectly minimize measures of harm by using strategies that minimize variance. For instance, "enrichment strategies" are applied, where subjects are tested on their responses before beginning the trial, and those who respond to placebo or do not respond to the intervention are eliminated from the sample. Groups at higher risk of harm (like the elderly, pregnant, and those taking other drugs) are typically excluded from trials--for good reasons. But these all tend to bias estimates of harms downward.
Stegenga marshals long lists of drugs which were approved and later withdrawn from the market for safety reasons. This feels a bit like cherry-picking. I guess the point here is that the current FDA drug approval system, where harms are checked early (but cursorily) in phase I trials, and then only watched for after approval in retrospective phase IV trials, almost seems designed to miss safety issues.
There are some good stories about bias and fraud in clinical trials.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is used in some plastic products and has been related to cancer and other harmful effects, due to its chemical similarity to estrogen. In studies testing the harms of BPA in rats, 90 percent of non-industry studies reported harmful effects of low dose BPA, but 0 percent of industry studies did so (Wilholt, 2009). A possible explanation of this is that industry studies more often used strains of rats that were less sensitive to estrogen, thereby introducing bias in their experimental design via the choice of animal model.
...after 2000 all of these trials were pre-registered in a database of trials, but prior to 2000 none were…. Prior to 2000, 57 percent of trials suggested that the interventions under investigation had a benefit, while after 2000 only 8 percent of trials did. Also interesting was that prior to the year 2000, the various trials showed a wide variability in reported effect sizes, while after 2000 the trials showed very low variability of effect sizes with the risk difference clustering around 0.
David Sackett, one of the founders of the evidence-based medicine movement, described fifty-six subtypes of bias in medical research, including: volunteer bias, missing clinical data bias, withdrawal bias, compliance bias, bogus control bias, exposure suspicion bias, recall bias, instrument bias, and repeated peeks bias.
This pretty much gets you the gist of Stegenga's argument with regard to bias and fraud: it's rampant and ignored. He likes to quote medical researchers who express cynicism about published results, like Allen Francis, head of the group that produced the DSM-IV, who in 2015 said “It’s been many years since I have trusted anything I read in a medical or psychiatric journal.” Or Marcia Angell, who was once editor of the New England Journal of Medicine: "it is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines." These are striking statements.

Medical Nihilism

Now we get to the crux of the thesis, the "master argument for medical nihilism," whose conclusion is that "we should have little confidence in the effectiveness of medical interventions." There is a muddled formal Bayesian argument for this conclusion, which I will ignore because I'm not convinced Stegenga understands subjective probabilistic reasoning very well. Instead, I will give my best summary in impressionistic terms:
Therefore, when confronted with a new proposed medical intervention, we should begin from the position that it is unlikely to be helpful. Further, society should revise its estimates of the efficacy of all (?) medical interventions downward. This argument is reasonably sound, granting the premises.
The premises, though, are not as strong as Stegenga makes them out to be. A weakness of the evidence in this book is that it largely focuses on drugs. While these are the class of intervention with the most perverse incentives and confounding factors, and maybe the most prevalent class of intervention, there are definitely more things doctors do. It seems likely that more direct medical interventions, like surgeries for specific conditions, are more effective on average. And the evidence about drugs is not systematic: Stegenga in various places describes the most egregious examples of bias, error, perverse incentives, and fraud, and then later, when assembling the master argument, refers to them categorically with a nebulous "many":
Many medical interventions do not satisfy this standard [of effectiveness].
Many other medical interventions widely employed in the twentieth century have been rejected because they were later deemed ineffective.
For many medical interventions, the best evidence available today suggests that they are barely effective, if at all.
the best empirical evidence available for many interventions supports the thesis of medical nihilism because such evidence is often discordant and demonstrates tiny effect sizes
But he never attempts to estimate just how many "many" is. Indeed, he essentially throws up his hands and says he can't do it:
The empirical basis of this argument is only suggestive. It would be virtually impossible to determine a clear numerator and denominator of drugs from which we could determine a ratio of effective and safe drugs to ineffective or harmful drugs.
It also seems to me that some of the evidence tries to go too far. A major example throughout the book is the generally low effectiveness of psychiatric medications, especially antidepressants. Stegenga seems pretty convinced they don't really do anything. Now, this is something Scott has written about a lot, and I'm reasonably convinced by, e.g., his discussion here. So I think blindly discarding SSRIs on the basis of this book would be unjustified.


So, granting the argument, what is to be done about all this? How do we implement medical nihilism? The conclusion of the book is an exploration of things that might be done in response to the arguments for medical nihilism. The most immediate response is to "tweak methodological details." In essence, implement the evidence-based medicine party line: preregister trials, measure risk difference and number needed to treat, follow best practices for meta-analyses, abandon strict evidence hierarchies, and actually test effectiveness of interventions whenever possible. While necessary and useful, doing all this won't obviate the need for medical nihilism, since much of it is predicated on inherent aspects of biology and the incentive structures present in medicine.
To move away from this state of things, Stegenga goes on to advocate what he calls "gentle medicine." Much of this is to just do less. Order fewer tests, diagnose fewer ailments, prescribe fewer drugs, do fewer surgeries. This is supported by a movement within medicine closely aligned with the evidence-based movement. One such advocacy group is Choosing Wisely. Along with performing fewer discrete interventions, we should also promote medical care: helping patients make lifestyle changes, advocating for social change, and generally understanding the human aspects of disease. Most of this is gestural; Stegenga notes that "the conceptual space of gentle medicine has not been well explored," which is unsurprising since it's a concept he introduced.
There are some more radical ideas that seem infeasible and misguided to me. These involve things like completely restructuring the way medical research is done. Perhaps we should focus research on interventions that are likely to be magic bullets. But these are rare and it's hard to know ahead of time which these are. Some people have argued for "well-ordered science," the concept that research into medical treatments should be done proportionally to their global incidence rates. This seems straightforwardly ridiculous to me, since we already know how to treat most global diseases very well. The issue is not research but distribution and investment in actually doing the treatment. Another idea (coming from John Ioannidis) is that we should focus research on interventions with high prior probabilities of effectiveness, so that we can have high confidence in the things we do. This is a strange concept to me; it seems we should focus our investigations where we can expect to get the highest Bayes factor, not where we can get the highest posterior probability.
Some more ideas: we should socialize medical research. It's unclear what exactly this means, since most basic medical research is already publicly funded, and funding things like drug efficacy trials would be pretty expensive. Or maybe we should eliminate medical patents. The argument here is pretty flimsy, basically that a number of very high impact innovations like penicillin or insulin or the polio vaccine were not patented by their creators. This seems misguided to me. But perhaps the point of medical nihilism is that making big changes to the medical system isn't likely to do much anyway, since medicine isn't doing much. A more pragmatically applicable point is that the patent office might start pushing harder on the requirements that inventions be "novel" and "truly useful."
There's also some stuff about changing the way the FDA approves drugs. The really interesting bit here is a suggestion that we use adversarial proceedings for drug approval. There would be a "scientific court" hearing evidence from advocates for and against the drug. Of course, we would need to ensure that both sides are adequately funded and figure out who the judges should be, but it's an appealing idea.

What to Think of All This

Medical nihilism is a very anti-modernist concept. It abandons the optimistic modernist view of Better Living Through Science, where heroic medical interventions lead to dramatic changes in life expectancy and quality, and advocates for much deeper epistemic humility. We can't simply assume that medical standards will continuously improve. The things we do to fight disease are often ineffectual rituals that do nothing more than make us feel we've done something to stave off the looming specter of mortality.
I'm not sure how I feel about this. Part of the greatness of a free modern society is that people can just try things and see if they can get them to work. And if they do, they can lead to significant improvements in our lives. This is why it's good to have some crazy people in academia. This is why Elon Musk Is Good Actually, and more generally Silicon Valley. This is why Free Speech and Deregulation and Vibrant Neoliberal Economies. And that's why I think having a lot of medical research is important. It may be correct that much of current medicine is unnecessary and that successful treatments are unlikely. But Stegenga seems to go beyond this point of epistemic humility to a sort of resigned acceptance that this is the way of the world, that we should leave behind our illusory dreams of a world without disease. Taking all this at face value, we should spend significantly less on medical research and development. I worry that a widespread shift in opinion like that would slow medical progress or even cause us to forget that better things are possible.
The problem is that medical nihilism has a point. The medical establishment, broadly construed, tends to act as if it had more confidence in medical procedures than is warranted by the evidence. In short: society thinks medicine works better than it does. The project of rectifying this is a worthwhile one, recognized by many people beyond this book. And honestly, I think much of their work, while more narrow, might be a better introduction to the topic than this book. The philosophical content isn't particularly enlightening, and just gets in the way most of the time. The Bayesian arguments are mostly clunky, and insufficiently precise to prove anything. The evidence isn't assembled in a particularly systematic way. It's nice to have this argument all in one place, but I imagine a primer on evidence-based medicine and something on issues with overtreatment would get you maybe 80% of the valuable material here.
I'm really interested in a broader question, what you might call scientific nihilism (or maybe social scientific nihilism). In my undergrad, I took a course on the economics of education, and the main takeaway I got was essentially the thesis of this book but for education: most interventions are ineffective, and those that are effective have surprisingly small effects. What's more, positive educational effects tend to disappear within a few years after the intervention ends. Does this mean we shouldn't fund education, or try to make it better? Why do studies of things that we intuitively feel should have strong effects end up with such equivocal results? Does anything matter? I was hoping for a better discussion of these types of issues in this book, and I was somewhat disappointed. Scott Alexander has frequently mentioned the phenomenon where psychiatric medications have subjective effects that far exceed whatever has been measured in rigorous trials. But this sort of phenomenon happens across other fields as well. It's kind of dual to the phenomenon where we get surprising results in psychology experiments that then fail to replicate.
In all of these fields, there are movements similar to evidence-based medicine, trying to improve standards of rigor and efficacy. By sheer coincidence, while I was writing this I attended a talk by a statistician who works on ways to effectively communicate risk and uncertainty to the public. A big point in his talk was the way that relative risks can be misleading, and he introduced natural frequencies and the number needed to treat as one way to more accurately communicate risks. He pointed us to all sorts of shiny websites meant to aggregate evidence and evaluate its quality. Maybe the modernist project isn't dead, and this is its rebirth, the neo in neoliberalism. I hope so. But there are still the fundamental limits of biology and reality, and we should remember this and be modest about what we can do.
submitted by qamlof to slatestarcodex [link] [comments]

Dissolving the existential anxiety; or, decision-making in robust worlds

Epistemic status: speculative
The thread on ontological therapy, and especially this old post, got me thinking about one topic that's been beaten to death: namely, X-risks.
My highest-utility actions are either those that work toward reducing AI risk, or those that work toward making lots of money so I can donate to AI risk reduction.
Okay. But suppose there are unknown parties which are closer to development of AGI than we think possible, and less cautious than we may prefer; an underground Pentagon lab ran by 1.000 cloned brainwashed prepubescent von Neumanns, none of whom were taught to care about alignment problem or any part of MIRI's research. Moreover, they're in a mad hurry, because the higher-ups may or may not have intel on the competing Chinese lab with 2.000 brainwashed preschool age Terry Taos. Is this likely? Not at all. Conditional on this being true, what is the expected total utility of their product? And should we orchestrate global blackout to halt their work, reducing the risk?
It's a truism that infinities or very big numbers ("3^^^3 specks") screw with utilitarian calculus, many forms of consequentialist decision-making and other pillars of rationalist thought by introducing Pascal's mugging-type vulnerabilities and complicating the prioritization of goals. I imagine this is part of the reason why "post-rationality" became a thing, why people began talking of metis and episteme; the basic intuition seems to be that consistently winning groups use some not-strictly-coherent common sense epistemology. Still, these alternatives didn't really take off and the discussion has more or less died down on its own, without solution (correct me if I'm wrong, please).
I've just thought that the synthetic point estimate strategy, which was described in that paper about dissolving the Fermi paradox, might be a clue to getting one.
Suppose that a group stops looking at expected utility given expected probabilities for all conditions, and instead asks the question: considering the amount of uncertainty in our model, that is, the distributions of probability for these conditions, which worlds are likely to exist? In some (in the vast majority, I imagine), there's strictly zero chance of the aforementioned problematic labs, because some threshold for the conditions predicating their emergence just wasn't met. Conditional on us being in such a world, there's no reason to panic and provoke a nuclear war or something: it won't decrease an X-risk. Sure, with this inaction we'll sacrifice a small fraction of possible worlds to good old Clippy or whatever; but in all others we're free to rationally compare less frantic strategies. Acting in this way, the group takes a certain risk, but it's measured and bounded, it is finite: Russian roulette instead of dizzying ontological uncertainty. This is, first of all, a slightly different way of thinking about such problems: we choose to sacrifice entire implausible worlds to navigate within a robust timeline.
All of this may be completely worthless or at best a hint in the correct direction, but I'm betting on the chance of this being interesting to someone.
submitted by Ilforte to slatestarcodex [link] [comments]

Is Free Will Possible?

This question has really been messing with me so I sat down and wrote out this fictional conversation to develop my thoughts. It was more for myself than people on the internet so its a bit...weird. Loses direction a bit near the end:

Alice: Is it possible for free will to exist?

Bob: I think its unlikely. The universe seems to behave pretty mechanically without exception. I can't say that the universe is completely deterministic since at this point we don't know if the indeterminacy of quantum mechanics is ontic or epistemic i.e. whether the most fundamental reality of the universe is nondeterministic or whether its just that it's (currently) impossible to measure what ultimately is deterministic. But _even if_ the indeterminacy is ontic (I feel like I'm going up my own ass with that word), the indeterminate outcomes must fall within well defined probability distributions and I'm pretty sure that that indeterminacy practically vanishes at the scale of neurons and electric nerve impulses. I think the nerve impulses follow newtonian mechanics enough that, if hypothetically we could somehow know the exact state of someone's brain (where every neuron is and how big and in what direction each impulse is travelling etc), we could perfectly predict the exact future behaviostate of the brain. I guess we'd need to know what signals will flow from the environment to the brain, but you get the idea: the brain is just like the rest of the universe, a mechanical, predictable machine.

Alice: Oh. Well if free will is ruled out (and I guess it would be if we could conduct such an experiment where all of someones actions are predicted) than that's that, but I'd rather believe in free will if there's any chance at all of it being real. Are you sure about neurons and nerve impulses falling within newtonian mechanics? Perhaps the complexity of the brain actually amplifies the nondetermanism of quantum mechanics, you know sort of along the lines of chaos theory where the specific result of one nondeterministic outcome can result in wildly different macro-outcomes, whether or not you raise your arm or something. And perhaps free will can somehow fit inside that nondeterminacy.

Bob: So you don't want to believe in whatever is most likely the case?

Alice: Well if its too unlikely, than no matter how much I want to believe something, I don't think I can just make myself believe it. I suppose it has to be plausible. And I think I do indeed default to believing in whatever is most likely, but in this particular case I don't think that there's anything bad that can come out of believing in free will when there is none. If (assuming we find that free will is plausible) I believe in free will and I'm wrong, well that was always going to happen and not much to say about it. But just from personal experience, not believing in free will seems to mess with my motivation and discipline a bit. I feel less inspired and ultimately I think I would experience a better life if I believed in free will. Even if free will doesn't exist, I think believing in it would result in a better life.

Bob: You sure that has to be the case? I think its very stress reducing to think that I actually have no free will. I suppose I got lucky and happen to find myself living a life that is enjoyable, but its nice to not have the pressure of free will. Its ironically very freeing to know you can just sit back and enjoy the ride!

Alice: Hhmmm. I think I have tried to embrace this attitude in the past, but perhaps because of my personal psychology, determinism makes me a bit depressed.

Bob: Its just out of your hands, an external force you call 'personal psychology'? But yeah ok, so back to your crazy adhoc theory of the quantum amplifying brain and the free will inside. Well for the 'free will inside' part to be true, there has to be some free agent, something that by definition is outside of the cause-and-effect chain of the physical universe, otherwise it would just be physics. And then its weird to think about how this free agent decides anything if nothing 'causes' it to decide that.

Alice: Well the free agent could affect the physical universe without a physical cause and without breaking any laws of physics via the indeterminacy of quantum physics. Let me explain: First of all lets assume that the indeterminacy is fundamentally real. If the indeterminacy is merely epistemic then the free agent would indeed need to break laws of physics to interact with the physical world, but lets for now assume otherwise. In that case we can imagine a brain in a snapshot of time. It exists in a certain state, every electron of every impulse, every neurotransmitter of every synapse we can imagine in a specific location with a specifc velocity...or I guess their location and velocity have a bit of fuzziness to them because of the uncertainty principle, but suffice it to say that the brain is in a fully (maximally?) known state. What will the next state be when the universe program ticks forward a planck second? By quantum mechanics we can't precisely know. We are given an infinite set of different next states (the probability distribution) albeit most states will be nearly identical especially if only one planck second passed. Which specific state will be chosen out of all possible future states? That's where the free agent may come in and pick which state is next. You could imagine reality as a game loop, where the current exact state of the universe is given to a processInput() function which returns the next universal state to be rendered. In processInput(), each free agent has control over a certain subset of particles (e.g. the particles that make up a brain) and can pick which particular state of the infinite set of possible next states the brain particles will occupy. We'll say that all particles not under the domain of a free agent have the next state chosen completely at random.

Bob: Wow. So many questions. Ok well first of all, wouldn't allowing the free agents to pick whatever state they want would over time result in particles breaking the probability distributions that quantum mechanics predicts? I hope so, because that means we could theoretically test whether particles in the brain break from quantum mechanical probability distributions and something deep in my gut says we would not find them broken. Like what if blinking was caused by the free agent choosing a certain type of state and so blinking a lot would result in particles having observed probability distributions skewed toward whatever state is required to blink.

Alice: Perhaps the brain is intricate enough that whatever condition is needed to cause blinking is a degree of freedom separate from particles falling in the appropriate distribution. For example, perhaps there are infinite combinations of different particle positions that all result in the eye blinking and those different combinations include particles in significantly different locations or significantly different velocities, but combined they have some higher order characteristic that inevitably results in eye blinking. You could continually blink but each time pick a different specific brain state such that all quantum mechanically predicted distributions are kept.

Bob: Cool story. Not sure I have enough imagination to see this as plausible. Billy Occam is certainly rolling in his grave right now, especially with all this talk of free agents, which we all know are 'souls' and I'm not really a spiritual guy.

Alice: I'll admit that I might be especially primed to see 'souls' as possible since they were part of my world view for most of my life. I think my openness to souls being a thing is partly tied to consciousness - or better defined - qualia. Hear me out: Perhaps experience is a fundamental part of nature. Although I haven't actually read into it very much, I like Integrated Information Theory's approach to qualia, so that just like energy, position, momentum, space, and time, consciousness is just a fundamental part of the physical universe. Perhaps the vacuum of space has a certain experience and chemicals have a certain experience. Cells have a more sophisticated conciousness because of their more sophisticated arrangement. And this continues with more complicated states of matter experiencing more compliated qualia.

Bob: That doesn't make souls sound likely. In fact, I feel like you just explained away souls by saying that experience is an innate part of the physical universe.

Alice: Well the part that makes me think souls might exist is the fact that I don't experience the whole universe's consciousness and I don't experience the consciousness of one fundamental particle. Like what draws the boundaries between my consciousness and yours?

Bob: We have phsycially different brains...

Alice: Right, but lets say that the universe is made of separate particles in space. My conscious experience obviously depends on the configuration of all the particles that make up my brain. But at any given time, each particle has no idea where and in what state all the other particles are in.

Bob: Maybe you have exactly one 'consciousness' particle in your brain and all the intricate firings of neurons eventually combine together into one incredibly nuanced and specific electric impulse that carries the info of the entire brain's computation and pokes that consciousness particle in exactly the right super nuanced way that gives rise to the particular experience of consciousness for that moment and that brain state.

Alice: Very funny.

Bob: Just having fun.

Alice: But yeah, what I experience is based on the state of a lot of neurons and synapses in different places in space in my brain, but not on the state of the air molecules or the particles in say my skull. If consciousness is really part of the physical universe, there must be something physical that can at one moment in time 'know' the state of all those particles.

Bob: Well even though we observe descrete particles with mostly descrete energies, i think the current way physicists look at the world is that particles are really excitations or ripples in a continuous ever present field, say the electron field. And that furthermore different fields and thus different particles are really just different ways in which one field ripples. Once the field gets hot enough and energetic enough, its types of motion aren't locally stuck to a certain subset of motions but it can ripple and move however it wants. All this to say that particles are really just chunked ripples of one material or substance, the One Phsycal Existence.

Alice: Dope dude. But if all energy and matter are just different ripples of the one field, why doesn't that one field experience one consciousness. If it is all really one material, one continuous substance than how do we have two separate consciousnesses? Its like if you have one big rug full of wrinkles and curls and bumps and if you configure the wrinkles in one part of the rug just right, there suddenly exists a consciousness that is separate from everything else. I guess this is where I should look more at Integrated Information Theory.

Bob: oy, my fuckin head.

Alice: I'm frickin tired. Might smoke some danke herb and hit the hay.

Bob: Or rather, maybe you should smoke some DMT *Vsauce theme starts*. See, people who smoke DMT, especially breakthrough doses of DMT, consistently report that their convictions of materialism were deeply shaken. Trippers report being in a dimension or realm that seems real-er than real. As if DMT land is the real reality and our sober waking existence a sort of dream. They report feeling one with the universe, sensations of something overwhelimging powerful and knowing and of other sentient entities that often seem filled with benevolence and carry a message of peace and love.

Joe Rogan: That's crazy man, have you ever tried DMT?

Alice and Bob: FUCK OFF!

Alice: fuck that guy, but anyway: DMT could be a type of evidence or data collected on the nature of consciousness. It would be a bit of a messy science since you'd have to rely on each tripper's own way of communicating their subjective feelings, but there certainly seems to be an emergent pattern of experience. Maybe the universe is one quantum field with one ultimate, all knowing consciousness, but in some mysterious paradoxical way is able to have sub-consciousnesses that are cut off from the universal consciousness.

Bob: Woah, weirdly this reminds me of a certain christian theological theory about how Jesus could be God Himself and yet not have perfect knowledge of everything. In a very similar way to the universal consciousness somehow closing off subconsciousness that don't have access to the knowledge of the full consciousness, Jesus is God and thus is all knowing and yet closes himself off from the knowledge that he actually has. Not my view, but one I remember.

Alice: Yeah the DMT experience seems to resonate well with Buddhist and Eastern philosophy. I'm not sure if that's because people interested in Eastern philosophy tend to be the ones who will try DMT or if the experience of DMT causes people to have an affinity for it. I was raised Christian and although there are many things I love about the messages of justice and compassion for the poor, outcast, and marginalized, radical forgiveness, inspiring selflessness and sacrificial love among other things, I always felt that Eastern religion or philosophy did a better job of distilling the sacredness of nature and the Earth. Also the sense of beatiful mystic reverence I perceive in eastern religions towards nature and the spiritual I think is deeper or maybe just complimentary to the reverence of Judaism and Christianity. I like the thought that there is a sort of sacred life energy in all of Earth's nature and in the physical world itself.

Bob: Sounds...groovy. If you had some close, meaningful relationships in your life you probably wouldn't be so worried about free will or not. You'd probably be less stuck in your own head and enjoying the present moment with others.

Alice: Yeah, but I think part of the reason why I'm so isolated is because I struggle with self-motivation and self-discipline. And I struggle with those because I don't have very clear goals in my life. And I don't have clear goals in my life because I'm so uncommitted about my deepest beliefs and values. What am I ultimately living my life for? Why should I get out of bed in the morning? Somehow a core part of my self-motivation is tied up with my view of free will.

tldr; DMT entities are the Free Agents of the Universal Quantum Field who exercise Free Will by selecting quantum states of the brain such that over time particles fall within their quantum mechanically predicted probability distributions /s.

Also I've never done any psychedelics and I'm not an expert in physics or neuroscience or anything really. Just got way too much time on my hands.
submitted by spiddly_spoo to RedditInReddit [link] [comments]

[R] Pytorch implementation of "What Uncertainties Do We Need in Bayesian Deep Learning for Computer Vision?", NIPS 2017

Pytorch implementation of "What Uncertainties Do We Need in Bayesian Deep Learning for Computer Vision?", NIPS 2017
- Autoencoder network
- Check 3 different uncertainty type (Aleatoric, Epistemic, Combined)
submitted by imheumi to MachineLearning [link] [comments]

[Discussion] What kinds of risk should you take at a GP?

Hi spikes! Sometimes people talk about taking risks at big tournaments, but I think a lot of times people are a bit confused on the subject. I tried to clear up some of the confusion, hope you get something out of it!
Do: Play decks and cards of unknown power level
Don’t: Stray from good deckbuilding fundamentals, play a deck with imbalanced matchups


Often during a Grand Prix, a player will have a specific goal that they want to accomplish. For example, newer players often care a lot about making day 2. In order to do this, they have to go 6-3 or better over nine rounds (assuming no byes). For this player, going 5-4 is the same as going 0-9 - they have failed. Additionally, they may not care so much about going 6-3 versus 7-2 since they don’t foresee making Top 8. Therefore, there are only two possible outcomes: success (6-3 or better), and failure (5-4 or worse). Similarly, a player trying to qualify for the Pro Tour might only care about going 13-2 or better, especially if the pro points from going 12-3 aren’t relevant to them (this is basically my situation).
If you’re in this situation for your next Grand Prix, then you should think about taking risks. You can increase your likelihood of succeeding (i.e. making Day 2, or qualifying for the Pro Tour) without increasing your match-win percentage.

Why would risk be good?

Here’s a simple intuitive argument for why risks are good in long tournaments. Going 6-3 in Day 1 is hard, and going 13-2 over two days is even harder. Simply playing at an average level is usually not good enough, even if you’re a skilled player. Taking risks gives you the possibility of results even better than the normal case. Of course, this possibility is balanced out by the increased possibility of failing miserably, but since failing miserably is the same as getting close but not making it, this doesn’t matter.
Say that at the beginning of the tournament you could flip a coin - heads you go 9-0, tails you 0-9. This is a risky bet - not winning a match is much worse worse than you would have done if you played normally. However, winning every match is much better. Taking this option is obviously the right thing to do. If all you care about is making Day 2, then flipping this coin gives you a 50% chance of success, which is great. Importantly, if you do this over every single tournament, you’re going to win as many matches as someone who wins 4 or 5 matches every GP. However, taking the risky option is clearly better, since you succeeded 50% of the time, and they succeed 0% of the time.
If you’re a visual thinker, imagine a bell curve that represents your possible outcomes. The right tail of the curve is the “success” portion. By taking on risk, you “flatten” the bell curve out. There is more area underneath the right side of the curve, where the success area is, but it is balanced by more area under the left side.
Risks are clearly great then! However, you have to be careful when you think in this way. Some sorts of risks will give you this benefit, while others merely seem to, and might actually hurt you. I will go over which risks will increase your chance of success at a big tournament, and which won’t.

Greedy mana bases

Have you ever been to a sealed GP and heard someone say “I need to get lucky to day-2 this GP, so I put three islands in my black-red deck to play my blue bomb”. I’ve heard this sort of thing even from very experienced players. The thought is natural - playing a greedy mana base is risky because it is great if you draw the right lands at the right time, but terrible otherwise. However it is provable that this type of risk does not help you succeed at a big tournament. Your probability of making day 2 is completely determined by your win rate (please excuse the sketchy math notation - P(x) is probability of x):
P(make day 2) = P(Win 6 or more matches) = P(Win 6, 7, 8 or 9 matches) = P(Win 6 matches) + P(Win 7 matches) + P(Win 8 matches) + P(Win 9 matches) = sum(6<=i<=9)P(Win i matches) 
This is the important part - winning i matches is basically winning 9-i out of 9 coin flips where the coin has probability of heads equal to your win percentage, call it w. Therefore:
P(make day 2) = sum(6<=i<= 9)(w^i*(1-w)^9-i) 
w is the only parameter left in this equation. Therefore, your probability of success is expressible as a function of your win percentage. That is, if you give me your win rate in the tournament, I’ll tell you how likely you are to Day 2.
Does playing a greedy mana base increase your win rate? In the normal case it does not. If it decreases your win rate, then it actually hurts your chances of making day 2.
Obviously, there are some situations in which playing a greedy mana base is the correct thing to do. For example, if your sealed pool is generally low power level and even good draws can’t beat typical sealed deck draws, then playing a greedy mana base might increase your win percentage, and therefore be correct. However, in this case, playing a greedy mana base is correct even outside a big tournament. There is no situation in which you should play a greedy mana base at a Grand Prix when you wouldn’t at Friday Night Magic. Straying from good fundamentals likely hurts your chances of making Day 2.

Epistemic Risk

Not to fear - there are other ways you can take on risk to increase your chances of making Day 2. One of these type of risks I call “epistemic risk”. By this, I mean purposefully playing cards or decks that have an unknown power level.
It might seem odd that playing a deck that is possibly great, but possibly awful actually increases your chances of making Day 2. Let’s look at an example. Before the Modern GP in Vancouver last year, there was some buzz around the “Cheerios" deck that used [[Puresteel Paladin]] and [[Sram, Senior Edificer]] alongside a bunch of 0-cost equipment in order to storm kill with [[Grapeshot]]. The deck clearly had raw power and was often able to win on the second turn. However, it was a glass cannon that could be disrupted with a single [[Lightning Bolt]]. Before GP Vancouver, the deck had put up some decent results, but it was unclear how good the deck was overall. Given the evidence that was available to a player before GP Vancouver, I think there was a chance the deck was broken, and a chance that it was too easily disreputable and in the end was bad. However, I think it was unlikely that the Cheerios was merely good - it was either great or it was terrible.
Let’s say that there was 50% chance the deck was broken (it had a 60% win rate), and a 50% chance the deck was terrible (it had a 40% win rate). This is a contrived way of looking at the situation, since there would usually be some continuous distribution of possible win rates, but I think it is illustrative. Your likelihood of making day two with an average deck with a 50% win rate is around 25% (you can calculate this with a cumulative binomial distribution1). With a 40% win rate, your likelihood of making day 2 is 10%, and with a 60% win rate, it is 48%. On average, if you choose the unknown deck you’ll have an expected likelihood of making day 2 of (10% + 48%) / 2 = 29% which is more than if you had chosen the average deck. By taking on epistemic risk, you've increased your chances of making Day 2 without increasing your expected win rate. Therefore, I think that playing Cheerios in GP Vancouver would have been a good idea at the time, even though the deck ended up not being very good.
In limited, you can take on epistemic risk early in a format by playing a build-around card of unknown power level.
In the previous section, I said that your chances of making Day 2 are a function of your win rate, yet here I’ve just increased my chances of making Day 2 without increasing my expected win rate. The difference between these two scenarios is that in the first example, our win rate is fixed, while in the second example it is variable. This is the fundamental difference between risks that are useful in a big tournament, and risks that aren’t. Playing a greedy mana base introduces variance within a single game where you have a fixed win rate, while taking on epistemic risk increases variance in win rate across the entire tournament. Since your ultimate goal has to do with the outcome of the tournament, you want to take on risk at the “tournament level”, not the “match level”.

Playing a deck with imbalanced matchups

This is the trickiest risk because there are two distinct types that are easy to mix up. Say that you are in a constructed Grand Prix, and you want to play a deck that has a lot of imbalanced matchups (i.e. you are either 10% or 90% to win given an opponent’s deck). If you avoid your bad matchups, then you’ll have a great chance of winning a lot of matches. However, if the metagame is fixed, then this is actually incorrect. Given a certain metagame, you will have a fixed win percentage - 50% when half the decks are 10% matchups and half are 90% matchup. As we showed earlier, your chance of making Day 2 is merely a function of your win percentage. Hoping to dodge your bad matchups is very similar to hoping to always draw well with a sketchy mana base. This is a risk at the “match level”.
However, if you don’t assume that the metagame is fixed, then there are ways you can analyze the distribution of expected metagames at the tournament in order to take on “tournament level” risk. Lets use a simple example. At Grand Prix New Jersey earlier this year, there were only two tier 1 decks - Mardu Vehicles and 4-color Saheeli. Let’s suppose the two decks had a 50%-50% matchup against each other, and that they were each expected to be to be 50% of the metagame. Playing one of those decks would therefore give you a 50% win rate, and a 25% chance of making Day 2. However, let’s also suppose that there is some random variance in the exact breakdown in the metagame. There could be as much as 60% of the field playing Mardu Vehicles, or 60% of the field playing 4-color Saheeli. You have the option to play a deck that is 75%% against Mardu Vehicles and 25% against 4-color Saheeli. Obviously, if the field happens to break down 50/50, then your chance of making Day 2 is the same as if you had played one of the main decks. However, if Mardu Vehicles is 60% of the meta game, then you have .6 * 75% + .4 * 25% = 55% win rate, giving you a 36% of making Day 2. If 4-color Saheeli is 60% of the meta game, then you have a .6 * 25% + .4 * 75% = 45% win rate, giving you a 17% chance of making Day 2. Your average win rate is still 50%, but your expected chance of making Day 2 is (36% + 17%) / 2 = 26.5%. This is 1.5% more than if you had played one of the main decks. Therefore, it is possible to leverage uncertainty about the exact shakeout of the metagame in order to take on “tournament level” risk.
In practice, I think that this sort of risk is extremely difficult to leverage. In the Grand Prix New Jersey example, our theoretical deck had 75/25 matchups against the two main decks, and there was a 10% variance in the exact breakdown of the meta game. These numbers are both large for what you could expect at a normal tournament, yet the decision to play the riskier deck only gave us a 1.5% increase in our likelihood of success. In addition, these sorts of analyses are only feasible for very simple metagames. For example, in Legacy where there are many different viable decks, I would be very surprised if any deck choice could leverage metagame uncertainty. Finally, in simple 2 or 3 deck metagames where this type of analysis might be possible, it’s more likely that you should just be playing one of the main decks. Trying to play a fringe deck to leverage risk more likely involves taking a hit in expected win percentage.
Obviously, no one is exactly in this situation where they are neutral between records greater than 6 wins. Finishing day 1 at 8-1 is much better than finishing the day 6-3, even though both are great. For the player trying to qualify for the Pro Tour, finishing 12-3 still wins a chunk of money, even if it is not good enough for Top 8. However, for many players, achieving a certain record or better is overwhelmingly important, which is why I think this situation is close enough to the truth that it’s worth thinking about.
Taking risks gets better the more difficult it is to meet your goal. This means that if you naturally have a 60% win rate, taking risks improves your chance of success by less than if you had a 40% win rate. However, if you are trying to qualify for the Pro Tour by going 13-2, then taking risks is still very useful, even if you have a very high natural win rate.
Finally, it can often be tricky to identify beneficial risks. Sometimes, if a risk seems beneficial but is actually negative for your win rate, then you are facing a tradeoff. It can be justified to take a hit to your win percentage to take on some risk, but the hit has to be small. In practice, I would try to avoid explicitly taking a loss in expected win percentage in order to buy variance.
1 Here’s a binomial calculator: http://stattrek.com/online-calculatobinomial.aspx
submitted by avacyn0920 to spikes [link] [comments]

Précis of new book: Nietzsche's Moral Psychology

I just finished up my book, Nietzsche's Moral Psychology, for Cambridge University Press. Here's a précis, in case anyone is curious:

What does Nietzsche have to say? What do we have to say about what Nietzsche has to say? These simple-minded questions motivate the book you’re now reading. In it, I map the prevalence and interconnections among the main topics and theses of Nietzsche’s philosophical writings as they develop over time. Along the way, I compare this map with the composite map produced by other scholars. If the last decade of titles in the Journal of Nietzsche Studies is any guide, my fellow commentators think that, to understand Nietzsche’s philosophy, you need to pay attention primarily to what he has to say about affirmation, agency, the ascetic ideal, drives, embodiment, emotions, the eternal recurrence, friendship, genealogy, health, history, inquiry, justice, life, nihilism, perspectivism, the self, the sovereign individual, tragedy, value, virtue, and the will to power. Of these, the topic that garnered the most attention from commentators was the will to power.
How accurate and informative is this composite map? If every scrap and trace of Nietzsche’s writings were to disappear instantaneously, could we reconstruct his philosophy from the secondary literature? Would that reconstruction better resemble a map of the London Tube or Jackson Pollack’s Autumn Rhythm? Could novices effectively use it as a guide to the philosophical terrain of Nietzsche’s thought, or would they bloody their noses on unforeseen obstacles, wander through barren deserts, and fall down rabbit holds? I argue below that, while a few coastlines of Nietzsche’s philosophy have been adequately sketched, we cartographers have generally done a poor job. We have marked several spots with an ‘X’ even though little philosophical treasure lies buried there. At the same time, we have neglected whole El Dorados of insight.
Commentators have a penchant for making claims like, “Nietzsche often talks about W,” “Nietzsche typically associates X and Y,” and “In his middle works, Nietzsche seldom engages with Z”? When I read these claims, I ask flat-footed questions like, “How often?” “What do you mean, ‘typically’?” And, “How seldom is seldom?” If these sorts of claims have any probative value, it should be possible to verify or falsify them. Or — to turn the conditional around — if it’s not possible to verify or falsify them, then these sorts of claims have no probative value and commentators should stop making them. My flat-footed questions ask about prevalence, association, and change. If we label each passage in Nietzsche’s corpus based on its semantic content (i.e., whether it contains an expression for concept W, X, Y, and/or Z), it becomes possible to answer these questions. A concept is prevalent to the extent that it shows up in a large proportion of passages. It’s associated with another concept to the extent that it’s more likely to be present in a passage when the second concept is present. A concept becomes more prevalent over a philosopher’s career to the extent that it shows up in higher proportions of passages over time.
Chapter 2 demonstrates how to do this using a synoptic digital humanities approach, which makes it possible to both visualize and analyze his use of various constructs within a given work and over the course of his philosophical career. I begin by explaining how to select the core constructs of a distant-reading inquiry. Next, I demonstrate how to operationalize these constructs for querying the Nietzsche Source. I then walk through the methodology for conducting systematic queries that can be reproduced by other researchers. The main content of this chapter visualizes and lays the groundwork for interpreting the semantic networks captured by my methodology. Here, I show that the most central constructs in Nietzsche’s philosophy are life, value, virtue, fear, instinct, courage, emotion, conscience, contempt, and laughter respectively. While this list overlaps somewhat with the catalogue of topics in the secondary literature, there are significant differences. In addition, tracking changes in what Nietzsche emphasizes over the course of his philosophical career shows that he initially focused more on drives than instincts, but in the mid-1880s shifted strongly towards instincts. At the same time, he largely ceased engaging with deontological constructs such as obligation and justice while intensifying his engagement with aretaic and axiological constructs such as virtue, value, and various discrete virtues and values. These developments suggest that Nietzsche should be understood as an idiosyncratic philosopher of virtue who associates virtues less with rational dispositions acquired through habit and more with instinctual activity.
Subsequent chapters are divided into three groups. The first group (chapters 3, 4, and 5) establishes the general contours of Nietzsche’s socio-moral framework by connecting the constructs of drive, instinct, type, virtue, and value. The second group, (chapters 6 through 10) is a series of case studies of distinctively Nietzschean virtues. These include curiosity, courage, the pathos of distance, the sense of humor, and solitude. The third and final group (chapters 11 and 12) shows how the Nietzschean virtues are held together by conscience and integrity, then points the way to future research in moral psychology, in Nietzsche studies, and in digital humanities approaches to the history of philosophy more broadly.
Chapter 3 begins by identifying the main questions and points of contention in the secondary literature concerning instinct, drive, and type. Next, I track Nietzsche’s engagement with each construct over the course of his philosophical career and establish the further constructs most closely associated with them. I then offer an interpretation according to which drives are act-directed (rather than outcome-directed) motivational and evaluative dispositions. An agent’s drives move her to engage in and positively evaluate a range of characteristic actions regardless of the consequences that may eventuate from those actions. Drives thus differ from preferences and desires in being associated primarily with the processes of agency rather than with teleologically-specified states of affairs. This feature of drives explains and unites a range of seemingly irrational behaviors in which an agent performs an action that is drive-expressive despite the fact that she knows or could easily come to know that the action will not produce a desired state of affairs — and may be outright counter-productive or even self-destructive. I also argue that instincts are an important sub-class of drives: they are innate, whereas drives can be either innate or acquired. In addition, instincts and other drives are mutable on several dimensions. Their intensity or ferocity can wax and wane. The objects on which they end up venting themselves are not predetermined and can take a wide range. And their structural interrelations can vary. One drive may dominate another drive now but be subordinated to it later. Nevertheless, which drives someone embodies at all is a largely stable feature of their psychology, and the intensity of a drive changes only slowly and within certain constraints. Finally, an agent’s instincts and other drives constitute her psychological type.
Chapter 4 begins by reviewing the secondary literature on Nietzsche’s engagement with the constructs of virtue and value. I then offer an interpretation according to which a Nietzschean virtue is a well-calibrated instinct or other drive. What it takes for a drive to be well-calibrated involves both internal and external (social) integration, or at least non-interference. In particular, a drive is a virtue to the extent that it is conducive to life, does not systematically or reliably induce negative self-directed emotions that respond to fixed aspects of the self, and does not systematically or reliably induce reactions from the agent’s community that are liable to be internalized as negative self-directed emotions that respond to fixed aspects of the self. The first and second constraints together are what I call “internal integration.” One drive is integrated with another when expressing it typically also expresses the other (strong integration) or at least does not frustrate the expression of the other (weak integration). Since drives induce not only characteristic patterns of action but also characteristic patterns of evaluation, integrated drives will tend to result in actions that the agent approves of or at least is not disposed to disapprove. I call the third constraint “external integration.” Like internal integration, external integration can be strong (the agent’s community tends to approve of her actions and the drives that motivate them) or weak (the agent’s community is not disposed to disapprove of her actions and the drives that motivate them). Since types are constellations of drives that differ from person to person, different virtues are fitting for people who belong to different types. In many cases, just a few virtues will best fit a given type. Those virtues then constitute cardinal virtues of the type. If this is right, then Nietzsche held a type-relative unity of virtue thesis. I also argue that Nietzsche was an exemplarist about virtue. In his framework, exemplars of different types elicit different discrete emotions in people with fine-tuned affective sensitivity. While some exemplars inspire admiration that leads to emulation, others incite envy and the motivation to agonistic one-upsmanship. Exemplars of bad or deplorable types provoke contempt and disgust, which serve as signposts of what to avoid. Negative exemplars are also the targets of Nietzsche’s ad hominem arguments, which turn out not to be the simple-minded fallacies that he is sometimes accused of committing. If this is right, then Nietzschean exemplarism offers a richer, more evaluatively and motivationally nuanced moral psychology than the contemporary monochrome admire-and-emulate model.
In chapter 5, I argue that one’s community and the language used by that community play a constitutive role in the cultivation of virtue. This chapter begins by arguing that, for Nietzsche, part of what it means for a person to be of a certain type is that she is susceptible to social determination of her character. Some types are meta-types. They’re not dispositions to act in certain ways, but dispositions to become the sort of person who acts in particular to-be-specified ways through the shaping power of social factors. I then distinguish two Nietzschean styles of becoming what one is called: the social and the reflexive. Someone whose character is built according to the social plan becomes what others consider and call him — good, bad, or mixed. Nietzsche associates this blueprint for the construction of character with slavishness. By contrast, someone whose personality is built according to the reflexive plan becomes what she considers and calls herself. Nietzsche associates this method of personality construction with masterliness. More specifically, I advance the following interpretation of the relation between virtues (and vices) and the terms that designate them: Nietzsche thinks there is a looping effect between the psychological disposition named by a character trait-term and the practice of using that term. While he affirms that people are differentially disposed to certain patterns of behavior (because of differences in the strength and configuration of their instincts and other drives), he conceives of these dispositions as fluid both in their objects and, to a lesser degree, in their strength and aim. The valence and content of the labels applied to an agent, together with the power-relation between the labeler and labeled, interact with her preexisting psychological dispositions to produce the kind of person she eventually becomes. Moreover, as people’s dispositions shift under the impress of labels, Nietzsche’s exemplarism implies that the meaning of the labels themselves evolves. If nobility is whatever noble people are disposed to think, feel, and do, then when noble people’s psychological dispositions change, so too does the meaning of nobility (and of ‘nobility’). Pre-existing psychological drives and other dispositions are shaped by the activity of labeling, which in turn modulates the meaning of the label, which further shapes the psychological disposition, and so on in a dynamic feedback loop. In addition, I discuss Nietzsche’s frequent references to eponymous types, which represent new values. And I argue that by praising an ambiguously-defined type of person, one can induce type-relevant actions and dispositions in one’s audience.
Chapter 6, on curiosity, is the first of five case studies of the virtues of a specific type-in-context: Nietzsche’s own. If we want to discern Nietzsche’s virtue theory, we need to look not (or at least not only) at his praise of ancient aristocracies, of Napoleon, and of Cesare Borgia, but (also) at his self-attributions. This allows us to pick out the set of traits he considers virtues for his type — a modern type — and therefore perhaps a set of virtues that would be attainable by and appropriate to some other modern individuals. Thus, chapters 6 through 10 are not a universal account of “the virtues.” It’s impossible to give such an account within the Nietzschean socio-moral framework. Instead, the most general account possible catalogues the drives that constitute virtues for a particular type of person in a particular social and cultural context. Since Nietzsche celebrated the virtues of his own type so frequently in his writings, the most promising case study is his own type in his own context.
Chapter 6 shows how Nietzsche uses perspectives to support inquiry. For him, a perspective is emotional and evaluative. The perspective someone inhabits leads them to see some things as good, right, noble, admirable, desirable, or enviable, while also leading them to see other things as bad, wrong, base, contemptible, disgusting, aversive, or pitiable. One’s perspective reveals and emphasizes (sometimes overemphasizes) some of the evaluative properties of the things in one’s ambit. But the world is a complex place. Inhabiting only one perspective is liable to make complex evaluative phenomena difficult or impossible to appreciate. Since perspective-free inquiry is impossible, Nietzsche recommends combatting these unavoidable distortions by taking up different perspectives over time. But you can’t simply decide to feel contempt, anger, disgust, sadness, fear, joy, or surprise at something. Emotions need to be induced and cultivated in more distal and indirect ways. This leads me to Nietzsche’s repeated injunctions to get control over one’s emotions, which I argue is an epistemic methodology. Perspectivism is meant to reveal, through the controlled cycling-through of various emotional and evaluative points of view, properties that would otherwise be invisible and to rectify inquiry by pitting biases of perspectives against each other. Next, I argue that the reason Nietzsche developed this methodology was to express the virtue of curiosity. Nietzschean curiosity is a drive to engage in inquiry, especially when that inquiry is into interesting subjects and is both intellectually and morally challenging. Someone with Nietzschean curiosity doesn’t concern herself with the acquisition of true but trivial beliefs because her “great passion” forces her to “live continually in the thundercloud of the highest problems and the heaviest responsibilities” (GS 351). And Nietzschean curiosity does not stop when it arrives at an answer; it always finds a new question, a new investigation, a new inquiry. The curious person is concerned with the product of investigation; she would not be satisfied with false beliefs, unsupported beliefs, or the withholding of judgment. But she is even more concerned with the process of investigation; she can’t stop thinking, inferring, refuting, synthesizing, and so on. This makes sense if the virtue of curiosity is a drive, since drives impel their bearers to act. Nietzschean curiosity is a matter of struggling with difficult, interesting questions.
In chapter 7, I argue that Nietzschean courage, since it is a drive, is a disposition to engage in characteristic patterns of activity and evaluation. Unlike courage as we might intuitively conceive it, his version of courage is more a matter of intellectual confrontation than of martial or physical contest. It’s a matter of managing one’s fears in the midst of inquiry and of approaching epistemic phenomena with aplomb and self-assurance. It’s also a matter of doubting where others are certain, of exercising one’s conscience about questions, and of laughing contemptuously at the sacred values and sacred cows of one’s community. While it may be uncontroversial to say that courage is the virtue most relevant to responding to threats, Nietzsche has an idiosyncratic take on which threats are most worth finding and facing. What dangers really confront the insatiable investigator? Nietzsche sees curiosity and thinking well of people (both others and oneself) as implacable enemies. If one seeks the truth only to do the good, he says, one “finds nothing” (BGE 35). The curiosity of the moral psychologist must be ruthless. If Nietzschean curiosity is a matter of investigating difficult problems, of overcoming great intellectual resistances, then one of its purest expressions is in the investigation precisely of the most nauseating facts about ourselves. The soul of the intellectually courageous investigator is the battleground on which curiosity contends with “life-preserving errors,” where the question “To what extent can truth endure incorporation?” is put to the torture (GS 110). Someone possessed of Nietzschean courage is impelled to seek out and overcome fearsome intellectual challenges. Someone possessed of Nietzschean courage is impelled to appreciate uncertainty and ignorance, to be attracted to inquiry, and to feel contempt for epistemic laziness, overconfidence, and faith.
In chapter 8, I argue that the pathos of distance is the Nietzschean virtue distinctively associated with the emotions of contempt and disgust, which tend to motivate people in their own characteristic ways and lead them to adopt a characteristic pattern of evaluative perspectives. I begin by examining the state of the art in contemporary moral psychology on contempt and disgust. Then I explore the semantic network of contempt, disgust, and the pathos of distance in Nietzsche’s corpus. I argue that Nietzsche appropriated and modified a medieval taxonomy of spernere mundum (contempt for the world), spernere neminem (contempt for no one), spernere se ipsum (contempt for oneself), and spernere se sperni (contempt for being contemned). Each of these, though especially the last two, serve epistemic functions by making it possible to investigate contemptible aspects of oneself and one’s community. Next, I turn from contempt to disgust. While these emotions are sometimes put to the same use, disgust in particular is Nietzsche’s favored tool for detaching from an ideal. Such detachment is essential for those who wish to investigate ideals with clear eyes and thus serves an epistemic function. If this is right, then contempt and disgust support the intellectually courageous inquiry that Nietzsche associates with the virtues discussed in the previous two chapters. Next, I turn from the emotions characteristic of the pathos of distance to the pathos of distance itself. Nietzsche uses this phrase in only six passages, but each is highly informative. Finally, I discuss the bleak prospects for a Nietzschean democratic ethos. Several commentators have argued that, though it might not seem so at first blush, such an ethos is consistent with Nietzsche’s overall philosophy and his celebration of the pathos of distance in particular. I show that these arguments are unsound. I do, however, also offer a very different argument — founded in Nietzsche’s own recognition of the difficulty of acquiring knowledge about other’s drives and one’s own drives — for the (merely-instrumental) value of democracy.
In chapter 9, I turn to the fourth characteristically Nietzschean virtue: having a sense of humor. A sense of humor, which often expresses contempt, is allied most closely with the pathos of distance, but it also integrates with both curiosity and intellectual courage. Moreover, a sense of humor can be elicited, shaped, and sharped through social processes — especially the laughter of others who share the agent’s type. As with the pathos of distance, when it comes to having a sense of humor, the emphasis is more on evaluations than actions. However, action is not entirely absent from the picture. For Nietzsche, a sense of humor is essential to opening up the path to inquiry into the laughable and contemptible. Someone with this kind of sense of humor doesn’t just wait for risible moments and encounters; they hunt down the laughable things in life. Some of their inquiries terminate in laughing affirmation of truths that would be hard to take without a mirthful buffer. Some of their inquiries terminate in laughing negation of cherished illusions. And some of the most important inquiries that having a sense of humor fosters are into oneself and one’s own character. Nietzsche thinks that the ability to laugh at oneself supports spernere se ipsum, which in turn makes possible both self-knowledge and self-overcoming. Someone who is able to laugh at their own imperfections is also, sometimes, able to see those imperfections as unimportant. This makes it possible to abandon them, to change, to become a different and perhaps more worthy and interesting person.
In chapter 10, I address the fifth characteristically Nietzschean virtue: solitude. At first blush, it might seem odd to call solitude a virtue. Virtues are traits (drives) of agents, whereas solitude is a relation between an agent and the community from which he withdraws or is excluded. However, I show that solitude, just like courage, must be understood in Nietzsche’s own idiosyncratic way. When he talks about solitude, he has in mind emotional rather than physical distance. Solitude is the drive to get away from (and often above) one’s in-group or local community and view it critically. Because Nietzschean virtues are constitutively social, this motion tends to be associated with pangs of loneliness, alienation, self-doubt, and even despair. However, just as the ability to laugh at oneself is an important part of self-criticism and self-improvement, so the ability to look from a distance down on one’s community is an important part of cultural critique. Solitude is thus the virtue that opposes vices like chauvinism, narrow-mindedness, and cozy cultural smugness. In addition, solitude is connected to the perspectivist methodology outlined in chapter 6 because it is essentially restless. The person who embodies Nietzschean solitude does not simply wander off into the wilderness never to be seen or heard from again. Instead, he sojourns in solitude then returns with cultural critique. He is forever adopting new perspectives on his own community.
In chapter 11, I show how conscience ties the Nietzschean virtues together — in other words, how it helps the agent to achieve what I earlier called internal integration. Nietzsche distinguishes several types of conscience. First, there is conscience simpliciter, which he identifies with the herd instinct. This conscience dictates some actions as obligatory and forbids others as impermissible. Second, there is the good conscience, which someone enjoys to the extent that expressing their drives neither induces negative self-directed emotions that respond to fixed aspects of the self nor provokes reactions from the agent’s community that are liable to be internalized as negative self-directed emotions that respond to fixed aspects of the self. In other words, the good conscience names some of the components of internal and external integration that transmute a drive into a virtue. Third, there is the bad conscience, which Nietzsche construes as the instinct of cruelty turned upon oneself or some aspect of oneself. It might at first seem that Nietzsche thinks the bad conscience is to be done away with. However, I show that he actually associates it with spernere se ipsum. The bad conscience thus has work to do in the cultivation of virtue. But it can only do that work if it is directed or aimed at aspects of the self that are not fixed. Moreover, it can only do that work if it does not, as a side-effect, undermine or destroy the embodied and psychological conditions conducive to the life of the agent. Thus, Nietzsche aims to harness even the bad conscience in the service of virtue. This is especially the case when it comes to the intellectual conscience, which turns out to be a manifestation of the bad conscience in the epistemic domain.
In the concluding prospectus, I point to three directions for future research that draws on or is inspired by this book. First, empirical moral psychology may benefit from systematic inquiry into the traits Nietzsche identifies as virtues. I’ve made one step in this direction when it comes to curiosity, but much more could be done to assess the empirical credentials of this construct, as well as to examine its causes and consequences. Likewise, recent research on disgust-sensitivity has produced promising results that relate to the pathos of distance. However, the constructs of intellectual courage, the contemptuous aspect of the pathos of distance, the nature and potential functions and benefits (and risks) of having a sense of humor, and the nature and potential functions and benefits (and risks) of Nietzschean solitude have yet to be investigated. Naturally, I do not expect his entire framework to stand up to critical empirical scrutiny. But it is an attractive framework in which to explore promising hypotheses. Second, I point to both gluts and gaps in the philosophical commentary on Nietzsche. As should be clear already, I think that various constructs have received far more attention than they deserve. These include the sovereign individual, resentment and — perhaps most of all — the will to power. Of course, it’s easy to throw stones. So what I mainly aim to do here is show that there are exciting prospects for Nietzsche scholars to examine, such as admiration, trust, and shame. Finally, I lay out an agenda for large-scale collaborative effort to apply digital humanities methods to the history of philosophy. The same methods used in this book to examine Nietzsche’s corpus could be turned, with relatively little retooling, to any other philosopher whose writings are digitized. This would make it possible to engage in more systematic, reproducible, criticizable, and corrigible research in the history of philosophy. In addition, if interoperable tools are used to approach different philosophers, it will become possible to visualize, analyze, and connect the sweep of philosophy across the centuries
submitted by MarkAlfano to philosophy [link] [comments]

regarding the post on Frisson on free energy

This post really made Frisson's theory click for me . There are things about it that Scott and the posters didn't seem to understand. I'll repost comments I made elsewhere to help explain what I'm getting at.
THIS- is very profound I think. It's something I've noticed about what it means to feel "free" and in some ways to feel "happy". The key is not looking at certainty as a total measure- but the capacity to reduce uncertainty. The difference is profound.
"Given these imperatives, then the two ends of the inverted U become two extrema on different dimensions. In a world full of novelty and opportunity, we know immediately there is an opportunity to resolve reducible uncertainty and will immediately embark on joyful exploration — joyful because it reduces uncertainty or expected free energy (Joffily & Coricelli, 2013). Conversely, in a completely unpredictable world (i.e., a world with no precise sensory evidence, such as a dark room) there is no opportunity and all uncertainty is irreducible — a joyless world. Boredom is simply the product of explorative behavior; emptying a world of its epistemic value — a barren world in which all epistemic affordance has been exhausted through information seeking, free energy minimizing action."
"I agree this is one of life’s great joys, though maybe me and Karl Friston are not a 100% typical subset of humanity here. Also, I have trouble figuring out how to conceptualize other human drives like sex as this same kind complexity-reduction joy."
Because something like- the possibility of different sex partners wit different types of experience and determining which is comparatively the most satisfying- is a representation of "uncertainty" reduction better then having sex with the same partner or not being able to have sex.
It's more complex, but fulfilling intimate relationships could also meet this criteria provided they don't stagnate. This could actually be a model for successful relationships- a relationship that maximizes "exploration" but with minimu risk of sustained uncertainty.
When you think about this deeply, it actually describes a meaningful theory of what human satisfaction looks like that corresponds to psychological observations.
The uncertainty reduction is still filtered through homeostatic mechanisms that are guided by evolution but the need for reprodcution.
It's especially fascinating to unify this with the CSHW model.
I feel like we're at a point with understanding of the brain where physics was as the principia arrived. We finally have unified models to make sense of, and intepret, all the data that has accumulated, and we can start to unify these theories like the different areas of physics were unified in the 18th through 20th centuries.
DARPA is doing the "engineering part" and we are approaching breakthroughs in the analagous "physics" part.
submitted by Galteeth to slatestarcodex [link] [comments]

Apologies to the Bereaved Friends and Family of John Zachary

There were some inaccuracies of my account of John Zachary's plane crash in a comment I made about the RNA world at creation. Of all things someone contacted me about it! I apologize for mischaracterizing the crash and perhaps casting issues on my old flying schoolmate John's decision making.
I wrote:
Big decisions are sometimes made on very low probability events, like say the probability of getting in a fatal car accident when the roads are slick. Suppose someone concludes he has a 1% chance of dying if he went out and drove somewhere for some non-urgent matter. I know I was faced with comparable decisions on whether to take a joy ride in an airplane given the weather or other flying considerations.
After an acquaintance in my flight school was killed, it changed the way I did business with low probability events. Here is the sad account of my acquaintance. The last time I spoke to him was on the radio. We were flying around the airport together one night. He overheard me announcing my position as I approach for a night landing. We chatted for less than 30 seconds on the airport frequency at Shenandoah airport, and somehow it slipped out of my mouth that had to lady passengers whom I was taking sight seeing. After we figured out where each of us were around the airfield at night he said, "I have a visual." I laughed.
This was the sad news a few months later: http://www.whsv.com/news/headlines/85096.html
There were Epistemic issues involved in John Zachary and Michael Lease's death, namely the uncertainties about aircraft performance given the hot weather conditions. Word got to me that my fellow flying student Andrew R. came along for the ride with , but decided to step out of the plane after it landed, because he felt it could not safely take off again. Andrew R. survived. He weighed the epistemic values and potential rewards and payoffs. He erred on the side of caution. I'm told he had to suffer the sad sight of seeing his two friends burn to death.
Because the comment is now archived, I can't go back and add a correction.
I got my account of the story like 2nd or 3rd hand after I went flying with some acquaintences maybe a year or two or three after the accident at one of my old flight schools where John Zachary was also a student.
So I was living with an inaccurate account of the events that transpired for about a decade and telling the story that way. I'm very sorry to John's friends and family for mischaracterizing what transpired on that tragic day for all these years.
Someone saw me on reddit and wanted to get more details since he was a friend of the Zacharys and the event also haunted him for a long time. It turns out I did have some missing and accurate details, but some inaccurate details as well. Further research on my part got more of an official story especially regarding my acquaintance Andrew R who is in the following article identified publicly as Andrew Rozier-Smolen.
All the men were already pilots. They're best friends and take trips like this all the time. Only, this time, one man survived because he stayed behind.
"The place we were was absolutely gorgeous and I wanted to stay, unfortunately Mike had to go to work and Jon offered to take him back-when he did he said hey Andrew, stay on the ground and I'll be back," Andrew Rozier-Smolen says.
That's the last time Andrew saw his best friend.
"We all watched it. The flames were 25 feet high-there was nothing we could do," Rozier-Smolen says.
Andrew and Jon sang in an acapella group together...they met Mike in flight school.
"Mike was just a super guy himself totally enthusiastic about flying. Every time I saw him he was like lets go fly, lets go fly," Rozier-Smolen says.
Jon was the most experienced pilot of the group, he'd logged almost 600 hours.
"He's probably one of the finest students I've ever had he was just a natural he just picked it up I didn't even have to ask him to go study-he'd come in already studied and perhaps know more than I did," Christopher Russell says.
That's why Chris Russell doesn't think it was pilot error.
"I had flown with him, I knew him, he's not the type to make a careless mistake-he knew what he was doing," Russell says.
"There's just a wave of shock that runs through after-it hits home if it's someone you know. I'll remember his smile most of all he had the cutest little smile-his eyes would crinkle up," Dena Stickley says.
"I'm personally still in shock and I have memories now that are going to be with me for a long, long time and try to remember those last few hours I had with those 2 guys is going to help me get through it," Rozier-Smolen says.
Andrew says he will go up in the air again. He's just going to take a few weeks off.
Man, I remember Andrew at Intervarsity Christian Fellowship. We were so happy and care-free those days. God bless him wherever he is. I'm told John Zachary became a Christian a few weeks before he passed away. That event contributed to my involvement in the creation/evolution controversy as it put a perspective on what really counts in life.
submitted by stcordova to CreationEvolution [link] [comments]

Why the Video-Game Culture Wars Won’t Die- By Jesse Singal

The video-game culture wars seem to be flaring up a bit. Wednesday, Heat Street ran not one but two articles on a favorite bugaboo of “real” gamers everywhere: artsy, story-focused games which offer scant interactivity and demand little to no skill on the part of the player. They’re more like films than games, goes the usual critique, and games are supposed to be games. Worse, these games often tackle themes like race, class, identity, and so forth, inevitably offering up some sort of progressive message — they’re political, which is just about the worst and most annoying thing a video game can be.
While Hicks and Cheong are making different arguments, both are trying to defend the same basic ideas: that titles like Virginia aren’t games in the same way “real” games (read: Gears of War) are; that the only reason people are into them is because the corrupt SJW media relentlessly shoves them down readers’ throats; and that the indie game scene has gotten politicized in an oppressive, SJWs-only way
Video games are similarly massive, and yet they have this small, angry, tireless core of obsessive purists who seem to feel personally attacked, in this weirdly emotional way, when developers and critics do new things with the medium, or talk about it in ways that they find unfamiliar or discomfiting. The VGCWs seem incapable of saying “I guess I’m not into that” and moving on, even despite the fact that a massive chunk of the gargantuan gaming industry still caters to them and their interests.
This is unhealthy! If I spent any time getting upset about the fact that a lot of people like college football more than pro football, I would quickly become insufferable. This is what VGCWs do, over and over and over — they just can’t accept the fact that people are into stuff they themselves don’t like. It can never just be a matter of taste; it always has to be a 150-decibel series of thundering orations about Ethics and the Gamer Identity and Corruption and other concepts that either don’t apply at all, or which are appropriated in a brazenly opportunistic matter.
Optional Discussion Questions
What is your opinion on this article?
This article is too long for me to ask a question about every single point Singal makes, just some of them, so highlight other parts you agreed with or disagreed with and explain why.
Why won't the video-game culture wars die?
What is your opinion on the two Heat Street articles linked in the beginning? Did Singal accurately describe their basic ideas?
Do you approve or disapprove of Singal calling this group of people video-game culture warriors, or VGCWs? Should this terminology become more popular? Will you start typing "VGCWs" from now on?
Is it true that most gamers really don’t give a crap about this culture war?
Is it true that games dealing with “meaningful” themes do sometimes get graded on a curve, but this isn’t unique to games journalism?
Does the fact that some reviewers disagreed with [Singal] mean games-writing has been infiltrated by SJWs trying to push some political agenda?
How many people think the fact that some reviewers disagreed with them means games-writing has been infiltrated by SJWs trying to push some political agenda?
Is it true that even if artsy games do sometimes get graded on a curve, that still doesn’t excuse the annoying VGCW tendency to lump them together in one monolithic category, ignoring massive gradations in quality and critical response?
Does Singal accurately describe what the Hicksian/Cheongian world think Singal thought when playing gone home, and is it insulting?
In the Hicksian/Cheongian world, none of this intellectual activity and debate is going on. Instead, I fell in love with Gone Home as soon as I realized there was a lesbian in it, because I was just so damn eager to performatively support lesbians, or something. This is stupid and insulting. Fragments of Him had a gay relationship at its center, and I disliked it because it wasn’t a good game and wasn’t a good story.
Is it true that The VGCW worldview relies on a weird false-consciousness argument that ignores the evidence that there is a market for smart story-focused indie games?
How would you answer the questions in this paragraph?
Cheong seems concerned about a hypothetical consumer who reads positive reviews for Virginia, ignores everything in those reviews describing what the game actually is, buys the game based on the fragment of the reviews he read, gets outraged to find out a game marketed as a weird Lynchian thriller is a weird Lynchian thriller, and then demands a refund. Is this a scenario worth losing much sleep over? For what it’s worth, the only Google News result for “refunds Virginia game” is … Cheong’s own article. Where are these grifted gamers Cheong is expressing such tender concern for? On the other hand, there are oodles of articles covering the countless refund requests for No Man’s Sky, a massively hyped AAA with no progressive politics that is the polar opposite of a walking simulator.
Is it true that VGCWs ignore the fact that long before adult indies were even a thing, the gaming press was relentlessly hyping mainstream games too?
Is it true that VGCWs and their favored media outlets endlessly promote the dumb myth that anyone who criticizes a social-justice-y game immediately gets branded a bigot?
Does this paragraph accurately describe what is going on with VGCWs?
What’s going on with VGCWs is a version of epistemic closure: If you take what they say online at face value, it appears that many of them sincerely believe they are trapped in a 1984-esque dystopia in which crack SJW squadrons are ever-poised to swoop down and tattoo RACIST on their foreheads if they refuse to call Virginia a stunning and brave work of intersectional justice-art — and no amount of evidence is going to jolt them out of that imaginary reality. It must feel pretty oppressive.
Is it true that more broadly, the level of entitlement and petulance of the VGCWs is annoying?
How would you answer the questions in these paragraphs:
The straw men continue to pile up: Who thinks “games are exactly art”? What does that even mean? Who is arguing that it is useful to judge the original Super Mario Bros. on its literary/artistic merits in exactly the same ways one might judge Firewatch? Again: This is an entirely different reality from the one most of us inhabit.
But even setting that aside, in a low-key way, this is a pretty crazy statement! Hicks is stating, as a fact, that “the game part come[s] first,” that “the game itself is not” art. But … why? Who says? If someone claimed that in film, “the romance comes first,” full stop, or “the action sequences come first,” full stop, you’d roll your eyes and find someone else to talk to. But because there’s still this lingering uncertainty over what games “are” — and, more important, because a group of people are angry that games are more things than they used to be — those of us who like and write and think about video games are forced to argue against positions that are, on their face, really dumb.
Is it true that VGCWs have a fragile, frequently emotionally fraught relationship with their hobby that makes rational conversations difficult?
Is Singal correct that it is unhealthy that the VGCWs seem incapable of saying “I guess I’m not into that” and moving on, even despite the fact that a massive chunk of the gargantuan gaming industry still caters to them and their interests?
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types of uncertainty epistemic video

Types of Epistemic Uncertainty • Completeness –Recognized (“known unknowns”) –Unrecognized (“unknown unknowns”) • Model –Competing models –Difference between predictions and “reality” • Parameter –Conditioned on model –Estimated (“quantified”) based on available evidence 18 Epistemic Uncertainty: Types for multiple types of epistemic uncertainties is proposed based on the cubic normal distribution method. The cubic normal distribution method has been applied to the probabilistic uncertainty We distinguish three qualitatively different types of uncertainty—ethical, option and state space uncertainty—that are distinct from state uncertainty, the empirical uncertainty that is typically measured by a probability function on states of the world. Ethical uncertainty arises if the agent cannot assign precise utilities to consequences. Types of Uncertainty. Jun. Follow. Sep 10 · 4 min read. There are two major types of uncertainty we can model in Bayesian modeling, which are aleatoric uncertainty and epistemic uncertainty. In ... Types of uncertainty. There are two major different types of uncertainty in deep learning: epistemic uncertainty and aleatoric uncertainty. Both terms do not roll off the tongue easily. Epistemic uncertainty describes what the model does not know because training data was not appropriate. Epistemic uncertainty is due to limited data and knowledge. Given enough training samples, epistemic ... The three types of uncertainty are: Aleatoric Uncertainty: The uncertainty of quantifiable probabilities. Epistemic Uncertainty: The uncertainty of knowledge. Knightian Uncertainty: The uncertainty of nonquantifiable risk. Investors, traders, and poker players work with all three forms of uncertainty on a routine basis. Managing uncertainty in its three main forms — and converting it to certainty when possible — is at the heart of making money, or winning votes. Epistemic uncertainty is the scientific uncertainty in the model of the process. It is due to limited data and knowledge. The epistemic uncertainty is characterized by alternative models. For discrete random variables, the epistemic uncertainty is modelled by alternative probability distributions. Epistemic uncertainty is intimately linked to the relationship between theory, evidence, and knowledge. The relationships among observed, observable, and unobservable realities express uncertainties that can be characterized as a lack of knowledge about what is known (unknown knowns), what is known to be unknown (known unknowns), and not knowing what is unknown (unknown unknowns). Intimately linked with this classification of uncertainty is the psychological taxonomy that categorizes ... Uncertainty is categorized into two types: epistemic (also known as systematic or reducible uncertainty) and aleatory (also known as statistical or irreducible uncertainty). Epistemic Uncertainty derives its name from the Greek word “επιστήμη” (episteme) which can be roughly translated as knowledge. The type of uncertainty resulting from lack of knowledge is known as epistemic uncertainty, knowledge uncertainty, subjective uncertainty, or type B uncertainty. NCRP (2005) emphasized that epistemic uncertainties dominate safety assessments, to the extent that aleatory uncertainties may be considered to be entirely subsumed by them.

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